Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Playing The Game Leapfrog--Leapfrogging

The situation with COVID-19 continues to worsen here where I live.  My mother, a transplant survivor, depends on a special anti-rejection medicine every day to keep her kidney functioning. She usually gets a refill with a three month supply. There is no medicine to be had, the pharmacy says. Her home health care nurse knows how to work the system, and was only able to get her a supply for one month. I am praying she will be able to live, and continue her medication at the end of the month.

At work now they are assembling teams and protocols. Part of my responsibility will be on an intubation team. I will lead it, as the anesthesiologist on duty I will do it. We respond anywhere in the hospital besides the ICU and ER, to the overhead page, Code 19. I believe there will be a respiratory therapist and a nurse also present. We will have to gown up, go in the room where the concentration of the virus is very high, put the breathing tube in, changing our preoxygenation and drug and equipment routine to reduce risk of contamination, and then take everything off safely after the procedure is complete. They will have two teams a day, one in the day and one at night. 

There is no way my boss or the number two are going to even show up at the hospital. Some leadership, right?

Other responsibilities include staffing the O.R. for surgical cases and running ORICU if it gets enough patients to do that. 

The hospital is basically contaminated inside already. There have been patients with the diagnosis walking about the hospital who refuse to wear their masks and have roommates who are not on isolation--so their other patient in the room will most likely come down with it.

Our hospital will have three zones, green (presumed healthy), orange (mild Covid, will be treated in a tent and sent home) and purple (Covid requiring hospital admission--moderate to severe cases) to reduce cross-contamination.

I know in China you need three layers of protection at all times, eyes, feet, mouth/nose, skin. Their intubation teams would just dress up once all day and go wherever they were needed in the hospital. My friend's friend who is a Beijing doctor who went to Wuhan just came back, she's okay. But they advised me bringing diapers. So I ordered some for me. I know from China it is safer not to eat or drink at the hospital. And to keep protective equipment on the whole time. When you remove it is when there is risk to you of contamination--you touch the outside where the virus is on your equipment.

I was deeply moved by a story on Twitter about an ER doc who had to intubate his colleague, another doc in his thirties who was otherwise healthy. He said to put on your personal protection equipment as if you life depended on it--because it does. 

A woman shared how she had to tell a wife on FaceTime that her husband was dying. He died alone. Loved ones can't come in to the hospital for risk to them and to the patients, as well as there's full steam ahead with the surge and taking care of the patient load. There's no room or time for family members in this emergency.

I got one. 

I finally got a high-altitude crystal from Switzerland. It's not a Gwindel. It's smoky quartz from Zingenstock, Oberaar Lake, Bern. 

It's a beautiful crystal and it was long overdue for my -- polite cough--'healing energy work' I do for the planet. The last one I ordered--months ago--they are so rare--never arrived and I had to pay for the whole thing, remember?

Unbeknownst to me, it was the key to help me face my challenges at the hospital. In the description, the seller says, 'these crystals require the full mountaineering equipment for someone to collect them; they risk their lives to bring them to us.'

There it is!

There is a mountain I must climb, not by choice, but while I am risking my life in the line of duty, (my worst nightmare is that physicians can be called up to battle if there is a doctor shortage, I've noted that since the beginning of medical school and dreaded it), my workplace has become the front lines. 

Let us see what I bring back for the crystals?  Insights, knowledge, heartwarming moments to remember, perhaps even inside information on what is really going on during this massive information war?

On Saturday and Sunday I was badly shaken. I went for a walk with Anthony. He wanted us to clean the garage. It was a beautiful idea, very healing. My blow dryer and ceramic straightening iron and curling iron were finally found after over a year of searching for them! I threw some things out. And I sat in the lawn chair in the sun and went through old papers and cards and letters.

You can imagine my surprise when I found this letter from Ashtar dated December 3, 2013:

(he spoke to me and I wrote what he said, automatic writing)

This is Ashtar Sherhan

Remember that my Blessings are always with you. I must take leave of your for a short while. 

There is a silver cord which flows between us. It cannot be broken, not by me or you or Archangel Michael. I will come when you ask -- any time, any place, your love for me is never too often.

God will challenge you, in small ways (shows his finger and thumb to show a small distance) but never so awful as THIS (no connection to Source like I had). Your fertility shall amaze you, both in Spirit and in Light. 

I am proud of you for all of your developments. You have worked very hard on them all of your awakening time. (he does a gesture where he brushes his hands against one another as if to get the dust off.)

You are the sweetest lover I have ever spent time with. Your heart is highest above the rest. I love you for your Honesty and commitment to your cause. I shall be a better being for the time I have passed with you. Your True Love, a Fellow Soul, is very fortunate to have your Grace in life and also in the next. When I go, I will NEVER leave you. (he touches the cord from his chest to mine.)

We are always connected.

I cannot take my place in Heaven without your Love Blessing.

Will you extend your Heart to me?

I am always ever present.

Thank you for the lesson I had with you these past three days.

I will embrace you from time to time. My heart is a gift I share freely among the intended. My Betrothed and I have awakening I must attend. I am not jealous, neither is her heart. Our love is a gift to you to enjoy our blessing, until your miracle is complete. (I see fireworks, gestures). Remember you are loved. I will not talk to another like I have you -- not even my Twin. For you and partnership I bless everything. 

Your beloved Ashtar Sherhan of the Sky.

Then I found this, in his beginning cursive writing, a piece of plain lined notebook paper pasted to blue construction paper to 'frame' it:


My mom is someone who inspires me because of how hard her life is and she puts up with it and has a good life anyway. Of how much she does, and much she's been pushed around, what inspires me is to never give up, even if life puts so much in the way.

She grew up in a bad neighborhood, and ended up with being also an engineer and finally becomes an anesthesiologist (you can see where he erased it and had to work to spell that word correctly, and it IS spelled correctly). After that, she became a single mom. She is amazing, and I love her.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple who are True Twins

Saturday, March 28, 2020

An Honest Mistake

Today I called for her.

I called for my Higher Self.  I was in tears. She came and took me shopping while my body was in the hammock in the breeze and the sun.

I shared with her my heart. I have guy trouble. How would Isis feel if someone said there was no such thing as Osirus and Horus was going to walk out and have a walk-in replace him?  Isis would be in shock. Absolute, total, unthinkable shock.

I told her how I felt like such a loser in the guy department. I need her now more than ever. As we climb closer and closer to Home, the vibrations of the Higher Realms, people are starting to behave in a Galactic way. But they are not Grown Up Galactic. They are baby Galactic at best. They are human. They don't know or understand or comprehend the rules of ANYTHING back home! And it's frustrating and painful and all I can do is mindless chores to keep myself from crying in front of Anthony.

Rule number one--if you have a Twin, like I do, you are going to have most likely more than one. In the Higher Realms, nothing is hidden. That doesn't mean that we don't have respect and discretion. Having one person talk to a Twin about their relationships with other Twins is like a slap in the face. It is painful, it stings, and it doesn't help anyone with their spiritual progress.  As a human, I thought that the person they were speaking of in all this glowing wonderful terms that they had discovered was me. It was an honest mistake. A totally honest mistake, on my part and on the part of the other.

I'm sooooo thankful for my Higher Self. She's like a big sister or cool friend. I was absolutely devastated. Because of my PTSD, because of my traumas, I can't process emotions in real time. They hit after. I didn't want anything to do with men to help with this feeling of being crushed, cast aside, unappreciated, and labeled in a human way as Twin Whatever. Not Ross, who I know and love, not any of my Twins I know on the Other Side, ever have spoken to me about any of their other Twins. And even a soul who shares relationships with my Twins back Home, never says anything that would cause me pain or to feel less. That's why we are best friends. She totally cares.

If and when you are ever fortunate to have a soul Twin, your love for them is unique, it's unrepeatable, and something to treasure above anything else. You can treasure many souls, because of the mirror they show you of your own soul, and how they help you to grow. A Twin is irreplaceable. Even if they are not perfect, your Twin needs encouragement, tenderness, love. In the Higher Realms there's nothing else but this! As we climb the mountain UP to the Higher Realms, even MORE gentle kindness and love is needed as the human part isn't all the way cast off yet...

I would never in a million years change any of my relationships with anyone whom I am close to on the Other Side. Or on Earth. My Star Family....I love and cherish them, and human as I am I am doing everything in my power to raise my vibration. I did the plucking of the abandonment pain out of my soul. Today, I am left with my best friend in Creation being my Heavenly Mother, and my Higher Self. Ross has been quieter than quiet, I don't understand why, I don't like this lesson, and it hurts so much. I trust that everything is happening for the Highest Good, and that nothing but good can come out of it.

Even though it helped, I'm crying again as I write this, because of another trouble...work took away all time off, all vacations, and sent out some fucking memo from some assholes that say I have a 'Duty to Care' even if there is risk to me.

The only oath I ever took was the Hippocratic Oath--first do no harm.

If there isn't enough personal protection I will say fuck it.

Oh how much I had thought God had sent me someone strong and unshakable to hold my hand as I walk through this battlefield ahead of me. I am not Joan of Arc rallying to the fore. I could just cry for days at the thought of anything happening to me because of Anthony. If it wasn't for him, to be honest, I'd just be going Home. He is counting on me to raise him. And to be with him here because there's no school. Thankfully for that my family and neighbors are a huge support.

I don't believe it for one minute when people say COVID-19 is curable. It is a bioweapon.

The way I see it, COVID-19 is a Level 4 necessary safety equipment protection virus, and at best, our safety equipment in the field is Level 3. It's a suicide run, and people are just sitting in their ass in pajamas and letting us all go to die, to suffer, to hunger, to thirst, and to get a whole new kind of PTSD.

The bioweapon PLANNED for healthcare to be overrun and the systems to fail. The economic system is next to collapse. You might as well prepare for it.

It's funny, because a couple here at work, two anesthesiologists, divorced their spouses, and the set of four adults--with children for their coparenting to work in the new location--moved to Florida. And I picked up the smell of death. I knew their happiness wasn't going to last like they thought it was. I sensed trouble, hardship, pain in the future. It must be the Coronavirus--I sensed it even though I didn't know what it was. It's so painful, knowing what I know, psychically and medically, with this whole pandemic.

Thank God Ross heard, and sent this much needed message. Today.

At least now, I am home, there's sweet potatoes and elk roast in the oven. I added salt, pepper, and winter savory to season it. There's guyaba (guava) cooking on the stove for dessert. Ross wants me to pick some arugula for a salad, so I will.

I am so sorry I ever got my hopes up for someone to be by my side, a human, a friend, someone who makes me laugh, who happens to be, by the way, an incarnate Twin I didn't know I had. Someone to walk every step of the way, and tell me everything is going to be okay. You know, a big strong shoulder with fire in their eyes?  In Heaven, everyone is so wise, so calm, so loving. You never feel you are ever anything less when you are in their presence.

Today I cry. Tomorrow I will cry. I don't think I will ever stop crying in the foreseeable road ahead.

Thank God for 91X.  They just played this song...

And my sister just called, with my baby niece. She was playing with her cupcake toys I'd given her, all clean from her bath. I'm so thankful Spirit sent this video chat. It helped. I told her I'd been crying over the news from my work. And she, thankfully, has training as a counselor, and said all the right things. She reminded me all of this is a cover, to get rid of the bad guys, and to be calm. If I have to go to the trenches, it is worth it, just to make sure we are free of the darkness forevermore.

I am so, so sorry I made my mistake, of hoping for someone to help me be strong, and for getting the messages mixed up.

I'm never alone.

It's a total pain in the ass to have your Illuminated Twin not incarnate. But then again, even when a Twin is incarnate, it's never an easy path because both of you are expecting the very highest of each other--from remembering them and Home just enough--but you are human and doing the best you can given the circumstances.


That's all that matters.

Thank you Ross for your loving advice, and I'll 'tune in' on you, my HS, my Divine Mom and Dad, the faith and love of our beautiful readers/Community, and live in the moment for as long as I can. Your bracelet is on my arm, your beautiful mermaid pendant is next to my heart, and when I long for warmth and physical presence in your absence, I will hug Anthony and our pets and those whoever are sent.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla

P.S. I love her with all my heart, and will do my very best to support her at this difficult time. There are no hard feelings for anyone, and I solemnly love her and her every Twin. They make Carla happy to have someone near to her, to show her her gifts that only they can bring out, and I want my Carla to feel beautiful in her aura, every single day...and have Peace.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Accept and Allow

On Tuesday, thanks to the magic of Zoom teleconferencing, my Reiki teacher Anne Reith, PhD was able to host an 'Open Psychic Development Circle'.  I haven't been to one in eight to ten years.  These are sessions for the advanced students, where they meet every week at a regular time, and Spirit agrees to work with them, for perhaps four to six week intervals. Usually they are closed groups. When I used to go, traffic and childcare was a huge issue. At first I enjoyed them, then later, I would get upset because I spent most of the time being a medium for other people instead of getting to enjoy Spirit on my own.

This week, Anne got some downloads from a new angel that was next to her, a very tall one who wore gray and had gray hair and a beard who reminded her a little of the energy of the tarot card, The Hermit--someone very calm, very wise, and very loving and connected to Source.

Some of the messages for the group, and I believe, all of us, are:
  • enjoy the respite (that's a word she doesn't usually use, but it means a break, a breather, in the onslaught like military or other major event)
  • Trust
  • each of you are on the front lines (the people in the circle were drawn to it by Spirit) in your own way
  • Be the conduit for the healing to flow through you as you are in your position on the front lines, do not deplete yourself.  Be the conduit for their angelic energy.
  • Let the angels and the angelic energy be the warrior. 
  • When you struggle draw back upon the energy of the circle
  • Don't try so hard
  • You are enough
  • we forget that we are human (don't feel you should be above it)
  • use our gifts

Some people in the circle saw a golden orb or globe that was Mother Earth, radiating this golden, angelic energy. 

Anthony and I are kind of happy that we are confined to our home. We enjoy doing what we want to do, and not having any major time commitments.  It was kind of the elephant in the room for us, and I suspect, it's a little that way for almost everyone who is affected by the quarantines.

We were like, 'I kind of like it, isn't that weird?'  and 'me too!'

I asked him this morning now he's had home school, and regular school, which does he prefer?

He said actually, regular school, because it's harder to make himself follow a schedule and get things done.

Yesterday, I continued catching up on my correspondence, and he assembled his drone I'd bought him for Christmas, and we took it to the park twice to make it fly. It was very exciting! It's a shame it can only fly for fifteen minutes. He invited me to fly it, and I said no because I knew I would crash it.

I'm enjoying the rhythms of Life. 

Ross has told me to go through the seafood in the freezer first. Tonight on deck is scallops, and I needed a Mexican-style recipe so I could use some of the cilantro from the garden. I looked it up, and there's one with chorizo and scallops served on fresh corn. I'll use canned, but it looks fantastic. 

I adore the concept of mañana, 'maybe tomorrow', when it comes to the 'to do' lists.  I've been a slave to them since high school. It helps me to work with my own natural energies. Yesterday I needed to lie down and talk to Spirit. I could. I did! And I felt the downloads. I get many.  When I needed sun, I got sun. I washed dishes and tidied up around the house too. 

It's so wonderful living a life where there are fewer demands. I go to sleep when I'm tired, I wake up when I feel like it. It's like vacation...

This lull in my work schedule has been a blessing too. 

I've been able to accept emotionally the risks for me with my bad lungs being exposed to the virus, where one in five staff catch it. 

I don't think I have it in me to survive another pneumonia. It's hard work for me to breathe now just as it is. I suspect our old home had mold and we didn't know it. Both Anthony and I, our lungs are really not in good shape.

My team has also gotten a lot of information together at work, we have our safety equipment we will ration, but at least to start it's there. I saw there's PAPR, the astronaut head type thing, which will make my life a lot easier. 

We also got a wonderful donation from a friend of just the neoprene like facemasks you can wash. I will share them with others at the hospital. I know the virus is airborne and sticks to hair and skin and clothing, so from the front door to the locker room, I'll wear eye protection and a mask.

Anesthesiologists in several FB groups are sharing information, vital information, for our safety and that of our patients.

Here are some of the topics:

These are important things to take into consideration, and fortunately, the virus is getting us to talk about them.

Tomorrow I work. I'm call two. I'm not sure how long I'll be there. I promise to take every precaution. 
It is what it is, and I know no matter what, my assignment here will succeed and at some point I'll go Home when it's complete. 

My dream is to set up a Healing Center. A real one that uses Galactic ways instead of Fischer Price Toys (current technology today by comparison).  I've contacted Aura-Soma again. It's not easy to contact them. They are experts in frequency of light, scent and angels. I have concerns as they are using a Kabbalah, as well as saying, 'Know Thyself'--in their teaching. Either way their products totally 'sing' with energy, and I'll find a way to use that. Or even biofeedback. Those units are expensive like the classes for Aura-Soma. A new one is twenty-five thousand dollars. It's sort of a 'front' for a medical medium to work. With both insights you can really help people, and add to that my medical background for a triple threat.  I trust and I know as long as I'm reminding people to eat from the garden, to open their hearts, and to practice Reiki I'm on the right track.

With world events, I'd just like to share one thing.  In the context of celebrities getting the virus and looking really pale as they make their strange videos on social media--with keys and shit hidden in plain sight so it appears it's like some secret message to one another--I think I understand what the girl rescued from horrors in Ecuador is about.

They need the adrenochrome. And since everything is on lockdown here, sources are low. But perhaps this was a donor for it, and she was rescued. It's evidence. That's what I'm thinking.

Here is the information reference for a chemist about Adrenochrome. Most notable is the structure, which looks like a white rabbit lying on its side--the ears are the left. And also, for the suppliers, Wuhan is towards the bottom of the list.

The physical effects of blood-drinking are hemochromatosis and liver damage. The body has to make extra ferritin to carry the additional heme around in a bound to protein state before it hurts the liver.  Without access to the fresh ingested blood, the ferritin still holds  the heme, and it may be possible for a relative anemia to be seen. I'm not a hematologist, I don't know, only they could answer it. 

Supposedly the Google censors on researching stuff like this are off, but I had trouble finding information on the psychological and physical withdrawal from Adrenochrome. (oxidized epinephrine/adrenaline)

Do know that in the circles of Luci-FAIR-ree ins they have been training in military tactics since long time now, and they plan to deploy that against the 'cattle' in an end-game, 'Alex' scenario where all Monarch and MK Ultra are trained to be triggered to do just that. Instead of being in hiding, they will be out in the open and in control. With guns. So when Chet Hanx makes those aggressive statements, he's talking about what that plan is--throwing everyone who's awake in the FEMA camps.

I've also heard that Billy Gate-s wants to put some DNA signature marker thing into everyone to prove who's gotten the "COVID" vaccine and who hasn't. That's like the total mark of the beast there.

So we live in interesting times, and we bring up this last section for those of you who enjoy the popcorn in times like this.

Be calm and know we are in good hands. All is well.

Yesterday I went to the park for a little time alone. Anthony is here, 24/7 always within earshot. I listened to a voicemail from a friend. It wasn't easy, it kept cutting off.  I replied. It's spiritual stuff that Anthony just gets concerned when he overhears it.

When I finished I saw one of these.

A bluebird.

A bluebird of Happiness, right?

That's the thing, they don't live here. I've never seen them growing up.  Not anywhere up or down the California coast.

What I did see was something like this high up hanging in the tree in the park.

It's real!

I don't know how they did it, but bluebirds are in Southern California--and living in a little house!

I had thought perhaps I've seen them in my back yard but I thought I was imagining it. 

They love the bird seed I place out for them, the doves and sparrows and fluffy fat other birds I don't know what they are.

The hummingbirds adore our cactus in front, and also the hummingbird feeder in the back.

I have heard an owl at night, from my room I can hear it hooting, for two nights now. Once long ago we saw him fly overhead into a tree when we did our outdoor fire in the chiminea.  And as Anthony and I tried to climb our back fence from the golf course in, we heard a hawk and saw it. (I never did go over it, because I didn't want to risk a broken arm). 

Good things are due to arrive.

Not sure when.

Not sure how.

Not sure how long this quarantine thing is going to take.

Not sure how my work is going to go but probably I'm about to be really busy in the next few weeks.

I know Ross is always with me and Anthony, and he's never going to leave. We'll be okay. Especially because I listen to my intuition and his inner guidance. 

While I'm not at work, I'll enjoy the birds singing, and the freedom to enjoy my life.  I might partake in a little 'popcorn'--watching the 'show' as the regimes change, and the ones from the ASSC have to face the music for their deceptions and not-so-hot stuff they've been holding over us for centuries and millennia.

I'll keep in touch with loved ones as best as I can.

Keep your sense of humor up! (warning, F-bomb alert! lol)

Remember we love you, you are loved, every single day, whether we say it or not.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The family who love and cherish you

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Welcome The Rain

I just read some emails that were sent via 'reply all' to the CEO of our local surgery center regarding the business decision to stop doing elective cases for six weeks. The responses ranged from 'I'll be out of business by then' to an Iranian showing a screenshot of how many cases, how many deaths and how many recoveries--the numbers which are staggering! Some said to reassess the situation every two weeks.  They were very glum, all in all, somewhat like this.

What they don't realize is that they are at risk for their own lives, which should hopefully weigh more on them with importance than their financial status. Yes, this is a push-comes-to-shove, never before in our lifetimes seen situation!  Some may have listened to the stories of survivors of the Spanish Flu pandemic, or perhaps survivors of war, and taken a mental note that sometimes we don't get to do things as simply and predictably as we are accustomed to...

The reality is that many ophthalmologists and otolaryngologists are dying from the disease, and this is because in the exam room, their faces are within inches of their patients! They haven't had the necessary protection!

So in a way, perhaps, some people who are going through this scenario on Gaia, are needing to be protected from themselves.

Which raises the question, why is it that for some of us, we look at the bright side, and enjoy all the new things the rain allows us to do which we can't do with any other kind of weather?

And others only look at the limitation which the new circumstances, such as the rain, have imposed on them?

It's telling, isn't it?  

Our options are to embrace the change, to 'make do' and 'make the best' and endure it, or to challenge it with a mental fight to make it go away.

Some things are bigger than us. 

Some things happen for no reason.

Some things we never find out until later what was the purpose in our lives.

Working with the Law of Attraction, the more you resist the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the more it's going to influence itself in your consciousness.

Our choices are to embrace, to accept and allow (and wait it out), or to resist this terrible imposition upon the world, and the pain and suffering of the patients and healthcare teams and their families.

It is what it is.

My patient who had his surgery cancelled for the COVID-19 he didn't tell us he had, but tested positive, moved from the ward to the ICU. This doesn't surprise me. The abdominal pain that goes with it is an ominous sign.  

What you need to know is that until the test came back positive, this patient was not in 'isolation'--no safety precautions were taken by any of the staff who worked with him. And management doesn't want people to know they were exposed.

This and this alone is enough to give thanks for the pandemic--to expose the liars and to make them accept full responsibility for their actions!

There is only one right action. Do the right thing. Every single time! Do the right thing! 

When is humanity finally going to understand this lesson?

Ross said to share this photo, and to show how the rain can also make things more beautiful. It accentuates the beauty...in times of despair, the heart gets shown in its true light, the kindnesses become more prominent, and the shadows only make the beauty shine more bright.

Here is a wonderful meditation I did with my teacher Anne when she was Live on FB. It was a beautiful gift and it was free to join. Feel free to share this in its entirety--or the blog post link--with those who know Reiki and wish to do healings for Gaia too.

COVID-19 Healing & Prayers


Original source - www.ReikiRays.com  

  • Reiki II (or those from other healing modalities that include training in distance work)
    • NOTE:  This healing will use Reiki symbols.  Therefore, if you are not trained as a Reiki II Practitioner or above, feel free to modify the healing based on your own inner guidance.
  • You can do this process one time, given the healing is being programmed, but feel free to do it as often as you wish.  Many find it very comforting to be able to do something to help during this time, and flowing the Reiki energy provides a healing for you, as well as others. 
  • Any of the following healing or prayer can be spoken aloud or said silently to yourself.
  • After the Healing & Initial Prayer, feel free to spend several minutes of sending healing energy, or you can skip that step and assume the energy will be sent. 
  • Make any alternations based on your own inner guidance.
  1. Ask for the help of your Reiki Guides and any other spiritual entities from the Light that you feel guided to work with.
  2. Repeat the following phrase 3 times:  “It is my intention to connect to each and every corner of the world and all the residents of the world.”   
    1. OPTIONAL:  You can add any intentions you wish (e.g., “It is also my intention that this healing energy be sent to all medical professionals and first responders”). 
    2. OPTIONAL:  You can direct this energy outward away from you, or you can also use a pillow or some other object as a surrogate.
  3. Draw the Distance Symbol (Hon-Shaw-Ze-Sho-Nen) in front of you in the air. 
    1. OPTIONS:  You can draw it 3 times or you can draw it once and then gently pat or press it 3 times.
  4. While drawing the Distance Symbol, repeat the name of the symbol 3 times (“Hon-Shaw-Ze-Sho-Nen”). 
  5. Draw and repeat the name of whatever symbols you are attuned to that you feel guided to use during this healing. 
    1. OPTIONS:  (a) Draw the symbols in the air in front of you using any of the techniques described in Step #3 above, (b) draw each symbol into the palm of each hand and then gently pat or press your hands together, or (c) any other method to activate the symbols. 
  6. Hold your hands in whatever position that feels right to you.
    1. OPTIONS:  (a) Prayer position, (b) over your heart, (c) facing upward at your sides, (d) extended forward with palms facing outward, etc.
  7. Say the following 4 phrases:
    1. “I continuously send Reiki energies to each and every corner of the world to eradicate the Coronavirus totally.”
    2. “I continuously send Reiki energies to heal each and every person who is affected by the Coronavirus or has any symptoms of Coronavirus.”
    3. “I continuously send Reiki energies to each and every resident of the world to be protected and shielded from the Coronavirus.” 
    4. “I program this Reiki to be sent continuously until the Coronavirus is totally eradicated from everywhere.” 
  1. Put your hands in the prayer position or whatever position feels right to you.
  2. Say the following prayer: “Father/Mother/God, please eradicate the Coronavirus from each and every corner of the world and heal all those who are affected by the virus or has any symptoms of this virus. Please protect and shield all the residents on the earth from this virus. Cover each and every corner of the world with your Divine energies so that all the residents are safe, healthy, and protected.  And so it is, let it be so.”
  • (OPTIONAL) Spend time sending Reiki energy.
  • Ask for the presence of Mother Mary.  She will facilitate you in sending Divine Love to all involved in your healing.
  • Hold your hands in whatever position feels comfortable for you.  Focus Mother Mary’s energy outward away from you and toward all those who have received the Reiki energy.  Repeat the following phrase 3 times:  “Infinite love and gratitude.”
  • Place your hands over your own heart.  Focus Mother Mary’s energy toward your heart, because you give so much to so many.  Repeat the following phrase 3 times:  “Infinite love and gratitude.”
  • Thank Mother Mary, your Reiki Guides, and any other spiritual entities from the Light that have helped you with this healing.
Institute for Mediumship, Psychic, Astrological, & Reiki Training (IMPART)
Impart Wisdom & Wellness Center (IWWC)
540 N. Golden Circle Drive, Suite 108, Santa Ana, CA  92705, USA
(714) 599-0017

It's your Rose!  It's in your hands.

Sorry for the font change. 

We just love that huge white rabbit with the blue and red pill!

Clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins

P.S. Here is a link to the poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson which has the line 'the earth laughs in flowers':  https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/52341/hamatreya?fbclid=IwAR2YosQOBWzXbQcPBy5s7raK3AYLv3IUYPsb8-anNr_i58OVWNWRACFEul8

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Life Is Good! Part 2

Life is good! We recall perhaps having a blog post with that title in the past--all in all there have been over thirty five hundred of them written--so to be careful we have added the Part 2.

As long as there is food in your stomach, air in your lungs, and a place to rest, you have all the elements required...remember to take the time to pause and think about this, no matter how uncertain things may be seeming to be happening outside and around you. Pause. Take a big breath. And if something is of interest to you, by all means, enjoy it.

Yesterday was a good day for me, in that I was able to do something I've always wanted to do. I was able to learn and practice how to can food to enjoy in the future. Yesterday I took my eight precious bergamot lemons I had been saving, and made a marmalade from them. It took the whole day and I made seven half-pint jars.  Now they are in the cupboard, neatly stacked up! I learned about the wide mouth canning jars, the ones with the shoulders on them, the sealing lids, the rings, everything! 

I also made a dandelion mead, another new hobby. At first I wasn't sure why the recipe appealed to me so much when I saw it, but as my hands worked through the steps of the project, collecting the flowers and separating the petals from the flower base, making them steep in boiling water (this is called a 'mash' by the way)--I was acutely aware that in some other life I had made this before. It was like a re-remembering, and it brought me joy to do something so familiar again in this life. I didn't remember the particulars besides the making...about that other life. Just the actual knowledge of how to make the honey wine itself. 

It felt good yesterday to cook three meals and make projects and always have Anthony in my sight. He was content to play his video game. The Assassins Creed in Greece is what he was playing. And the scenery was beautiful, so very beautiful, I enjoyed looking over at the screen while he played. I turned my eyes away at the fights, except for the big ones like the minotaur or medusa, and I sat next to him and cheered him on.

Enjoy today.

Tomorrow isn't here yet.

Listen to the birds, the everyday noises around the home, and feel the breeze on your skin.

When challenges come, you will face them, and until then, relax and feel the love which surrounds you and your family and friends and fur babies and your guides from Home who are watching over you always.


There is a saying that 'one rotten apple can make the rest go bad.'

What is an apple?

There is another saying that goes, 'do not put all your eggs in one basket'.

What is a basket?

Whenever there are apples on the table, keep them in a basket, and enjoy the ones that are edible!

Do not concern yourself with the what's and why's and how's.

If you are hungry, eat!

If you are thirsty, drink!

If you are bored, go and find something to entertain yourself, or even better, why not take a moment to fill it with Love and Gratitude until you find something else to do? Spirit will guide you.

When you send up that energy of Love and Gratitude it is like putting a great big flag over your head that lights up! It gets our attention over here on Spirit side. And we are better able to find you and assist you, as we are naturally vibrating at that frequency.

Try to disengage yourself from the Matrix. Question everything. Even so simple as to how an apple got to be given that name? Was it Adam, really that named it? (he laughs). What are eggs, for that matter? And what are baskets? This is something mutually agreed upon to communicate by people whose telepathy muscles have gotten atrophied from lack of use!

Work on the vibration of your Consciousness. Bring it up as close as you can to the energy of Source and all that is Divine. Stretch! Use those muscles!

You will like what happens next once you get good at it and remember how to use your Spirit muscles!

(he makes a arm bend muscle like a weight lifter just with one arm--ed)

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple who are pointing and showing you the way Home <3 from which we all have come.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Mind The Gap

Are we there yet? I asked the MRI tech, playfully, as the sedation for anesthesia continued in the very old man in the scanner, and his blood pressure was starting to drop to where perhaps I might need to go into the sealed off area and do something about it.

He smiled and showed me there was only seven more minutes left for the contrast sequence.  I knew that the blood pressure cuff cycled every five minutes, that the propofol infusion was known to lower blood pressure and cardiac contractility, and furthermore that propofol infusion, especially at the low rate I had set, wears off quickly.  I decided to let things be, and sure enough, by the time we got the patient to recovery in a completely other building, blood pressure was normal, the patient was awake, talking appropriately, and asking about how the study went.

This was an example of an educated guess I used, based on my many years of clinical experience, to help bridge the gap between where I was, and where I needed to be, as far as the patient care went. 

We all do this, every day, we draw upon our wealth of experience, both in this life, and in all previous and parallel states of consciousness we have ever had, and we navigate our journey as best as possible in the context of our learning and our life lessons.

We have come to know that this process happens at a certain rate, a speed which compared to the learning in the rest of the Cosmos and Galaxy and Universe--which is very fast, much much faster than anywhere else--but at times feels slow and unbearable to us.

Hence the joke of the children in the back seat of the car, on a long ambitious road trip, often asking the question, 'are we there yet?'...

Today we are going to discuss the gap, the distance for our consciousness to cross--both as individuals and collectively, from where we are today, to that point in time in the future where Ascension is complete, and we can take a big deep breath and relax because everything is over. 

It feels endless, this wait. It's gone on for years, for those of us who are awakened. Myself perhaps it's been ten years. For others even longer. It has been completely out of our control, with the exception perhaps of controlling our reactions and responses to what turns up.

Right now, we are going through territory none of us have ever imagined. However, the very old, who have been through challenges such as the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, World War 2, and other serious natural disasters--have experienced such tragedy face-to-face, first hand, with the hopes of it never happening again. For example, the museum which teaches us the importance of 'No More Hiroshimas' in Hiroshima, Japan, which warns of the dangers of nuclear weapons for earth and her life upon her. 

Yesterday I was in shock. After a phone call with a dear friend, I got the email from the hospital warning us of Disaster Status. As a physician, I am on standby, and as my boss said to us, 'we will be asked to wear many different robes' once the patients arrive. Reiki Nurse here describes it well here https://meredithkendall.blogspot.com/2020/03/covid-19.html. I remember an Italian physician saying that it was eerie the wait, knowing it was going to hit, but once the surge hit the hospital there was nothing to do, no time to think, only to deal with it.  My inner sanctuary and peace of knowing I am prepared to 'ride out the storm' and 'weather in place'--was challenged with the very possible risk of contagion and leaving earth too soon, leaving Anthony an orphan, like I did in my past life before the immediate past life. He was motherless at two in that life. And this one I've been more than making it up to him.  

I couldn't do any of the things I had planned for the day. I just managed to do the bare minimum, making breakfast, lunch and dinner. We had banana nut pancakes for breakfast, packaged fondue with   rock-like stale baguette bread I resuscitated by wetting it and baking it in the oven and salad for lunch, and mashed potatoes with greek lamb meatballs and asparagus for dinner. 

This morning I woke up with new resolve. 

The nightmare at the hospital isn't here yet. My father taught me again and again, to wait until things are asked of me that are scary--don't add to the misery when you aren't even there. I used to fall asleep in the back seat of the car on the way to the dentist, I dreaded the shots so! Anxiety has always been an issue for me, and thankfully my father understood and helped me to grow to where I can manage it and live with it. 

It's not me alone, it's lots of doctors on our teams, working together.

I'm still not sure how I'm going to get paid for all the work I do, in that event. I'm fee for service. I can bill all I want to the patients but how will I collect? I don't know. 

Ross told me I would have a good quarantine, and that these would be some of the best memories I ever make with Anthony.  Last night we watched a movie with Adam Sandler called Click. I smiled inwardly as I watched it, because the occult theme was hidden in plain sight--technology exists to time travel and only 'special' ones get to experience it, and also, the 'Angel of Death' played by Christopher Walken, was probably a little more, um, Lucy-fer-ian than Angel if you ask me. In the occult message. In the one for the public I liked the actors and the story and it was fun. 

My lesson about gaps is 'approximations'.  Yesterday I knew I needed to sterilize the gallon jug to make the mead. But I couldn't find a pot big enough to boil it. I went to the garage, and got the huge box with the electric canner out. Sure enough the bottle fit. 

I let it be for the day, since I was in shock.

I did straighten out the counter and the pantry, found the sugar, and it was no big deal.

But this morning, I realized, I can make both the mead and the bergamot marmalade at the same time.  They are practically the same functions, and I can heat both on the stove right next to each other. 

Remember that Spirit is always near us, loving us, guiding us and assisting us. Keep in mind that what is before us is unknown, but much as we would like to have more information, our feelings and intuition are enough to carry us through.

This morning, I got to experience my teacher's role again, and I tapped into my wealth of experience from my past lives all of them working together in harmony and unison. This wait has been thousands of years for my soul, which, since time does not exist, is in Spirit but an instant! Clearing and releasing has been the way to reassemble myself.  There are clichés about when the teacher is ready that the student will appear and when the student is ready the teacher will appear. This was something different...something even more mysterious and joyful. It was like, the teacher returns! and I give thanks for this, right from my soul. It is like the veil blocking my access to my past has vanished, and everything is working together for the Highest Good of all.

I'd like to share one last thing about this picture. She is Saint Fina, or Saint Seraphina. She's from the Tuscan village of San Gimignano. Her feast day is March 12, as she died on that day in 1253. She was a child who was paralyzed, and lay in bed all day for her life, until the end when Saint Gregory came to her and gave her premonition about when she would die. 

Fascinatingly, March 12 is also the day of the inflection point of sharp increase in the curve for Italy and the Coronavirus.

I've never heard of Saint Fina, or even thought of anything like her, until today when I was looking for the photos for the blog post. I felt drawn to the image, a female with two angels supporting her. It's beautiful. I saw the frescoes and they were okay...not great not awful...but that was the one in the photos that caught my eye. 

This is how spirit works to help us and guide us. Be open, ready and willing to follow your hunches and to roll with whatever will arise. 

This is our lesson to you. Now it's Ross' turn.


These are cygnets. Little baby swans. All of you remember the Hans Christian Anderson story of the Ugly Duckling, do you not?  The one who was different and not like the rest in the mother's duck's brood.  The ugly duckling was painfully aware of the differences, and struggled to carry this burden of being teased and humiliated right and left, with no way to escape the situation for staying with the mother was what was needed to survive.

Until, one fine day, the ugly duckling spied the flock of swans!

And THEN the jubilation and great delight overwhelmed him! For he was Ugly no more, he was perfectly made and just the right fit, to live with the Swans forever and ever!

The day is coming, very close to these times, where the energies will flip, and all of you who have been ridiculed and criticized and just plain not understood, are going to have your jubilance and your overwhelming glee to discover you are all beautiful, perfectly made, perfectly placed, bright Heavenly Swans in our midst!

Your swans are coming to find you!

Keep paddling away under the water, doing your best to keep with the ducks you find yourself surrounded by, and remembering to be loving in all situations, particularly with gratitude for the kindnesses which have allowed you to live and grow in the pond along with the ducks.

Remember this, our beautiful cygnets. You are made for different things, and yes, in the end, you shall shine as bright as the stars in the heavens--with joy! -- when that time arrives and you are reunited with both your heart and star families!

clap! clap!!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Family who loves you and lovingly guides the path Home to wholeness and delight