Thursday, September 26, 2024

Changing Your Attitude to Change


I used to hate change.

Viscerally just stress and fight the inevitable.

Now with the Autumn season, and many more years under my experience, I am learning to adapt gracefully when in truth there is no other option available to me than to accept and allow.

Just for today, let's focus on change. 

Even here, there's a change. I used to blog daily. Now people don't read blogs like they used to, they enjoy TikTok videos. The platform Blogspot is still awesome! Over the years it has changed too. I have had to adapt and find work-arounds to certain features. 

A big change is taking a new level in being a mom--an anticipated one, but still, it is awful quiet around here. On the one hand, it is freeing. And considering I fell into motherhood quite by accident, this is kind of a 'fresh start' once again. This time I have Reiki training, all the psychic development courses, all the personal development, even the understanding of attachment styles to help. It is my hope that we have been able to bring you along on your journey as well, along with us.

It is so easy to numb your feelings out. And to just work and continue your routine. Today, it took me asking two separate people--trained ones--to make sure my habit of canceling exercise classes taught by the person who was teaching class the day I got hurt in class--was not being a baby. Some people are more knowledgeable than others, especially for someone my age and with my injuries. It just makes sense to let that one be and not risk it. I am not used to feeling my feelings and acting upon them, not for me, in my personal life. Professionally, sure! That's different. 

There's lots of changes ahead. It depends on who you listen to, really. Cobra says that even if nothing more is done by the Light workers the framework of the dark has been damaged beyond repair and will implode in seven years. Ben Fulford says that lots is going on behind the scenes especially with international finances. The book of Revelation says that we are moving right along with the End Times. Even with the elections in the United States, anything can happen! Will it be like 2020 or like 2016 this time? Either way large groups of people are going to be extremely upset. 

I see change here. I see businesses closing in my neighborhood. The economy is tough. Really, really tight for the majority of the people. Are we at 'a loaf of bread will buy a bag of gold?'  Not yet. But some company sent a letter saying to go with them for forty dollars a month to have a 'land line' even after California gets rid of the 'land line' telephone system. My house doesn't even have access to the old 'land line' networks. Our 'land line' is connected to the internet. And the new business works with a box you plug into a plug and then your wireless phones connect to it. The only way it will stay 'working' when the internet is 'down' is for the battery in the system. 

I miss land lines.

I miss the security of knowing they would be always working in an emergency.

I miss SoupPlantation restaurant. 

I miss BigLots who is going out of business.

Times change. 

We are not Superman, who was able to turn back time.

Once we grasp that everything is happening for our benefit, to help us raise our awareness and to grow as souls, then change becomes less scary. 

It helps me to accept that everything was written into our pre-birth contracts. Even the end of life. Between those two endpoints, it doesn't hurt to ask for what we want from Spirit. And to work along those lines to gain skills and knowledge. 

Keep in the game. Just let your your grip on the outcome loosen a little. You will be glad you did.

Ross agrees with this message.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins