Friday, March 22, 2013

My Dream Just Came True

My secret dream that I don't ever talk about or think about any more, because it has been so long since I ever dreamed it, just came true.

It was so subtle, that I had no clue that I was being set up today for a dream to just make me go WOW like that.

Today was ordinary-I went to work, I had lunch with a friend, I planned to go to the school play tonight. Boring, single-mom adventures, not the kind that fuel the passion in the heart. It would be like I was expecting bread and butter, and somehow I got served creme brulee.

When today got a little um, 'Spiritual intervention' on my radar is when I left lunch, and had declined tonight's event due to the play. Not more than five minutes later, I got  a call from the school. The lead was sick with fever and couldn't sing. I decided to go to the event.

If you knew how much meltdown I got after picking up at school when they found out we were doing 'what I want' instead of 'just going home like normal'. I almost titled this 'The Bribe' because in single-parenting there is only so much you can do to force someone almost your size to agree to do something.

I ended up forcing hypoglycemic kid to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken, which I knew was a favorite and would get them out of the crying jag. After a few bites, the mood softened, but there was much resistance still about Raw Vegan for Super Busy People lecture.

What I watched as the kid ate made me want to get sick. Ripping and eating the chicken and shoving fingers all the way into the mouth up to the knuckles, like a starving person. Four pieces of chicken, mashed potato and gravy and biscuit. And coke.  I wanted to go to that lecture so bad, I took it, without making a comment. I ate my coleslaw and water instead. And I got what I wanted. Sometimes in order to take a yoga class on 'my weekend' , and get them to come along I have to promise Disneyland immediately after. I need it. I want it. I do what it takes to get it. It is 'tricking' the child into something that is 'good for them': practicing yoga, going to a raw vegan food lecture with me.

Once at the lecture, everything was fine. As a matter of fact, there were two questions I had asked Spirit recently, and I was shown answers to them both, in a very positive way.

Again, Spirit is subtle, very subtle, in how they assist.

As I was watching the couple of speakers talk, again, it began with the typical 'rag on doctors' beginning of the talk. I winced. My son wanted to speak up, I shushed him and said it goes with the territory. Myself,  I kept an open mind and an open heart. Once the technical information began, I took it all in, cross-checking the data against my 'fund of knowledge' as an M.D.

I also was very pleased I chose to place those two letters after my name on the sign in sheet. Apparently the two 'doctors' who 'explain how it all works' at the culinary school are chiropractors. They don't give drugs day in and day out like myself who practices physiology-lab real time every day in the O.R. They explain the 'car' (the human body) and how it works and how that is a big deal. Anesthesiologists drive it!

It began to dawn on me that I was seeing a game-changer in the field of culinary art.

And the next 'Spiritual coincidence' was that the speaker was from a town that my first-husband's family always vacationed. They used to brag about a Skunk Train and show me pictures. I went near there to camp in a redwood forest once. It was a place called Richardson Grove. I had a lot of happiness and good energy there. I recall floating on my stomach on a pool inflatable raft all the way down a creek and it was magical.

It was the part about the first husband that made it click: after my pituitary surgery I was at a crisis and I saw two paths before me to choose to take. One was the path I am on.

The other was to run to three blocks away to Chez Panisse, knock on the door, and beg Alice Waters to take me under her tutelage. I would have scrubbed toilets just to get a chance to learn her art! I had been there twice, and loved everything about it and the open kitchen. It was the best of the best of the best. She 'created' a movement in food, and helped better the lives of many, including myself.  It was my secret dream I never in a million years thought would happen. It was the wish I made with my heart and kept locked inside.

Tonight I had my cake and ate it too. As Reiki Doc, watching a cooking demonstration on Living Foods. Cherie was amazing to see. I felt like Spirit was saying, this is not an accident why you are here tonight. Your wish was heard, so many many years ago, and now it is answered.

I might not go to culinary school, or ever take one of her classes. But I see the movement she has started, and have access to one who has been trained by her. Tonight I made the connection. I understand. And I am smiling because my heart's dream was not forgotten.

The Raw Vegan Food for Dummies autographed copy is enough. It will point me in the right direction. <3 Thank you Spirit for this day. I appreciate it more than words can say.


Reiki Doc

P.S. My boy and I had a fifty cent bet on whether she would say 'Namaste' at the end. She made the gassho but didn't say the word. Now we owe each other twenty five cents!