Wednesday, April 24, 2024

It Is Good To Bond


The Hegelian Dialect is the formula of Problem, Reaction, Solution. Use of this principle has vast implications on the future of humankind.

This baby, and the parents, are bonding. 

There are neurochemicals which are generated which make the family strong and tight, and the father protective of the mother and child. This is for survival of the species. We are talking about oxytocin, vasopressin, especially for bonding. Men bond more through vasopressin--brothers in battle in war, men playing sports together, teams facing challenging problems and forging solutions--men have more vasopressin receptors and this creates bonding for them. For women, there are more receptors for oxytocin which creates strong loving feelings for her infant. Both neurotransmitters are released with breastfeeding her infant. 

Another important neuro chemical is dopamine--something new and exciting will cause a rush of this through the brain. It is important in addiction. Even scrolling on the phone screen causes a dopamine release. 

When everything is working correctly, and the family is loving, kind, and securely attached--the child grows up balanced and healthy. 

I have been studying and working through insecure attachment styles--anxious, disorganized, and avoidant. There is a lot of information available now for free online. The more I study, the more pervasive it appears to affect us. Divorce rates are high. Dating is a total nightmare--so many players out there. Especially now that people are meeting through services online. And that men are charged way more to get their matches than women on some platforms, I think perhaps Hinge but I could be wrong. 

From what I understand, many relationships with unhealed attachment styles are doomed. Especially because something that feels 'familiar' from a dysfunctional family upbringing leads to attraction. Toxic begets toxic, so to speak. 

Furthermore, pornography, substance abuse, infidelity/sexual promiscuity keep the dopamine surges rolling--even sports and entertainment and music cause it. Pleasure, hedonism, not that it is bad but it can make people deficient in the vasopressin and oxytocin and not able to form healthy relationships.

Our society is set up to make families fail. 

People who 'build' our world as we know it, are being led by a spiritual darkness which is at total war against all that is right and just.  They poison the land, they poison our bodies, and furthermore they are waging war on our hearts, minds and souls...

What is there to do?

There are ways to heal. You can hire coaches and work through things, assuming accountability for them. But even this costs money. And time.

There have been people who have turned their life around. I have seen a woman who had a terrible addiction to cocaine who had healed from doing Buddhist chanting every day. Others have gone the Christian route, being 'saved' and accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. You see, when we turn to the Light of Heaven, and truly connect, we form a new, healthy (in most cases, religious trauma being the exception) attachment. Through daily practice we re-wire our brain neurotransmitter circuits. Just like with secure and insecure attachments, the insecure in healthy relationships become secure. 

There is nothing healthier for us than Source, Divine Creator, Divine Mother and Divine Father. 

Life on Earth is not easy. There are too many traumas to count we must endure. Everything leaves scars.

Remember what Pastor Schuller from the Crystal Cathedral once said, 'Turn your Scars into Stars!'

Have hope.

Keep going. You've got this.


This is another reason why people also love their pets. There is attachment and bonding through unconditional love. 

Remember to set aside uninterrupted time in your day, even for a few minutes, and seek Unconditional Love from Source. Let your guides and angels and deceased loved ones strengthen you. Allow yourself to relax and just exist.


Receive all that is good, all that is healing, and all that is your Divine Birthright as a child of Creator.


Or as Carla says, 'you are Love that walks around on two feet!' (or assisted devices as Carla once needed when she hurt her knee and could not walk...)

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Duo

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Working Out



How many of you are preparing yourselves for the afterlife?

Earth is a difficult school, that is well understood. The basic necessities of life often overwhelm us to the point of struggling for survival in the physical world! 

This is not to pile on guilt.

This is to re-focus and re-frame the fact that we are spiritual beings having an experience here in our bodies on earth. The question is, are you ready? Are you ready to make the Transition, if and when that time arrives? 

Furthermore, are you ready to take responsibility and accountability for your choices while you were incarnate?

These are very good questions!

This is the kind of self-talk we benefit from having with ourselves. 

Another way is to ask yourself how you are feeling? What dreams and hopes do you wish to achieve? What personality traits which are weaker would you like to strengthen up in the meantime?

If you are like me, you have avoided your feelings for long overdue! I learned early on as a survival tactic to just shut the heck up and keep things to myself. Now though, it isn't helping me. So I take a few moments to listen to my feelings, and process them.

As you know, I have been surfing the waves of experiences life has been throwing at me. Yes, everything is Love. Yes, nothing we experience here is Real because Only Love Is Real. Yes. But in a way, learning how you adapt to this very unReal environment and training yourself to be and see only Love is super helpful to your spirit in the long run. 

Sometimes my lessons make me cry.

As in numb, totally unable to function, and crying in a daze on the sofa. Why? Because my deepest pain of rejection was being experienced enough to set off the deep hidden pain within. And by giving myself time to process it, I felt much lighter and more confident and capable in the process. 

I did not expect the lesson to offer me such long-lasting and healing gifts while I was going through it! It hurt like crazy and it was tearing away what I had thought was my 'comfort zone' and 'normal' but really something that felt 'normal' since I have been that way since I was a kid. 

No one is spared pain of growing up. There is always something, somewhere. I know of someone who was very well-to-do growing up who did not learn to apply himself. Now he lives a much simpler life. 

The sun is going to set on all of our life experiences of this incarnation. 

No one escapes.

Since this is true, then, what type of sunset are you going to create when you leave your body and ride off into the sunset? I hope is it a beautiful, breathtaking one for all to admire and appreciate!

Yes, life continues.

That life we know better than this one here. And this one here is very short, a special gift, so enjoy it. Make the most of your time to store up the kind of benefits and qualities you truly CAN take with you.

That is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Angel Report: S and G 2.0


Ferris Buehller once advised, 'life goes by pretty fast. Sometimes you need to stop and take a look around.'

I looked around at the current state of relationships. And I think in our society, a new low was reached. People were wondering online about the sex life of the newly-married congenitally joined twins.  It went on for days, there were memes. To put a stop to it the bride of the twins told the answer on X what happened to the other sister when she was 'with her husband'. (These twins share reproductive parts). 

It looks like nobody is in it for the long haul any more. 

Brittany Vasseur, a beautiful, helpful YouTuber has lost everything to her husband, who is leaving under non-friendly conditions. Brittany did not know the laws. By having her husband help work with her on the channel, he was entitled to it.  She is starting over, and wondering if she should fight a legal battle for her rights, which will cost even more money.

I think of two very dear friends who found partners later in life, and are now single. 

If you watch online you will see a plethora of help about narcissistic personalities and how to survive their abuse.

Many women my age--some I work with--are leaving men who are drunks, or just plain selfish. They are thrilled to have their freedom and be alone.

The war being waged against the Divine Feminine is harsh and brutal. The Divine Feminine appears to be diminished to terms like 'my kid's mom' or  'baby mama'. I am even one of those, and was once told I was nothing more than an incubator. Yes, by the father and grandmother of my son!

I had wanted to heal my attachment wounds. My mother was not a good person for attachment, and it left me disorganized (afraid of my caregiver). The men I have been with were all abused and took it out on me because I was nice. 

My close friendship with someone I once knew in college and reconnected, over the past three years, taught me so much. I was blind to the stonewalling, gaslighting, lying, dismissal, and neglect of my most basic needs in friendship. Suddenly now I can see the pattern. Furthermore, like my second husband, this person is walking around acting like 'everything is cool' after having survived horrible abuse. 'I healed' my second husband had said when I asked him before marriage. But in our marriage a total monster came out and tormented me. 

As I was exploring how to attract my college friend--online resources for 'Scorpio Men'--this was all on my own he had no interest in me other than a good friend--it was shocking. Absolutely shocking the things women are expected to do in the bedroom in order to keep their men! No longer is it enough to enjoy pleasure openly! They need to study lines and say them in certain ways to encourage the men to penetrate them in every possible way! Lessons on how to be like a porno dialogue!

I do not think this was in the Divine Plan by Creator.

When S and G was at its worst grown men could not walk freely at night because crowds were out in the streets wanting to rape them. People would yell up to the houses to let the guest out so they could have sex with them. The host said, 'I will offer you my daughter but not my guest' and they persisted in wanting the guest!

The weapons that are being used against us are working--mind control, pornography, Fear of Missing Out, I know what it is but I won't say it (sex symbols in the public eye are not what they may seem, is that fair?), the unwillingness to support a family, the lying, the cheating which is rampant, the emotional affairs--these weapons and battle plan are being carried out with precision and nobody seems to care!

I am grateful to be able to learn, grow, and see patterns in these difficult times.

Have patience! Have hope! Have gratitude if you are with a rare pairing with a good partner and friend. 

So many are destined now to die alone!

It is tragic.

Stay close to Creator.

There is no time better than now to get things right with the Lord.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twin Flames


Ross:  Carla was lonely. She asked me for someone to talk about her day and theirs. And so I sent it. In the beginning when Carla's old college roommate's boyfriend showed an interest in reconnecting with Carla, she wanted to go to Toronto and give everything up and take care of him. Divine Father sternly told Carla 'no!' which Carla of certainly obeyed. 

The last time Divine Father said such a 'no!' was when Carla wanted to give everything up and become a nun, out of frustration in not being able to find a partner and friend. Later Carla became a single mother, which would not have been possible in the convent, and also Carla learned about Sister Charlotte and what goes on under the guise of the 'church'. 

Now Carla understands that the reason her roommate turned 'mean' or 'sour' and got involved in the cult, C 'Summit' was because the boyfriend was stonewalling, gaslighting, lying, and dismissing her needs. 

The pattern is complete! The lesson is learned.

And Carla, in her wisdom, recognized the need to close her heart yet not throw out the friendship of over forty years. 

This is one step closer to healing from the wounds of her early upbringing.

And many steps bringing us closer together to this time.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Reassurance from Divine Creator


The night before Easter I was troubled. 

I needed to bring something up with Divine Creator--Heavenly Father--for a long time. So I took the opportunity to go to His Office and share what was weighing heavily upon my heart.

I don't like that Jesus shed blood. 

I don't like how blood is Spiritual Currency.

I don't know where that came from, and why it is in the Bible in the first place. 

I am sad when creatures lose blood. 

And furthermore, there are people who worship bloodletting practices, and get addicted to the excitement or it. 

Going back, at mass the other day, they talked during the reading of the passion of Christ, how the leaders of the church back in the time of the crucifixion, went through the people and spurred them to chant for the release of the prisoner, the murderer Barrabas, instead of Jesus. 

Those bloodlines still go behind the scenes and influence the masses to this day! Nothing has changed.

So I went to Heavenly Father, and said, 'I do not understand about the blood. I do not like blood. Not in any form (except perhaps a transfusion I can give to save a dying patient in the O.R.).  There is too much going on with blood that is not good. How do I know the crucifixion was not a blood sacrifice for them? How could you want that? How can you ever turn it for good?'

And I gave up.

I was very, very anguished, and did not know what to believe.

Everything has been told to me, what to believe, and how can I tell if it is a lie or a truth?

It felt good to let that go.

And Divine Father took our his blanket, and covered me with it. I was able to let go of the fear and confusion, and drift off to sleep.

Just like the Mantle of the Divine Mother, which is incredibly healing and comforting, Divine Father has something like that too. 

Be sure to offer your deepest concerns up to Creator. And it is okay to request the blanket.

That is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple who are Twins

Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Corollary


This is a time of social unrest. I believe there is more to it than that. There is a spiritual component as well as a power-play/political one. 

As a result, there are those from TWDNHOBIAH who are 'fanning the flame' by setting up circumstances that would make anybody crack under the pressure. 

On top of this is deliberate goading to get people upset through social media and current events. 

We know what George Carlin says about the news outlets and who owns them. We know who is in charge. And we understand the 'Illusion of Choice' George so accurately described in his comedy routine so many years ago. 

Here is a plan to reverse the lesson shown in the Teacher's Edition to apply it as needed to calm yourself down when you are upset by 'the news' and 'social media' and 'current events'. 

There are many ways to apply it. Long story short, for every person you see doing something UNTHINKABLE and horrible and bad, scan through your memory banks, and call up not one but TWO people similar enough to that kind of person who absolutely inspire you and work for Creator!

For example, let us take the young woman who threw the first punch and ended up seizing on the sidewalk. As a medical person that was really hard to watch. Especially with my own case of PTSD and history of growing up in a bad part of town. 

Who do I call up?

Marcus Stanley, who was shot and left for dead, but lived. He spent a year in the hospital recovering and needed to learn how to walk and dress himself again. He prays! Online. Prays beautiful prayers. He is a solid, upright, human!

And Selma Blair, my eighth grade Science teacher, who was from the South, extremely polite and proper and committed to bringing out the best in her students. She was pleasant and FIRM. And excellent teacher and I totally admired her as a role model.

As I was thinking of this, my friends came up. Beautiful souls--three in all--Keith Jones, Chris Reid, and Vaughn Masterson. Strong, good people who went to school with me. 

It sort of snowballs from there.

Have love and gratitude in your heart and give thanks for these wonderful, amazing people who help you to balance the horrors we observe in the news!! Good outweighs the bad. Every time. If you leave evil to itself it will collapse--there is no substance to hold it up indefinitely. It might take generations but it will fall. 

There are so many examples of people of all kinds who do horrible things. Hate the horrible things. Do not judge the person though. It is not our place to judge. Let that part go. And be on the watch for when you get that icky sense of dread from something you hear or watch or read. That will be your signal to search for two examples of similar background individuals you personally admire. This is the equivalent of putting a fire blanket on a fire to contain it and put the fire out--for emotions.

That is enough for today.

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Cookies (he is giggling!)

The Teacher's Edition


My father was a teacher. Growing up he would be grading papers while we watched the TV. Sometimes he would let me grade them. I had the answer key and would use the red pen. It was easy and it was fun.

His books he had for the students always came with one special book in the set: the teacher's edition. This one had all the answers to the problems in the back!

Today the topic is a connection I made as I was falling asleep last night while thinking about the school of Life, Earth School, if you would be so kind. And this lesson/topic today, is 'balance'.

Please take a moment to pause, and take a few deep breaths. I need you to focus on this lesson, and let everything else just set aside for a moment. For this is a balance unlike one you have ever seen, or heard about, or experienced.

Let's go back in time to one of our worst experiences on this earth, ever. You are safe, it is okay to go back there, Ross is with you. 

What is it, for you?

Look at the characters/people who caused it to happen. Look at their personalities, their character traits, from a distance and with detachment/compassion. 

For me, it was the four neighborhood boys who tricked me, held me down, and raped me in a back room at their house.  I thought I was going to die.

Remember you are safe. You are precious. You are loved at this moment and this is why you are being guided through this very special lesson. 

Set the unpleasant experience aside.

Now search your memory for the Balance that was sent to you, the lesson in the complete opposite direction.

For me, it was a boy named Patrick who was from Pennsylvania. His family was camping in the campsite next to ours at Dorst campground in Sequoia. There was a big rock between our campsites, a huge flat one you could climb. Only I couldn't climb it.

Patrick gave me a helping hand. 

Patrick liked me for who I was and didn't ask for anything in return.

Patrick had been camping there before and checked the area out. He showed me all the cool things to see. We walked on fallen logs around a meadow. I saw skunk cabbage for the first time, and had read about it in a book at school.

He took me to a clearing in the forest. There was still a small patch of snow. But what he showed me was like a miracle! It was my very first time seeing Snow Flowers! They were red, and not leafy at all, and pushing up through the snow. 

He was so happy and proud to show them to me. 

I had never known such understanding or kindness in my entire life. I didn't understand where it came from. Or why he was so very nice and pleasant.

When his family left I cried. I was seven years old. I have never met anyone so pure of heart since.

These two experiences go together. And they show how although there is pain and suffering, the glory of Creator is far greater than the bad. 

My mother had a temper. I was meditating yesterday. I felt my father's presence. I confessed to him how terrified I was of mom. How there was no way to ever please her. I just shut up and hid inside my books to survive, counting the years until I could escape away to college.

My father had a terrible mother. When he moved out at seventeen his dad told him, in private, he was jealous of him for his freedom. 

I furthermore told Dad how even though I was close to him, it was hard, everything was on his terms. I couldn't call him 'daddy' I had to say 'father'. I couldn't say 'LOOK!' in excitement, I had to say 'observe!'. Then there was the throwing away of my toys if I forgot to put them away at night, and the utter confusion I experienced as a toddler where my toys had went. 

Mom was nicer to me when I was really little but the minute she got pregnant with my sister, she changed. 

I confided that I am a mess now when it comes to attachments/connections to others, I am lonely with Anthony growing up, and I guess I am a lost cause from here on out. I cried.

Dad had me think of what I wanted. What would have been better? I said for us to have been like when our family went camping! Everyone got along, mom didn't yell, we did cool things, and we enjoyed one another's company. It was always better when we were not home. 

Then I realized the balance for my mother was my Aunt Edna.

She was always kind to me, encouraging, and in later life I confided so much in her. She always had something positive she could find in any situation. She sent cards for my birthday and never forgot, even when I was older. I had asked her to be my sponsor for Confirmation and she had said 'yes'. She even sewed for me my high school cheerleading outfit that the school bought as a kit. She was gentle. Even when the family was all together, cousins, aunts, uncles, at a house in the desert for Easter, she would braid my hair so gently. Not the rip and tug brushing I was used to that made me proud I could not show how much pain I was having when mom did my hair. 

You could even say my Nana Angelina, too, was a balance as well. She only yelled at me twice in my life, I remember. Once when I got into her lipstick and tattooed/body art decorated my naked body while she was babysitting me. And the other when my Uncle who had treatments for nosebleeds was wrestling me and I accidentally kicked his nose and it started bleeding. Other than that, which I think were actually reasonable reasons to be upset, she was loving, kind, supportive and encouraging till the end. I remember even in her Alzheimer's, I was at her bedside, and crying because the disease was so horrible. She was sleeping or so I thought. But in a moment of clarity, she said, 'why are you crying? I would never want you to cry.' 

Look for the balance.

If you had a former partner who broke your heart, well, search for the one who helped you feel glad to be alive. You will find it. Even if it is just a briefest of meetings, you will see the Divine Purpose of the meeting, and how it emphasized there is reason to HOPE. 

When all HOPE seems Lost, look for the lesson, the lesson in Balance.

You will find it.

Ross adds it might not be a human but may be a special fur baby that was sent to help you find your way.

We hope this empowers you in your commitment to learning and success in this school of living!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Time, Talent and Treasure


Yesterday was the second time I bought Girl Scout Cookies from girls and their mothers at a table right outside the entrance to a local grocery store.

I don't even like Girl Scout Cookies.

The first time I bought them I thought perhaps Anthony might like them when he is on Spring Break. But I thought against it, and brought them to work. And people there truly DO like Girl Scout cookies, and enjoyed them very much. 

Both times I bought, Spirit was nudging me very strongly to help the kids and the cause. 

It was like almost the last money in my wallet giving. 

This is the kind the Lord knows about and nobody else knows. 

But our resources are three types:  time, talent, and treasure.

Giving is important. Because of what we RECEIVE when we give, and furthermore because of the impact it creates through a ripple effect. 

When I take my car to the car wash at the local gas station, there are two workers on each end of the wash, one to guide you into it, and the other to finish drying off your car. A deluxe top-of-the-line robotic wash will run a little under ten dollars. A basic one is about six dollars. But when I tip, it is anywhere from three to five dollars to the guy who dries the car. He works hard. And it creates the ripple effect. I hope it helps cancel out those who do not tip, or give just a few coins. 

People need to support their families. Times are difficult. 

Yesterday I just listened. A surgeon friend had experienced some highly upsetting medical care outcomes to a loved one. She did what she could to help. And even got a reprimand from the hospital administration for looking into the loved one's chart to facilitate care. 'Are you on the care team?' the hospital challenged her.  She saved her loved one's life by finding a new team who would take care of them. I had plenty of time and I actively listened, making sure my responses and body language were all in 'support' mode. 

I can't tell you how important it is for others to feel seen, heard, and like they matter. People in your family. Colleagues. In my case, patients, but in others perhaps customers. 

Yesterday I heard of an eleven year old boy who gave his life to protect his mother. Her ex-boyfriend got out of jail, and was attacking her, even though she was pregnant. The boy fought him off, and took a knife to the chest, and passed. It is so terribly sad. He gave everything he had to save his mom. 

Why do I bring these examples up?

The squeeze is really upon us. 

The psychological one.  Prices are up. There is so little time to just relax and enjoy life. News is totally repetitive and sticking to an 'acceptable point of view' that is being promoted heavily in our world.  Things have gone many steps away from 'pure and natural' and the original blueprint for how this Earth works.  Our weather patterns are changing and I know geo engineering is legit as an applicable science, as much as I personally dislike it. 

In a flash yesterday, I had insight to a famous series of movies that were introduced in the late seventies. I remember being in the theater thinking, 'I am the only one here who knows that this story is real'. There was a great War taking place, 'out there', and I couldn't understand why the movie was bringing it up. But Space Life sure resonated with a lot of people, it was wildly popular. And I believe that on a deeper level some just under the surface remember too.

The one that disturbs me the most was the one where Han was featured. That place so dismal where he lived as an orphan slave, for years I have dreaded that perhaps that is the 'animal farm' that our TWDNHOBIAH team are preparing for us down the road. You know that 'hidden in plain sight' thing, where they seek 'permission' through a loophole in 'the rules'?

Last night I inverted it. And that was the revelation! That dismal, horrible place, that seemed like there was no escape, is how Heaven appears to the fallen angels. They 'escaped'. And their 'heroes' ugly as they are to us who are able to see them, are 'beautiful and handsome' to them.  So on one level, face level, in that movie, the resistance is a fight between 'good and evil'. But it is counterintuitive for TWDNHOBIAH to promote anything to do with Heaven, Creator, God, and especially that dude who died and came back.  Why make so many movies promoting good when they profess to adore evil? But if you invert it, for the deeper level (all movies have a hidden spiritual meaning, they like to just hold that over the masses)--you see the 'heroes'' are fighting the 'system' and they are cheering themselves on. Black is white and white is black. 

Even more worrisome was a short I saw of a comedian who had underwent a special surgery, and was talking about the created female sex organ he now had. He said it was what was going to keep that dead guy who rose from the dead and is due to return from ever coming back. That was a 'comedian' but there was something in him, besides 'comedian' that was talking, and that 'something' was 'gloating' over being able to thwart the plans of Divine Creator!

We are in the thick of things, friends! 

Stay true to who you are!

Realize that TWDNHOBIAH think they can 'hide' from Creator, but they cannot. Creator made us in the image of Creator. And we are empowered through kindness, love, and giving. As the squeeze proceeds, it is going to bring out the best in some people--and I am willing to bet it will be on the majority. Some, yes, will bring out the worst in them, especially those who believe in Lack. What I understand is that the team TWDNHOBIAH are shooting for the vast middle ground who aren't sure what is exactly going on, or where they are from (Divine Origins), and why they are here in the first place. There are those who choose darkness. And those valiant ones who choose good. They aren't going to be swayed no matter what events happen. But the middle? Stay strong in your commitment to goodness, and practice daily your sharing of your time, talent, and treasure as you are nudged by Spirit. Goodness is the nature of most people, and you will spark it. Be consistent in your efforts! And always give THANKS. This will empower you all the more!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins in Spirit

Thursday, March 7, 2024

What I See


The other day I went to a gathering at my local church. It was a fundraiser. All the cooks, and servers, and ones who told us where to sit, even the ones who collected the money--worked for free. They were volunteers.

I went by myself and enjoyed my meal. I watched a lot of people. But what I saw is the framework to feed the hungry. There is a workable way to meet the needs of the community in place and people don't exactly realize it yet.  The fundraiser was designed to 'receive' from the community but it could just as well 'give'.

A local pet store I have gone to since 2003. I was there when the owner sold it to the young high school graduate. He in turn suffered losses. A puppy caught parvovirus and he spent three thousand dollars to help it live. Then the city outlawed sales of puppies because of this parvo risk. Then a kitten got stolen, he had it on tape, but the thief was never caught. You could see her stuffing it into her purse! Then there were only reptiles, small pets, and fish to be sold. 

During Covid business was booming. It was one of the few stores permitted to stay open besides the usual big corporate ones. But the landlord refused to fix some major problems. And he took his business across town. This establishment he rented had every single business that had been there go out of business. But with hope and excitement of 'bigger' for 'less money' he built his dream pet store.

They are going out of business now. Cost of doing business is so expensive!

On the one hand, what I see is this is by design--a way to squeeze out the few small business owners who survived the closures of Covid. It is like a giant game of chess where the moves take months and years! There is a plan out there, only the rest of us aren't in on it and many do not even realize this game is being played! They complain about cancers that come up suddenly. And the rise in prices for everything. The connection between end times prophecy and now eludes them.

But what I see as well? I see a young father really upset over losing his dream business and his ability to feed his family. And the community (online) is highly sympathetic to his plight. People are reaching out to help lessen the agony and suffering even though the situation is dire. Is this a chess move the one playing opposite the community has taken in perspective? Perhaps. But I like what I see.

Someone confided to me that they feel 'empowered' by voting. I believe voting is like an adult version of believing in Santa Claus--even if they tell you your vote arrived and when it was counted on your cell phone--it doesn't mean that other votes from people lacking a pulse are outweighing your own. It is good to go through the process. I just doubt, given the history of leaders being 'selected not elected' if you look into it deep enough.

For example, here in California, we hate daylight savings time. We the people voted to put a stop to it. Just leave it one way or the other. Well, this Sunday, I have to change my clocks one hour forward! Why? Because of the fine print. Leaving California stuck on Daylight Savings Time is not okay. We should have asked to keep it stuck on Standard time. That is the rules in a Federal way. So Arizona and Hawaii are on THAT one. It's bullshit. Total freaking, joking to the point of it being funny or else you'd cry. 

So I am watching this chess game play out in real time. 

It is fascinating!

Yesterday I brought cookies to work. Ones I had bought from a fancy store. My neighbors own the store. I supported them and brought delight to my coworkers. We had a very long day with little chance to eat. I brought two dozen (one hundred dollars worth) just so my surgeon would take two and not make it obvious. He was kind and brought one home for his children. These are big, five dollar cookies. 

With the cost of food you can see people getting excited when the surgery center provides treats. They provided bagels yesterday (first Wednesday of the month). And because two rooms ran late past five, they provided pizza for us. Which was my first full meal of the day.

People are good by nature. And people share. We might not realize there is a chess game (a spiritual war, really). But on our side is the Holy Spirit and that is a good defense. Not only is it a Higher Power, the opponent as hard as they try--can't predict or fully appreciate the intelligence and heart that is there.

So, enjoy the chess!

Look out for your friends!

Offer the 'milk of human kindness' often and 'spread it around'! It is much needed at this time.

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Wednesday, February 28, 2024



This is a good time!

Yes, I know prices of food are going up. Yes, there is political unrest. Yes, even Mr. Burns' inspiration for The Simpsons has 'moved on to his eternal' and it is easy to have fear for who that spirit went into next as succession. 

This is a war upon wars. There is an unrestricted unconventional warfare taking place. Perhaps some of the cybersecurity people are aware of part of it. I call it an information war, a psychological one. But deeper still, this war is a spiritual one.  

Why rejoice?

First of all, we are all connected to Source. This can never be broken. And if you pay close attention, literally everything boils down to our ability to change our reaction to things. Furthermore this reaction can be classified into FEAR or LOVE. 

I just did my Bible study and read Ezekiel 34:25-31.  It was very, very timely and healing. 

It is easy to get wrapped up into the fear of the unknown, especially now in what are considered by many to be The End Times. And Bible Prophecy says there are a lot of really icky things in store for us, actual Tribulations. Experts say we are at the end of the portion of time called the Beginning of Sorrows. 

The Rapture I don't know. I don't know what order it comes in, and I try not to focus on that. Why? It would be a shame to think I had a guaranteed way out of the suffering and then figure out that I was left behind and didn't get to go! To me this is practical!

In the Bible study God reminds us that when He is done 'cleansing' that there will be a time of Peace and 'a shower of blessings'.  

There was a short movie I saw many years ago, about how prayer helps to protect us from Spiritual harm. It is like a force field around yourself and your home. Therefore, strive to always be humble, and yearning for Creator. Study what spiritual books make the most sense to you. And ask for Divine Guidance as you proceed. Even to the point of saying for God to point out and correct any and all of your mistakes in the process. 

Some things are better left under the radar. 

In WW2 Sicily my ancestors survived by blending in and not calling attention to themselves. My mother warned me that in the event of chaos, do not be a hero. The goal is survival. 

Also in WW2 Sicily, in the tiny little village, the villagers knew what peculiar meat the priests and nuns ate that was evil. They did not let on that they knew. But the truth was the Truth. The spin on the story was a little more 'practical' (getting rid of evidence of misconduct) than the even worse knowledge of what was going on behind the facade of 'religious life'.  That is okay, it doesn't have to be every detail. 

Today also in a group, a spiritual group, someone mentioned (the leader) how people can't 'hear' spiritual Truth. They leave to follow others. Or it is like talking to a wall. This is normal. This slumber isn't one a regular alarm clock will break because it is truthfully something magical, a form of enchantment, that is blocking these individuals ability to perceive reality. A reality that for some of us is totally obvious and clear to those who have ears that hear and eyes that see (what is hidden in plain sight).

Today's message is two-fold:  validation that not only something 'funny' is going on that is unsettling, but that directing it one vast level of rank and power above the source of chaos, is a Divine Being who loves us completely and is going to bring peace and prosperity when all is said and done. The other message is that our ancestors have shown us through history how to survive chaos. If they had not been able to figure this out, we would no longer be here. So however chaos appears to you, be certain to dig deep, trust your instincts, and ask for blessings both from your deceased loved ones and your guides and Creator. 

Be strong and be thankful that ultimately, the end is in sight, and what has been promised is worth the wait!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Friday, February 23, 2024

A Little More Clarity


Last night I had a dream of my mother, who is deceased.  In the dream she was not dead. She was alive and it was like her death had never happened. I was going through my day, and I noticed her dab the left side of her head. But I didn't stop to consider it further, this brief gesture. 

Then, I was having a little insomnia. I was at my parent's house but it was a composite of all the houses they and I have ever lived.  I was trying to sleep on the floor of a bathroom, with sheets and pillows but not much cushioning.

Mom came downstairs in the middle of the night, wearing a sweatshirt. And her hair was a little unkempt, like always. Thin, long, curly, and colored hair.  I saw her dabbing again at the side of her head, and I saw pus on her little cloth she was using.

I asked her, 'Mom? what is happening to the side of your head?'

She let me see, and she also said that she was going to ask me to help take her to the hospital about it. 

There was a hole in her skull about three inches in diameter, a gaping hole! I could see shadow inside the skull compartment but fortunately not brain. There was infection inside her head, which had been pouring out and she had been wiping it up for a long time! 

Oddly enough, come to think about it, there was no odor to the infection. Those of you who are clinical, would be looking for a characteristic scent of bacterial infection. For example, with pseudomonas infection on the surface of the body you can tell by that odor that goes with it. 

So I helped mom get a jacket and I offered to take her to a hospital. She wanted to see her neurologist/neurosurgeon she knew first. So we parked in a big random corporate parking lot. We got inside. Mom was walking and talking like normal, with no deficits. 

I followed her to a desk. No one was sitting in it. But it was a man's desk. Mom looked around for signs that it was her person. But I asked an administrative assistant who that was? It turned out the person mom was seeking was long since gone. This desk belonged now to someone else.

So the administrative assistant saw the hole in mom's head, and calmly encouraged her to take care of it at the hospital. We had to make sure we found mom's jacket. There was one that looked like it, but it wasn't. Then we found it. I helped mom put it on. Both jackets were sort of rhinestone denim style with Disney designs on the back. 

At the car I explained to mom that because of her insurance (a BIG HMO foundation) I would take her to that hospital. I had thought first to go to one that is a center of excellence for neurological conditions. But the thought of her needed to be transferred, and the reassuring thought that some people I had trained in anesthesia were working at her foundation healthcare location, made me take her there.

Once there, everyone was calm. She needed to go to surgery. For a cleanup as well as for a diagnosis. 

Yesterday I figured out the whole significance of the numbers 33 and 66. Just instead of Club in front of the first one, use 'Team'.  

Those on the same 'Team' like to announce it. And the goal is to defeat the other 'Team'. 

One third of the angels. And the remaining two thirds. 

Well that one was sure hidden in plain sight, wasn't it?

Yesterday my gastroenterologist was upset over a certain former cardiac surgeon name rhymes with 'Sundry'.  The doc in question invented the term 'leaky gut'.  My GI doc asked me if I had ever heard of the guy? Yes, I had, I had wanted to lose weight and even bought supplements from him. They didn't do anything. But they did help Anthony have better bowel movements.  

The GI doc was upset that the other doc could make claims without having to prove anything, and was making so very much money!

Then he told me about hospitals in Colorado who cure cancer by making patients fast for six months! He said yes there is some benefit from fasting... He also said that these facilities take cash and if your disease is really advanced then they dump you. That is how they keep their numbers up.

A patient had called his office asking if there had been any biopsies taken? The patient was concerned because if there had 'then the cancer would spread'. 

I shared I had heard of the 'healthy cancer' argument on formerly Twitter now X platform. A woman asserted we get serval of them in our lifetimes, our body makes a 'bag' around 'toxins' and that is all a tumor is. Then the immune system gets rid of it. 

My medical school training kicked in when I saw that.  Little tiny cancers do start, and our immune system clean them up. Microscopic ones. The actual disease of cancer is when our immune system loses that battle and the tumor grows uncontrollably.  

My surgical training kicked in when she talked of needle biopsies 'spreading tumor'. Yes perhaps a few cells go into the bloodstream with such a biopsy. How else would you know what kind of cancer it is though? Especially if it is in an area that would require major surgery to remove the whole growth? 

I did share with the GI doc about the hospitals in China that were closed, Chi Gong ones, where patients stay six weeks with coach doctors and nurses. The food is changed, the patients exercise, meditate and heal. I saw a tumor disappear on live ultrasound imaging--you can't fake that! I was certified in ultrasound and still use it for blocks. 

The GI doc, who is Chinese, said that the hospitals were closed because 'too many patients died'. 

I asked him where he got his information. He said there was a documentary on Netflix.

What is sin?

Sin is something that is between you and Creator, alone. 

Resist the temptation to define what 'sin' is in others. It is easy to point it away at anyone else. This is our natural tendency. And also, sort of encouraged by religions and group psychology.

Remember when all is said and done, only you go to the afterlife alone all by yourself, and only you are present with your ones who present to you your Life Review. 

Deep inside, most people have an idea what their connection is with Source. What makes it better. And what makes it weaker. 

Ultimately our responses to anything distill down to two choices--love or fear--driving us. 

Choose love.

Admit your mistakes to Creator. 

Remember making mistakes is NORMAL for being in a human body, and it is not a judgy-wudgy thing between you and your Divne Creator. 

Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep striving to be your best. Do everything you can to keep your connection strong and healthy. Even if it's been a long time, and the connection is very weak. It cannot be broken. Reach out, even without words, and ask for this comfort to fill you and for you to be guided on your path. 

Last night I watched the first of a six part series on Netflix, called 'Unwell'. This was the aromatherapy one. Yes, I knew Young Living and DoTerra are the leading brands. And I know it's a huge industry with lots of reach with 'wanna be' products in local department stores and health food stores and things like that.  Although they showed at the beginning a hospital nurse aromatherapy specialist, with not one but two patients who felt better after their treatment--the camera angles were designed to make the nurse look like a psychopath. And even though the nurse said, 'I don't believe that this will replace narcotics but used together with less strong drugs we have a good chance to help patients by relieving pain.'

I saw a little autistic girl relax. Her mom had tried every kind of therapy--horseback riding included. And since her daughter has been reaching for products and sniffing them to calm herself down, she decided to visits a mom who is an expert and who had used aromatherapy to help her own son who had autism. 

I even heard a woman who had a brainstem tumor share her story, of how the doctor couldn't get it all. And closed her up. But her mom used aromatherapy. And the tumor never came back. The doctor kept saying keep doing what you are doing. The family kept it a secret that they were using frankincense and something else--because they were fearful child protective services would take her away. Now she is grown up and sells aromatherapy products. Unfortunately, the camera angles on her were creepy, designed to be unflattering to her facial asymmetry and profile. They made her sharing look like a tupperware party designed to get money from her friends and family. Even though the woman said clearly 'there is no pressure to buy' and I didn't see anyone buy anything. 

I'll be watching the series.

I know there is a connection between Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google. My cousin who is in the movie industry told me. And he also said who guides this connection, or 'directs' might be a better word. 

Just like with making sure things are 'right' between you and is important to note that we are in the middle of a spiritual war. And an unrestricted information war.  Astrologically, we are in the age of an energy where I think pluto is no longer retrograde or neptune is doing something. I forget how to say it. But it was last like this at the French Revolution or similar awakening and expanding of consciousness. 

Remember what team is what.

Make sure what team you are on.

And be a nice team player.

One of our star 'athletes' encouraged us to 'look at what kind of fruit they bear' when trying to discern between people who were good and those who were not so good. 

He healed the sick. On Sundays (the sabbath). And a whole lot of people got angry at him for that. 

Look for people who are cured and set free. And also, if you have time, check out on YouTube the Truthstream Media recent release about Zombie curses. It's helpful too.

That is enough for today!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The guns who are very large

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Multi-Level Healing


This morning before I woke up I stumbled across a powerful meditation that was very healing to me. So I am sharing with you.

I was awake and enjoying the warmth and support of my bed.  I was completely relaxed.

Growing up we had very little money. And mom, in the early years, had to work. So I was woken up and taken to a babysitter on so many dark and cold mornings just like today.

As I relaxed into the feelings of warmth, I felt and recognized how growing up like I did, under those circumstances, I did not receive enough nurturing and I worried about having a roof over my head or enough food to eat. 

You see, Dad grew up in poverty, and had a poverty mindset. Even though he was providing, it wasn't the type of provision where I could relax and fill that part of me that experienced lack. 

So,  just for this morning, I allowed myself to feel provided for, nurtured, and safe. I could feel energy flowing, into my chest, just like with Reiki energy. I understood this was healing many things at the same time:  past lives, current life, and ancestors' belief systems. 

I found it very enjoyable and new. 

In summary, you relax deeply, and as you enjoy the relaxation, look for what little hidden wounds rise to the surface of your consciousness. And allow healing frequencies to permeate and support you. It doesn't take long, perhaps about twenty minutes.  If you feel like repeating it another time, then go for it!

Clap! Clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Very Old Souls who are guiding you

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Two Snakes In One Dream


Is this dream symbolic?

I am not sure. I did not sleep well last night. In the wee hours I lay awake, simply resting. My mother explained to me many years ago that as she got older sometimes it was hard to sleep. So she said if she just lay still and rested, it didn't bother her and she woke up pretty much rested as if she had slept.

But two separate dreams affected me.

The first was someone gave me something I needed to use in a clear plastic box about the size just a little bigger than a video tape. The thing I needed to use was round and thin, and pink. A disc of some sort. But when I looked a second time, I could see that the box had been booby trapped. Inside was a very green, small snake, but at the tail I could clearly see it was a baby rattlesnake. And baby rattlesnakes inject lots of venom because they haven't learned how to control it when they bite. 

It seemed okay in the box and I was at a big auditorium type building. I was climbing the stairs on the left hand side, outside the building, going to make it to the entrance at the top in the back.

I noticed that the snake had created a small hole in the plastic box, and was able to soon get out.

I saw some ground cover, not quite ivy, it was a lighter green, and I let the snake go there.

A lot of people were expected to come to the auditorium. I was very worried someone might get hurt from the snake. I was looking for an authority or security person. The snake itself was very bright yellow green and had hidden itself under the plants.

Next thing I knew, there was another snake, I picked it up, right behind the head. It was much larger, probably six feet long, and strong and thick. 

When I looked closer at the snake's head it was highly unusual. I had never seen anything like it. The head separate into three lengthwise sections. And on the sides, those sections housed the fangs. These sections could swing backwards one hundred eighty degrees, and my hand holding the snake was at risk of being bitten! The sections worked independently from one another. So as I walked to the show, I had to figure out how to establish control of the snake without being bit. I believe this too was a poisonous snake just a different kind from a rattlesnake. Otherwise the snake was gentle and did not fight. 

At one point, the middle section opened, and out came a magical dragon that was not in the physical, it was ghost-like, you could see through it. But this part actually was the most dangerous of all. It had lots of teeth and fire and although it was very light pink and white with a little red, I instantly knew to stay away from it. It never left the mouth and actually after that one time it went back inside.

I found a local pet shop, and asked them to put it in a cage and safely take care of it. And as I was putting it in the cage, I offered it water, and it was very thirsty. It put its whole head inside a cup, and took long deep drinks. 

I never know if these vivid dreams are symbolic for me, or for others, or for global scale happenings. 

And because my guides are not telling me 'write this', or 'write', and sort of hanging back, I think it may actually be something important. There are some things they aren't allowed to help because of the rules. Both sides are watching for my actions, and it is entirely on me to choose what to do next. Under those circumstances both sides consider it 'fair' and 'allowed'.

It can't hurt to give the message if in fact it has meaning. Even if to one person then it will have been worth the effort.

Otherwise, have a wonderful remainder of your weekend.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple

Friday, February 9, 2024

It Is Okay


There is a lot going on out there!

Especially this weekend.

A lot has been going on for me, personal growth, involving family, work, and spirit.  

Everything is good.

I'd like to take a few moments to reflect on those of you who have followed us for a long time. Thank you for being willing to focus on Spirit and grow. Your efforts to feel what you have to feel and release have made a positive difference, both in yourselves and others. 

Many people who have accompanied us on our journey, have experienced great personal hardship. 

Ross and I want you to know we notice. And we care.

Some have faced cancer, others a stroke, relationship changes, crushing financial hardship, random health ailments, change of employment, and crushed dreams over the years. 

We feel you.

We see how you keep moving forward, accepting what you can, changing what is possible to change, and keeping a beautiful attitude about you despite the hardship.

You are a blessing to walk upon the Earth and it is an honor to be close to you.

We must have been working close to the target, otherwise all of this would not have been experienced, yes?

You are giving your best, being loving to everyone, in all situations, day after day after day. Strong work!

There was a big event that took place about one week ago. It was a spiritual ho'oponopono of great magnitude. What Ross says is that we are sending out an 'all clear' message to you. Our efforts--yours included--are a success. Do not be swayed by what your eyes and ears perceive on broadcast media, social media, or print. Go within deep in your heart and your soul, and experience the energy that is new. 

Ross says it is okay to share that a mighty dragon was a major part of it.

We want you to celebrate and share in our knowing.

That is enough for today.

Ross requests for you to let 'bygones be bygones' and to focus on the road ahead and where it leads. Keep your eyes on the prize and never let it go.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The True Plan Intention


A physician friend of mine, a lady surgeon, recently had surgery. I went to visit. I brought soup. 

We had a lovely visit. She is married to another physician. I know and have worked with them both in my career. I have known them from the start of my career.

What shocked me is how caring the husband was for the wife. They have both retired, him full retirement, her semi-retirement. He treated her with such kindness! I have never experienced such kindness myself, and actually, never seen it with my parents either. Mom always cared for dad, but never, ever, ever the other way around. 

Then I remembered my mother's cousin, who married one of my father's cousins. We had just spoken on the phone about two weeks ago after many years of just sending cards. I remember being at their wedding, and also being a little sad because I was the right age to be the flower girl but she played politics and chose my nine year old cousin instead of me. I remember her baby shower my mother threw for her. 

They have had a hard life. He ran/managed a gourmet grocery store. She stayed at home. But their daughter ran away after having a teen pregnancy. She ran away to a commune and nobody has ever heard from them again. And their son, well, he passed a few years ago from prostate cancer. 

Her husband had a stroke. And she has a ton of health problems. She doesn't drive. But together they are able to help one another. She was so worried for her husband, she said he was like a little baby so helpless at the stroke but he has recovered almost everything now. 

I was glad when he answered the phone I had told him I loved him, even before I found out all of the news.

God pairs us off to help each other in old age. As well as to help raise families together. The plan is beautiful! And it has been attacked for many years now. There is fear of missing out, there are men's organization for men who are unwilling to commit, and I won't even begin with some more recent societal concepts. God made them, male and female. This too has been under attack.

This morning when I turned on the radio, the state of California was talking about how a woman was having trouble making ends meet for her and her daughter. The advertisement was for a new support system to help provide food and even diapers for the mother and baby so 'there is less worry'. 

Where is the father?

Where is the extended family?

Is the Government stepping in to these roles?

Why are so many parents single? divorced? And financially struggling?

Stay close to Creator and Source. There are forces way beyond our control and our understanding at play. It is a land of confusion out there.

That is why I shared with you the original plan, the original blueprint, for humans, and that is, to help one another throughout the life, especially at the end when life gets difficult. And family is to help family. The financial squeeze being placed on us is like so slow and steady, and the forces behind it are wanting us to be crushed and helpless and to turn to the government for help. 

One of the things I discovered is to pray for what is good, to give thanks, and to ask for more. This is metaphysically super important because it helps us to manifest. Thank you God, for Peace. Thank you for safety. Thank you for our meals. Thank you for nice weather. Thank you for friendships. Thank you for never being far away. Thank you for your guidance. Thank you for loving us. 

As times change it is all the more important to apply love and gratitude for all that is good!

And to go daily within, to experience this connection to all that is good back Home in Heaven.

That is enough for today.

Clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Souls who are True Twins

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Growing Day by Day


Even though we have been quiet for some time, it was not because of the holidays alone. There was the stomach and respiratory flu going through our home. It's better now.

I want to reinforce the spiritual work I have been doing as of late. There is a lot of resolution of childhood trauma. I have found some excellent resources and am taking full advantage of them. 

Another 'layer' has been revisiting the past, actual physical places, for example, the house across town where I used to be required by law to drop off Anthony so he could spend time with his father. I remember the toddler reaching for me and screaming at the top of his lungs from his father's arms as I would drive away. I drove down that street again, this time, with the gentle reminder to myself, that 'it was hard'.

So man things are coming up with clarity.

For example, husband number two not being supportive in my wanting to get a cardiac anesthesia fellowship. Not only was he unsupportive, he wouldn't pay the rent and I had to find a way to work in private practice one day a week to pay for my living expenses. The salary from the fellowship wasn't enough.  He had designs on my income. He had skillfully planned everything from how we met to the quick marriage to how he was going to spend my money once I made it! Wow! How didn't I see it coming?

The other thing about him, was when I asked him early on in dating, how he had healed from his abusive father who drank the paycheck and didn't support the family. His mother actually was arrested for stealing bread. All their clothes were from the used clothing place. Life was rough! He said, 'oh I just moved on'...'and told myself I wouldn't be like him.'.  That wasn't healing! It wasn't even the Spiritual Bypass. He later, in relationship, took out all that unhealed trauma ON ME! 

Again, I should have left but I didn't. 

And that was hard.

Yet there are good memories too. When we saw the new house for the first time, after visiting my mom in the hospital. I remember the spot under the stairs where Anthony asked me if we could live here? I said yes, of course! And he sobbed uncontrollably with joy, relief, gratitude. It wasn't easy, I worked myself so hard I came down with pneumonia. But now I look back and with Covid it was better for him here than in that house he was afraid of. And his high school experience was good. Even the seller was raised by a single mom, and his heart opened to Anthony. The seller is still a wonderful family friend, all of his beautiful family, wife, kids, dog...incredible people.

Sometimes we need to reach out to help others, to guide them.

For other times, we need to focus a little more on ourselves. This is in order to release the baggage we may not even know we are carrying. 

On this 1-11-24 new moon in Capricorn, allow yourself to let go of the heaviness you have grown accustomed to carrying. Ask Spirit to guide you. 

That's another thing, my messages from Spirit are way more quiet. That's because I have to focus on doing the work. They can't do it for me. But when I had a horrible challenge the other day, I asked for spiritual support. Everything went well, exceeding expectations! I even got a cup of coffee at my favorite coffee shop to celebrate!

Spirit never leaves us. But they also make sure we do our own homework and don't copy the answers without learning in this school called life.

That is enough for today!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple