Friday, August 23, 2024

An Earthly Learning Opportunity






These unpopular words in modern times represent one of the most important learning opportunities in one's Earth Walk--the sudden realization that we are in a state of misperception, and the new found inspiration to walk a different path where we are more in alignment with Truth. 

The Truth itself could be variable--one's own sense of right and wrong Truth which one has been ignoring, or perhaps a new 'religious' Truth or 'lifestyle' Truth, or even, the one and only, unchanging, Universal Truth which guides all of Divine Creation. 

Here is a wonderful photo of such a moment

Initially it said of a bullfighter who had the bull 'look him in the eye' and he suddenly realized the animal did not want to hurt him, or to fight. He felt remorse, quit his career, and went on to become an animal rights activist.

This story itself is part true. The bullfighter in the photo is Francisco Javier Sanchez Vara. He was doing something bullfighters do to make it more exciting--they put themselves in danger. 

The real bullfighter who changed is Alvaro Munera. He was paralyzed by a bull goring him.

What matters is not the details of the story. The point we are trying to drive home here is on Earth, lives can change SUDDENLY.  It is well known how people can 'lose everything' and changes appear for the worst. What most people don't pause to consider is how things can suddenly change for the better, too.

Someone can decide to lose weight and commit to their health. People can overcome their addictions. New businesses can launch. Bad policies can be dropped. New laws can protect. These are examples yes, and the key is how out of the blue, we are hit with a SUDDEN REALIZATION that we have been 'a little off track'--in thoughts, beliefs, behaviors--and everything is made clear.

Know about it.

Be open to it if it happens to you.

Remember that with all your new insights--it is very difficult to communicate them to people who are in the same situation you were in before your new insights. You can plant the seeds. You can create ways to support those in their changes, for example, sober living community being available for those who truly are inspired to become clean and sober. 

And be able to recognize and validate and encourage those who are having these experiences who may lack the spiritual foundation you have of Reiki and hanging out with us for ten years plus!

It is okay to be wrong. It is okay to be unknowing. That is part of the human condition. There is no fault in that, and do not get all weighed down in playing the blame game. This is unproductive. Reach deep into unconditional love, both for yourselves and others, and give THANKS for the opportunity to turn over a new leaf! Be glad for the freedom to start off anew. Have enthusiasm and determination. These are the gifts one can enjoy while living on Earth that are not as easy to obtain elsewhere in the Universe!


I want to emphasize that one man's truth is only right for him, and may not be truth for another. It takes baby steps with the evolution of one's individual Truths to approach that of the Divine.  Save your breath. Instead lead by example. Let your happiness and joy be your calling card for others to come to you and find out your 'secret'!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Lovers of the Universe and What is Right and Correct