Wednesday, April 24, 2024

It Is Good To Bond


The Hegelian Dialect is the formula of Problem, Reaction, Solution. Use of this principle has vast implications on the future of humankind.

This baby, and the parents, are bonding. 

There are neurochemicals which are generated which make the family strong and tight, and the father protective of the mother and child. This is for survival of the species. We are talking about oxytocin, vasopressin, especially for bonding. Men bond more through vasopressin--brothers in battle in war, men playing sports together, teams facing challenging problems and forging solutions--men have more vasopressin receptors and this creates bonding for them. For women, there are more receptors for oxytocin which creates strong loving feelings for her infant. Both neurotransmitters are released with breastfeeding her infant. 

Another important neuro chemical is dopamine--something new and exciting will cause a rush of this through the brain. It is important in addiction. Even scrolling on the phone screen causes a dopamine release. 

When everything is working correctly, and the family is loving, kind, and securely attached--the child grows up balanced and healthy. 

I have been studying and working through insecure attachment styles--anxious, disorganized, and avoidant. There is a lot of information available now for free online. The more I study, the more pervasive it appears to affect us. Divorce rates are high. Dating is a total nightmare--so many players out there. Especially now that people are meeting through services online. And that men are charged way more to get their matches than women on some platforms, I think perhaps Hinge but I could be wrong. 

From what I understand, many relationships with unhealed attachment styles are doomed. Especially because something that feels 'familiar' from a dysfunctional family upbringing leads to attraction. Toxic begets toxic, so to speak. 

Furthermore, pornography, substance abuse, infidelity/sexual promiscuity keep the dopamine surges rolling--even sports and entertainment and music cause it. Pleasure, hedonism, not that it is bad but it can make people deficient in the vasopressin and oxytocin and not able to form healthy relationships.

Our society is set up to make families fail. 

People who 'build' our world as we know it, are being led by a spiritual darkness which is at total war against all that is right and just.  They poison the land, they poison our bodies, and furthermore they are waging war on our hearts, minds and souls...

What is there to do?

There are ways to heal. You can hire coaches and work through things, assuming accountability for them. But even this costs money. And time.

There have been people who have turned their life around. I have seen a woman who had a terrible addiction to cocaine who had healed from doing Buddhist chanting every day. Others have gone the Christian route, being 'saved' and accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. You see, when we turn to the Light of Heaven, and truly connect, we form a new, healthy (in most cases, religious trauma being the exception) attachment. Through daily practice we re-wire our brain neurotransmitter circuits. Just like with secure and insecure attachments, the insecure in healthy relationships become secure. 

There is nothing healthier for us than Source, Divine Creator, Divine Mother and Divine Father. 

Life on Earth is not easy. There are too many traumas to count we must endure. Everything leaves scars.

Remember what Pastor Schuller from the Crystal Cathedral once said, 'Turn your Scars into Stars!'

Have hope.

Keep going. You've got this.


This is another reason why people also love their pets. There is attachment and bonding through unconditional love. 

Remember to set aside uninterrupted time in your day, even for a few minutes, and seek Unconditional Love from Source. Let your guides and angels and deceased loved ones strengthen you. Allow yourself to relax and just exist.


Receive all that is good, all that is healing, and all that is your Divine Birthright as a child of Creator.


Or as Carla says, 'you are Love that walks around on two feet!' (or assisted devices as Carla once needed when she hurt her knee and could not walk...)

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Duo

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Working Out



How many of you are preparing yourselves for the afterlife?

Earth is a difficult school, that is well understood. The basic necessities of life often overwhelm us to the point of struggling for survival in the physical world! 

This is not to pile on guilt.

This is to re-focus and re-frame the fact that we are spiritual beings having an experience here in our bodies on earth. The question is, are you ready? Are you ready to make the Transition, if and when that time arrives? 

Furthermore, are you ready to take responsibility and accountability for your choices while you were incarnate?

These are very good questions!

This is the kind of self-talk we benefit from having with ourselves. 

Another way is to ask yourself how you are feeling? What dreams and hopes do you wish to achieve? What personality traits which are weaker would you like to strengthen up in the meantime?

If you are like me, you have avoided your feelings for long overdue! I learned early on as a survival tactic to just shut the heck up and keep things to myself. Now though, it isn't helping me. So I take a few moments to listen to my feelings, and process them.

As you know, I have been surfing the waves of experiences life has been throwing at me. Yes, everything is Love. Yes, nothing we experience here is Real because Only Love Is Real. Yes. But in a way, learning how you adapt to this very unReal environment and training yourself to be and see only Love is super helpful to your spirit in the long run. 

Sometimes my lessons make me cry.

As in numb, totally unable to function, and crying in a daze on the sofa. Why? Because my deepest pain of rejection was being experienced enough to set off the deep hidden pain within. And by giving myself time to process it, I felt much lighter and more confident and capable in the process. 

I did not expect the lesson to offer me such long-lasting and healing gifts while I was going through it! It hurt like crazy and it was tearing away what I had thought was my 'comfort zone' and 'normal' but really something that felt 'normal' since I have been that way since I was a kid. 

No one is spared pain of growing up. There is always something, somewhere. I know of someone who was very well-to-do growing up who did not learn to apply himself. Now he lives a much simpler life. 

The sun is going to set on all of our life experiences of this incarnation. 

No one escapes.

Since this is true, then, what type of sunset are you going to create when you leave your body and ride off into the sunset? I hope is it a beautiful, breathtaking one for all to admire and appreciate!

Yes, life continues.

That life we know better than this one here. And this one here is very short, a special gift, so enjoy it. Make the most of your time to store up the kind of benefits and qualities you truly CAN take with you.

That is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Angel Report: S and G 2.0


Ferris Buehller once advised, 'life goes by pretty fast. Sometimes you need to stop and take a look around.'

I looked around at the current state of relationships. And I think in our society, a new low was reached. People were wondering online about the sex life of the newly-married congenitally joined twins.  It went on for days, there were memes. To put a stop to it the bride of the twins told the answer on X what happened to the other sister when she was 'with her husband'. (These twins share reproductive parts). 

It looks like nobody is in it for the long haul any more. 

Brittany Vasseur, a beautiful, helpful YouTuber has lost everything to her husband, who is leaving under non-friendly conditions. Brittany did not know the laws. By having her husband help work with her on the channel, he was entitled to it.  She is starting over, and wondering if she should fight a legal battle for her rights, which will cost even more money.

I think of two very dear friends who found partners later in life, and are now single. 

If you watch online you will see a plethora of help about narcissistic personalities and how to survive their abuse.

Many women my age--some I work with--are leaving men who are drunks, or just plain selfish. They are thrilled to have their freedom and be alone.

The war being waged against the Divine Feminine is harsh and brutal. The Divine Feminine appears to be diminished to terms like 'my kid's mom' or  'baby mama'. I am even one of those, and was once told I was nothing more than an incubator. Yes, by the father and grandmother of my son!

I had wanted to heal my attachment wounds. My mother was not a good person for attachment, and it left me disorganized (afraid of my caregiver). The men I have been with were all abused and took it out on me because I was nice. 

My close friendship with someone I once knew in college and reconnected, over the past three years, taught me so much. I was blind to the stonewalling, gaslighting, lying, dismissal, and neglect of my most basic needs in friendship. Suddenly now I can see the pattern. Furthermore, like my second husband, this person is walking around acting like 'everything is cool' after having survived horrible abuse. 'I healed' my second husband had said when I asked him before marriage. But in our marriage a total monster came out and tormented me. 

As I was exploring how to attract my college friend--online resources for 'Scorpio Men'--this was all on my own he had no interest in me other than a good friend--it was shocking. Absolutely shocking the things women are expected to do in the bedroom in order to keep their men! No longer is it enough to enjoy pleasure openly! They need to study lines and say them in certain ways to encourage the men to penetrate them in every possible way! Lessons on how to be like a porno dialogue!

I do not think this was in the Divine Plan by Creator.

When S and G was at its worst grown men could not walk freely at night because crowds were out in the streets wanting to rape them. People would yell up to the houses to let the guest out so they could have sex with them. The host said, 'I will offer you my daughter but not my guest' and they persisted in wanting the guest!

The weapons that are being used against us are working--mind control, pornography, Fear of Missing Out, I know what it is but I won't say it (sex symbols in the public eye are not what they may seem, is that fair?), the unwillingness to support a family, the lying, the cheating which is rampant, the emotional affairs--these weapons and battle plan are being carried out with precision and nobody seems to care!

I am grateful to be able to learn, grow, and see patterns in these difficult times.

Have patience! Have hope! Have gratitude if you are with a rare pairing with a good partner and friend. 

So many are destined now to die alone!

It is tragic.

Stay close to Creator.

There is no time better than now to get things right with the Lord.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twin Flames


Ross:  Carla was lonely. She asked me for someone to talk about her day and theirs. And so I sent it. In the beginning when Carla's old college roommate's boyfriend showed an interest in reconnecting with Carla, she wanted to go to Toronto and give everything up and take care of him. Divine Father sternly told Carla 'no!' which Carla of certainly obeyed. 

The last time Divine Father said such a 'no!' was when Carla wanted to give everything up and become a nun, out of frustration in not being able to find a partner and friend. Later Carla became a single mother, which would not have been possible in the convent, and also Carla learned about Sister Charlotte and what goes on under the guise of the 'church'. 

Now Carla understands that the reason her roommate turned 'mean' or 'sour' and got involved in the cult, C 'Summit' was because the boyfriend was stonewalling, gaslighting, lying, and dismissing her needs. 

The pattern is complete! The lesson is learned.

And Carla, in her wisdom, recognized the need to close her heart yet not throw out the friendship of over forty years. 

This is one step closer to healing from the wounds of her early upbringing.

And many steps bringing us closer together to this time.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Reassurance from Divine Creator


The night before Easter I was troubled. 

I needed to bring something up with Divine Creator--Heavenly Father--for a long time. So I took the opportunity to go to His Office and share what was weighing heavily upon my heart.

I don't like that Jesus shed blood. 

I don't like how blood is Spiritual Currency.

I don't know where that came from, and why it is in the Bible in the first place. 

I am sad when creatures lose blood. 

And furthermore, there are people who worship bloodletting practices, and get addicted to the excitement or it. 

Going back, at mass the other day, they talked during the reading of the passion of Christ, how the leaders of the church back in the time of the crucifixion, went through the people and spurred them to chant for the release of the prisoner, the murderer Barrabas, instead of Jesus. 

Those bloodlines still go behind the scenes and influence the masses to this day! Nothing has changed.

So I went to Heavenly Father, and said, 'I do not understand about the blood. I do not like blood. Not in any form (except perhaps a transfusion I can give to save a dying patient in the O.R.).  There is too much going on with blood that is not good. How do I know the crucifixion was not a blood sacrifice for them? How could you want that? How can you ever turn it for good?'

And I gave up.

I was very, very anguished, and did not know what to believe.

Everything has been told to me, what to believe, and how can I tell if it is a lie or a truth?

It felt good to let that go.

And Divine Father took our his blanket, and covered me with it. I was able to let go of the fear and confusion, and drift off to sleep.

Just like the Mantle of the Divine Mother, which is incredibly healing and comforting, Divine Father has something like that too. 

Be sure to offer your deepest concerns up to Creator. And it is okay to request the blanket.

That is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple who are Twins