Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Surrendering To Spirit: Spirit's Gift To Me

Yesterday was full of surprises. I didn't want to work that day. But spirit said 'do not try to get someone else to take your shift'. I guess spirit had 'other things in mind' to help me learn and grow.

The first surprise was this red flower. My patient was holding it in Pre-Op. He gave it to me. It is a pomegranate flower.

Let's look it up:

Pomegranate Flower
Mature elegance

(You know, flowers are almost as much as fun way to have 'angels messages'  as numbers. Here is a link to 'look things up' -- http://www.languageofflowers.com/flowermeaning.htm)

The next surprise was how nice everyone in my O.R. 'Family' was to me, and happy to celebrate with me. I realized God was saying we are all one big family, and our work 'family' is sometimes important for our mutual growth and development, much in the same way as our 'birth family' and 'family by marriage'.

One even offered to buy me dinner because their case made us all have to come back in after working all day and heading towards home (none of us made it). Dinner got delivered and it was very much appreciated

The next day, I went out to the water, and tried stand up paddle boarding.

I love it!

If you like the water, you might wish to try it too. I learned on a place without much waves. That's where you have to go to find your balance and figure how to make the paddle and board 'go'.

Namaste, and Mahalo nui loa,

Reiki Doc