Saturday, October 5, 2024

How To Assist with the Waking Up of Others Around You


For those of us who have been with us, we salute you. Early on you have taken the bitter truth knowingly and in Divine Trust.  Together we have looked for opportunities to support and assist others in their awakening. 

The Truth is hard to hide.

And now, with global circumstances, the audacity of TWDNHOBIAH is becoming more evident to those who, until now, have been in 'slumber'.  Some of you might have a little resentment going, and thinking to yourselves, 'It has been pretty freaking OBVIOUS hasn't it?' and wondering how they never were able to see it before, no matter how many meme, posts, hints and direct discussions you would have with 'these people'. 

Well, at the end of every anesthetic, people 'emerge' from the chemically induced 'slumber'. 

And now, circumstances are forcing people to see with their own eyes, what up until now, had not been possible--due to a number of things--highly sophisticated psychological forces, magic/enchantment, and denial. All are stronger than we know individually and these three 'technologies' (for lack of a better word) are very potent. 

I think there is a common thread among those who are already awakened--many are survivors of horrific abuse (mental, physical, emotional, psychological). So they know from first-hand experience that humans can be cruel and unkind. Even those for example like mothers and fathers who are in roles to help nurture their young. 

Fortunately this makes the survivors less susceptible to the big three 'technologies' ...and dissociation. 

Like the frog in the slowly boiling pot of hot water, those around us are starting to feel the heat. Life is getting uncomfortable for themselves and for others.

So what do we do?

We hold the space for them.

We do not get sucked in to their drama.

We answer questions such as their asking us, 'Is it real? or am I going crazy?'

And we nurture ourselves because holding the space takes an awful lot of energy. You have to be on the alert and consciously deciding what to do and say.

It also helps to be familiar with perception. Our five senses can be victim to illusions. That inner knowing, that trust, that faith, and our belief systems will help guide us even through the thickest, most blinding storm in this spiritual battle.

When all else fails, have compassion for those who are newly awake. For us, we did not have geographic catastrophes happening while we were realizing how the world is run and who runs it and what these people running it believe.  These new ones needed the extreme circumstance to wake them up. And I can anticipate even more people needing even more extreme circumstances before they too will awaken.

God is in Charge and everything is taking place for the Highest Good. Even though it may not look like it. 

Things are being positioned to set off a Civil war--many of them. Due to the manipulation of perceptions. Also keep in mind that we have been in a non-localized unrestricted warfare for most of our lives, as well as a spiritual war on top of that. What you think, say, and do is highly important and besides journaling, probably the most effective way to counteract and heal mind control programming in others. Consistency is key. And mindfulness is important.


Carla is looking forward to making blueberry pancakes from scratch! Anthony is home for the weekend!

Remember to savor the joys along the way. Even in the worst concentration camp, Ravensbrook, Corrie Ten Boom remembered to appreciate the beautiful birds and flowers she would encounter in her day.

This is important for the mind, soul, and body to appreciate beauty. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Officers