Saturday, March 16, 2013

Messages From My Patients: Chapter 45

March 28, 2009
You don’t even know me!” Maya
Eleven year old friend of Anil, that died today while I prayed a rosary for her at Trader Joe.
She was his dog.

(ed--a friend had sent out a distress call/post on Facebook--and immediately I started to pray. As I was praying, the spirit came out and said 'you don't even know me'! with surprise that I would pray. I had no clue she was a pet and not a person! Back then I prayed a lot of rosaries. Rosaries are a good exercise to help you connect with your Higher Self and Source. Yoga is good too. There are many ways to enhance this 'connection'. Now I mostly do Divine Peace Healing instead. I find it more 'electric' and 'effective' way for me.)