Saturday, November 23, 2024

Togetherness Is A Gift


Good morning!

I made this image extra large because it is going to help demonstrate the lesson.

Connectedness with others is truly a gift. This would be the glowing lines between the people at the bottom. For some reason, they align--be it through vibration, nationality, family ties, commitment, university or place of education, work, the military, beliefs, or random encounters. Connection such as this is part of our survival system as large incarnate mammals. Because we are human these connections can have hiccups and even sometimes break, for example, in cases of abuse and trauma where the victim chooses to go 'no contact'.

This drive for connection is innate, and so strong, that for punishment there is solitary confinement, time out, restriction (when the parents keep the kid from socializing with friends), and being shunned from a group. This kind of separation causes emotional pain that is real. It is as disturbing to the person as physical pain to be given the 'silent treatment'.

This time of year can be hard on those who have recently lost a loved one or who are single. The connections are the focus of the holiday celebrations. I remember at Halloween just dreading the sequence of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Valentine's Day as a person who was not in relationship. I literally counted the weeks until I was out of that brutal emotional window of time.

The people who we love are important and being able to love is truly a gift and a blessing to be enjoyed. Do know that these connections remain in the afterlife when they are loving and reciprocal. These are the soul ties.

What about if you are alone and single? This is an opportunity to focus on three very important soul connections too. Those in relationship are welcome to focus as well on these. But when alone it is truly the season of life to strengthen these connections and it is good to invest time and effort on that.

Imagine on the left side of the photo, that the connection is beaming down from Divine Creator to you. This is Life itself. The amount of love, if you open yourself fully to receive it, far outweighs anything you have experienced from humans or pets. This loving connection is unbreakable. 

I will say this again, this loving connection is UNBREAKABLE. No matter how much harm you have done to yourself, or others, this love remains! You could be the woman who poisoned to death eighteen members of her family for planning to force her into an arranged marriage--a ghastly thing no matter how you look at it, the arrangement or the response--and every single one of those people including the poisoner are bathed continually in the love of Divine Creator! Unconditional Love. 

As an aside, what happens to those who have been traumatized severely and traumatized others when they return back Home? Well, there are specialist angels who are assigned to them. There is a formalized healing process. I have seen one soul who was permitted to canoe through rivers where he grew up just to help his soul heal. After the soul enjoys activities then the instruction and guidance begin. Everything is carefully monitored and formalized in the process of getting the individual to see the impact of their actions. And ultimately, there is karma and reincarnation to repeat the lessons that were to have been learned differently in the first place.

So, the connection from Creator to us is a gift! Be thankful for it! In loneliness it is a wonderful consolation. Work to notice it and welcome it and open yourself to receive this wonderful Light and Love from the Universe who has intelligence and lovingkindness and knows YOU exactly as you are!

The next one, is represented by the red line, which goes across the bottom. I call that the 'Do Not Pass Go' line, if you have ever played the board game Monopoly. Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Receive Two Hundred Dollars. You can tell I have played that game a lot! When I do I play the terrier token and I often play the role of the banker as well. The reason I have called this red line the Do Not Pass Go is that through childhood trauma, I didn't learn healthy secure attachment. I had a fearful childhood. So I learned to place others before myself. I fawned. I catered. I did whatever I could to get attention from my parents and to survive emotionally. I quickly learned that the teachers would notice my actions, and I excelled at my academics in order to receive this validation I was not being given at home. 

Let me paraphrase the reasoning behind Do Not Pass Go:  if you have been conditioned to the belief that love must be earned you have a LOT of UN-learning to do before you get to enjoy the good stuff, the warmth and connection of partnership and friends as it was designed in the Original Plan.  In other words, you have been trained to abandon yourself and your own needs to gain the love, trust, warmth, and protection from others. 

Nothing could be further from the truth!

Healthy people, who are raised securely, somehow are given the correct information same as on that left side of the image above--not only is Divine Creator's love unconditional for you, so is the love of your parents and NOTHING you can do can change that.  This is what nourishes the concept of Self-Love. Of having your own back. Of being able to speak up for yourself when necessary, being confident enough to walk away when you are mistreated, and enjoying your own presence. Your likes, your dislikes, your gifts and talents. 

So being able to be alone, knowing your day to day and making adjustments to help be kind to yourself...this is how we regain our Self Love. For me, after a long hard day at work, I bought myself dinner, and not a cheap dinner fast food, but something healthy and warm and nourishing (a falafel). Consistent behavior which honors ourselves is the foundation for being fully present in loving relationships with others. 

The last connection I am going to use the right hand side of the photo, and imagine the light beams going UP. This is our conscious choice to send LOVE back to Source. Remember, in the womb, the umbilical cord receives blood from our mother, and with our heart we pump it back to her. She gives us nourishment and oxygen. We are permitted to live because we can have our wastes --carbon dioxide--go out through her and her lungs. We are symbiotic during our formation, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth we are nourished, we exchange, and we grow. 

A mother notices when her baby smiles at her. It makes all the work and the sleepless nights a joy instead of a burden because of it.

Smile at Creator.

Creator needs our love.

Try to strengthen your connection back with Source.

You will be glad you did.

That is enough for today.

It is my hope that this discussion will better prepare you to make the most of your upcoming holidays.  Enjoy life. Enjoy being alive now at this time. There is a lot of beautiful moments and memories that would be a shame to be missed because you simply do not happen to notice them. Think of them as a treasure hunt and search lovingly and with excitement through your day at the surprises and joys to be relished!

And as you lay your head to sleep, remember to enjoy them one more time, like a movie, and give thanks for your glorious day of being alive! Give thanks for your connections, all of them, and togetherness is a priceless gift.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple