Wednesday, August 14, 2024

As The Crow Flies


The fastest distance between two points is called 'as the crow flies'.  Crows fly. Humans can't. Not without elaborate machines to carry them. 

I will give you three examples of how far we have traveled metaphysically:

  1. I was shocked at how my social media read my mind last week. I was wondering where all the ads had gone for two companies, Lumen the weight loss/metabolism device, and Alessi, an Italian designer of simple household products that is very artistic. That same day, both ads started showing up on my screen. 
  2. On the way to the ballgame, my son and I were having a conversation about names he might possibly name his children one day. I was interested in his preference for different names. I was curious. As he was going through the mens names, there was a pause. And I thought of the name, George. It is a name of his friend's cat as well, so I was cautious to bring it up. He did, just milliseconds away from the thought.
  3. Last night I was careful to eat a low carb meal. I keep working to lose weight. But I was hungry. So I was thinking I was just going to go to bed hungry and trying to accept it while the ballgame was playing out. All of a sudden, my son stood up and said he was going to get ice cream. Would I like some? Yes. Indeed. And I got it in the waffle cone bowl too. 

People are looking to external signs of the defeat of evil. 

Some want it on the news. Which doesn't make sense because the news is owned by six corporations across the globe and they all say the same thing. 

Some want it as a Jubilee of sorts, where all debts are forgiven and people can have enough money to enjoy life. But this neglects the very obvious problem that the people across the world who own the media, also manage the banks and financial systems, and they are as corrupt as it gets. 

Some want a political ideology to manifest itself where they live. It could be a turning back to how things were, or for others, a moving forward to something completely new. The question is, how does a philosophy align with Universal Truth? Does it alter it? Does it replace it?

I would go so far as to challenge anyone, readers and random people the same, to look within and measure the approach timing on personal growth.  This doesn't hurt to look within. Especially because superimposed upon this huge spiritual battle, which it is, and which feels like it is taking forever, which again, it is, are our individual life experiences which will one day come to an end for those of us who are incarnate. It will switch over to lives between lives mode. But as long as you are in the incarnate mode, how much progress are  you making in your Life Lessons? Hmmmm? Because that you can take with you.

The human experience is unique. There is the physical aspect of it. How is your body? Is there mileage on the 'car' How are you maintaining it? The same questions may be asked of the mental body, the emotional body, the spiritual body, and so forth. 

For some, Spiritual growth and emotional growth is in an ability to 'go with the flow' and accept and allow the life lessons.  For others, it is getting in touch with their inner joy and sharing that with others. It could be committing to learning a subject, or developing a new hobby, or even helping beings in need...caring for them. 

Emotional growth is slow. Having been denied my emotions growing up (your negative emotions are not welcome here--was the message I was given), it has been both humbling and discouraging to pursue healing. Opportunities have come up, lots of resources online, books, videos...a whole new internal navigation system has come online. It takes baby steps to practice. Is it healed yet? I don't know. I am okay with 'heading in the right direction'. I understand it is generational trauma that has been handed down. The beautiful thing is I discovered it in the nick of time, and I am working to help my child grow and be emotionally supported and healthy. I am very grateful for this.

This could not have happened without everything else being consistent enough that I was able to focus on the inner growth. When I first started writing this blog, there was a lot more going on! A young kid, long hours at work, and co-parenting. I was doing the best I could at the time! But deep down, it bothered me that I couldn't find a good partner to share my life. It was like my 'picker' was broken and the same story kept repeating itself over and over. That made me sad. And I decided to just give up on partnership. That part of me was defective apparently.

Ross graciously came to my life. And I have grown with him and with his support, most of which lately has been more quiet. A big stumbling block for us was communication. 'How was your day?' is an important question for those of us who are incarnate. For those who are in the Spirit realm, well, there is no day and no real linear time... We have found ways to allow for growth for me in this respect. And it slowly has been working. 

Other areas needed to heal too. With Ross's purpose, it demands a lot from me to be with him. A lot of responsibility. I needed to learn to see things from his perspective, and also, to accept and grow in order to truly be of support to him in his work. We are talking about levels of responsibility that blow the mind they are so heavy. But for him, it is routine, a matter of course, and something he excels at. I would call it a calibration of sorts on my side. 

I would like to thank the gentle reader from England who reached out and requested I resume writing again. There is little to no feedback when I write. For years I could not post my own blog on my social media for a 'spam ban' that was unfair and unwarranted. Because of very odd folks I had to close the comments down. And even in the DWR page, if I go through all the comments and 'like' (acknowledge) them, then the social media gets turned off (unable to post or like) for hours. I can look for page views and occasionally I do.  It appears that 'reels' and 'tick talk' videos have become the new way to exchange information and are popular. I can't edit and I do not have more than a cell phone or tablet to record videos. I used to do one take. So, to learn that there is need for blog information was meaningful to me. Thank you.

I know Ross has been planning new things for me. We have talked. It hasn't been clear. This is vacation all week, stay-at-home. So with the time this morning waiting for my thyroid pill to kick in, I took the chance to write. Which is something is truly enjoy. It is from the heart.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple who are Dynamic and always growing to serve when there is need