Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What Makes The World Go Round for Some People


Sex? Drugs? Rock and Roll?

It's a little more than that.

Today Ross and I have materials which are going to make you think. First off is this short reel about 'knowing the enemy'  short reel

There are people out there, probably more than you think, you are influenced by for lack of a better word, 'darkness'. 

Darkness is organized. Just like the military. It is not random. It is not 'warm and fuzzy' or 'edgy' in the long run. 

There is a thirty-five minute video click here to watch by someone who gives an overview of ways how people work with darkness . Important points are that they are not friendly. They expect payment. Most of all, if you sincerely want a life change from working in partnership with darkness, it is common for there to be some pushback from the former team. Kind of like how gangs treat you when you decide you want out. Another point is how when he decided to change, people from random, unconnected areas of his life were giving him trouble--and it was poignant how he could see the common 'team' or 'influence' behind those actions.

This blog post is to encourage and support those who are in the process of leaving the other team for the demon-free lifestyle. Kerth Barker did it. Svali did it. Cathy O'Brien did it with help from Mark her husband. Remember what the man in the second video says, you have the power of Creation within you already. That is what darkness wishes it had and tries to usurp through you. Ask Divine Mother and Divine Father to support you in your exit. Assistance is assured. Be strong and diligent. Love and gratitude together are your strongest weapons in your arsenal. The next is humor. Laugh at them who taunt you. Finally, remember no matter what you have done in the past, you are human incarnate. You have free will. They must do as you ask, they must do as you command. That is how it works.

For those of you who are holding the light and holding the space, you are doing an excellent job. Double down and anchor these incoming energies into the grid of both humankind and the earth.

thank you.

Clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Ones who love you infinitely <3