Thursday, March 26, 2020

Accept and Allow

On Tuesday, thanks to the magic of Zoom teleconferencing, my Reiki teacher Anne Reith, PhD was able to host an 'Open Psychic Development Circle'.  I haven't been to one in eight to ten years.  These are sessions for the advanced students, where they meet every week at a regular time, and Spirit agrees to work with them, for perhaps four to six week intervals. Usually they are closed groups. When I used to go, traffic and childcare was a huge issue. At first I enjoyed them, then later, I would get upset because I spent most of the time being a medium for other people instead of getting to enjoy Spirit on my own.

This week, Anne got some downloads from a new angel that was next to her, a very tall one who wore gray and had gray hair and a beard who reminded her a little of the energy of the tarot card, The Hermit--someone very calm, very wise, and very loving and connected to Source.

Some of the messages for the group, and I believe, all of us, are:
  • enjoy the respite (that's a word she doesn't usually use, but it means a break, a breather, in the onslaught like military or other major event)
  • Trust
  • each of you are on the front lines (the people in the circle were drawn to it by Spirit) in your own way
  • Be the conduit for the healing to flow through you as you are in your position on the front lines, do not deplete yourself.  Be the conduit for their angelic energy.
  • Let the angels and the angelic energy be the warrior. 
  • When you struggle draw back upon the energy of the circle
  • Don't try so hard
  • You are enough
  • we forget that we are human (don't feel you should be above it)
  • use our gifts

Some people in the circle saw a golden orb or globe that was Mother Earth, radiating this golden, angelic energy. 

Anthony and I are kind of happy that we are confined to our home. We enjoy doing what we want to do, and not having any major time commitments.  It was kind of the elephant in the room for us, and I suspect, it's a little that way for almost everyone who is affected by the quarantines.

We were like, 'I kind of like it, isn't that weird?'  and 'me too!'

I asked him this morning now he's had home school, and regular school, which does he prefer?

He said actually, regular school, because it's harder to make himself follow a schedule and get things done.

Yesterday, I continued catching up on my correspondence, and he assembled his drone I'd bought him for Christmas, and we took it to the park twice to make it fly. It was very exciting! It's a shame it can only fly for fifteen minutes. He invited me to fly it, and I said no because I knew I would crash it.

I'm enjoying the rhythms of Life. 

Ross has told me to go through the seafood in the freezer first. Tonight on deck is scallops, and I needed a Mexican-style recipe so I could use some of the cilantro from the garden. I looked it up, and there's one with chorizo and scallops served on fresh corn. I'll use canned, but it looks fantastic. 

I adore the concept of maƱana, 'maybe tomorrow', when it comes to the 'to do' lists.  I've been a slave to them since high school. It helps me to work with my own natural energies. Yesterday I needed to lie down and talk to Spirit. I could. I did! And I felt the downloads. I get many.  When I needed sun, I got sun. I washed dishes and tidied up around the house too. 

It's so wonderful living a life where there are fewer demands. I go to sleep when I'm tired, I wake up when I feel like it. It's like vacation...

This lull in my work schedule has been a blessing too. 

I've been able to accept emotionally the risks for me with my bad lungs being exposed to the virus, where one in five staff catch it. 

I don't think I have it in me to survive another pneumonia. It's hard work for me to breathe now just as it is. I suspect our old home had mold and we didn't know it. Both Anthony and I, our lungs are really not in good shape.

My team has also gotten a lot of information together at work, we have our safety equipment we will ration, but at least to start it's there. I saw there's PAPR, the astronaut head type thing, which will make my life a lot easier. 

We also got a wonderful donation from a friend of just the neoprene like facemasks you can wash. I will share them with others at the hospital. I know the virus is airborne and sticks to hair and skin and clothing, so from the front door to the locker room, I'll wear eye protection and a mask.

Anesthesiologists in several FB groups are sharing information, vital information, for our safety and that of our patients.

Here are some of the topics:

These are important things to take into consideration, and fortunately, the virus is getting us to talk about them.

Tomorrow I work. I'm call two. I'm not sure how long I'll be there. I promise to take every precaution. 
It is what it is, and I know no matter what, my assignment here will succeed and at some point I'll go Home when it's complete. 

My dream is to set up a Healing Center. A real one that uses Galactic ways instead of Fischer Price Toys (current technology today by comparison).  I've contacted Aura-Soma again. It's not easy to contact them. They are experts in frequency of light, scent and angels. I have concerns as they are using a Kabbalah, as well as saying, 'Know Thyself'--in their teaching. Either way their products totally 'sing' with energy, and I'll find a way to use that. Or even biofeedback. Those units are expensive like the classes for Aura-Soma. A new one is twenty-five thousand dollars. It's sort of a 'front' for a medical medium to work. With both insights you can really help people, and add to that my medical background for a triple threat.  I trust and I know as long as I'm reminding people to eat from the garden, to open their hearts, and to practice Reiki I'm on the right track.

With world events, I'd just like to share one thing.  In the context of celebrities getting the virus and looking really pale as they make their strange videos on social media--with keys and shit hidden in plain sight so it appears it's like some secret message to one another--I think I understand what the girl rescued from horrors in Ecuador is about.

They need the adrenochrome. And since everything is on lockdown here, sources are low. But perhaps this was a donor for it, and she was rescued. It's evidence. That's what I'm thinking.

Here is the information reference for a chemist about Adrenochrome. Most notable is the structure, which looks like a white rabbit lying on its side--the ears are the left. And also, for the suppliers, Wuhan is towards the bottom of the list.

The physical effects of blood-drinking are hemochromatosis and liver damage. The body has to make extra ferritin to carry the additional heme around in a bound to protein state before it hurts the liver.  Without access to the fresh ingested blood, the ferritin still holds  the heme, and it may be possible for a relative anemia to be seen. I'm not a hematologist, I don't know, only they could answer it. 

Supposedly the Google censors on researching stuff like this are off, but I had trouble finding information on the psychological and physical withdrawal from Adrenochrome. (oxidized epinephrine/adrenaline)

Do know that in the circles of Luci-FAIR-ree ins they have been training in military tactics since long time now, and they plan to deploy that against the 'cattle' in an end-game, 'Alex' scenario where all Monarch and MK Ultra are trained to be triggered to do just that. Instead of being in hiding, they will be out in the open and in control. With guns. So when Chet Hanx makes those aggressive statements, he's talking about what that plan is--throwing everyone who's awake in the FEMA camps.

I've also heard that Billy Gate-s wants to put some DNA signature marker thing into everyone to prove who's gotten the "COVID" vaccine and who hasn't. That's like the total mark of the beast there.

So we live in interesting times, and we bring up this last section for those of you who enjoy the popcorn in times like this.

Be calm and know we are in good hands. All is well.

Yesterday I went to the park for a little time alone. Anthony is here, 24/7 always within earshot. I listened to a voicemail from a friend. It wasn't easy, it kept cutting off.  I replied. It's spiritual stuff that Anthony just gets concerned when he overhears it.

When I finished I saw one of these.

A bluebird.

A bluebird of Happiness, right?

That's the thing, they don't live here. I've never seen them growing up.  Not anywhere up or down the California coast.

What I did see was something like this high up hanging in the tree in the park.

It's real!

I don't know how they did it, but bluebirds are in Southern California--and living in a little house!

I had thought perhaps I've seen them in my back yard but I thought I was imagining it. 

They love the bird seed I place out for them, the doves and sparrows and fluffy fat other birds I don't know what they are.

The hummingbirds adore our cactus in front, and also the hummingbird feeder in the back.

I have heard an owl at night, from my room I can hear it hooting, for two nights now. Once long ago we saw him fly overhead into a tree when we did our outdoor fire in the chiminea.  And as Anthony and I tried to climb our back fence from the golf course in, we heard a hawk and saw it. (I never did go over it, because I didn't want to risk a broken arm). 

Good things are due to arrive.

Not sure when.

Not sure how.

Not sure how long this quarantine thing is going to take.

Not sure how my work is going to go but probably I'm about to be really busy in the next few weeks.

I know Ross is always with me and Anthony, and he's never going to leave. We'll be okay. Especially because I listen to my intuition and his inner guidance. 

While I'm not at work, I'll enjoy the birds singing, and the freedom to enjoy my life.  I might partake in a little 'popcorn'--watching the 'show' as the regimes change, and the ones from the ASSC have to face the music for their deceptions and not-so-hot stuff they've been holding over us for centuries and millennia.

I'll keep in touch with loved ones as best as I can.

Keep your sense of humor up! (warning, F-bomb alert! lol)

Remember we love you, you are loved, every single day, whether we say it or not.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The family who love and cherish you