Saturday, August 31, 2024

Poco Loco


Yesterday for the first time in ages I was called in to my council. I felt a little sheepish. It has been years with me learning my latest lessons. 

I felt embarrassed because gone was the woman who would say, 'bring it on!' and yell--seriously! I would raise my voice--at my teams who are guiding me and loving me. 

My guides appeared more relaxed and calm, a little less formal. It was almost like a reunion of sorts. 

When they asked me what has changed, I was extremely grateful for all of the lessons I have been able to experience since those days when I was feisty years and years ago. The amount of growth which has taken place was really remarkable. Back then I thought I had all the answers. Yesterday I was humbled in a nice way. I was permitted to see how the plan really works for our life experiences moulding us into something more. I have so much more confidence, understanding, patience, love and kindness. Both to myself and others. I also have the blessing of working outpatient so I can enjoy my evenings and weekends and holidays like a 'normal person'.

Some of the lessons were not fun. Yet I completed them. Perhaps not perfectly...and that is okay. 

My council did not give any indication of what the future may hold. But I am very glad they helped me to appreciate the enormous changes and positive effects of my going the experiences I have gone through in the recent past.

It is subtle. 

If they had not given me this opportunity I would not have been able to see it.

I am certain in your own way you have achieved tremendous growth as a human incarnate too.


I would like to talk about why Carla was invited to visit her Council yesterday. And for those of you who are asking yourselves the question, yes, I am on it. I am one of Carla's team of advisors in addition to the other roles I share with her.

It was because she was not expecting it. 

For a while now Carla has been focused on her hobbies, her work, her personal growth, and slowly coming around to helping to guide others with her healings and writings again. 

Some things take time in order to process and heal. Her attachment wounds have been painful and she has been studying and opening herself to improving herself to overcome them. 

Carla did not need us pointing out specifics. Our meeting was in general and it was designed to encourage her (and therefore you after hearing about it) along her path. 

A lot is changing in the outside world. This is a reflection of what is changing cumulatively as a collective on the 'inside'. Just like a teenager growing and challenging others to find their place in the world, a similar thing is going on not with the TWDNHOBIAH but with the masses, the bulk of the people, who are doing their best and trying not to be deceived any more by anyone.

We are moving forward. There is a lot of spiritual inertia as a collective, but things truly are moving forward and picking up speed. We are at barely perceptible movement, just like when you get your muscles prepared to lift a heavy object, right before you lift. 

Enjoy the ride!

clap! clap! 

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple