Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Anesthetizing Buddha and Now Waking Him Up

Not long ago, I had a patient that looked like this.

Anesthesia providers look at you differently than others because we work with the mouth.

Does this patient look like you can see the uvula (little thing that hangs in the back of the throat)? Or just lots of tongue when he opens his mouth?

I looked. All I saw was a flat line between tongue and tissue in back of throat, no uvula, no arches, nada. That is Not Good.

Does this patient look like he can fit three fingers stacked up when he opens his mouth? Or three fingers under the chin if you lay them sideways?

This is how you measure if there is enough room in the mouth to fit the breathing tube in. 

 When the airway looks like this one on the Hotei Laughing Buddha, part of you wants to panic.

But once I begin to worry, I recall my promise I made to the Tibetan Goddess of Healing, Green Tara.
I start to think about how to get the job done, and keep the patient safe and happy, so he will think that when all is said and done it went like this:

I ask for the Glide Scope, a plastic handle device with a camera on it. It worked,  I was barely able to fit this device in, but everything went beautifully.

Now I am going to talk about how it feels to work with Green Tara.

By the way, did you know there is a beautiful Green Tara river in Siberia? Let's take a look at it for a minute:

Wow! I wonder how much fun it would be to ride in that speck of a river raft that you see about the top third of the river?

Back to Green Tara, the Medicine Tara, there are not a lot of images of her.  We will take in the energy of Kuan Yin, who is a Boddhisattva and the energy is very close.

These images were selected by what 'resonates' in my Heart Center of how I experience her energy:

this is my favorite

despite all she has to do, she still makes time to meditate and pray

This one gives a Blessing

You can feel the energy of the people's love for her in this shrine

But to me, she looks like this, the most beautiful and the closest one with Nature

So now, let us take a moment to balance this beautiful yin energy, with clean, crisp masculine energy:

can you feel the clear thinking and mental prowess?

How about this beautiful solitude and introspection?

What touched me most in researching this article, is the profound beauty and love that is transmitted through the images of the Buddhist child. The innocence, the desire to do well in the learning, and most of all, the perfectly balanced Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Energy shines through:

Aren't they adorable, perfect, and precious in every way?

You have that Love in your heart. Right in your Heart Center. It is just as adorable, innocent, perfect, pure, and precious as these baby Buddhas and Bhodisattvas.

I know, you have cried many tears and they have been heard! They are not wasted!

And no matter what you have done to 'play the game' in this Freak Show called 'Duality', your essence, your spark of the Divine is a pure as this:

Buddha, Kuan Yin, Green Tara, and the little Ones all are learning how to work with this:

The Spiritual Power of the Awakening Soul

The tenderness in its reflection in Others

And the Source that 'makes it all work'

Times are changing. Some of these images may disturb you. Challenge yourself to see the 'spark of the Eternal' in each one:

They are not asian. They are possibly not raised Buddhist. And yet the are One with us because they want to know God. Even the ones with the western business suits of the oppressors, even the one who might come from a land where everyone eats steak for dinner...all are sincere in their desire to become more One with God.

Spirit speaks to me in Telepathy.

The information is transmitted by Thought-Pictures which contain an Emotion or Feeling to it.

I have worked with you today in 'Picture Story' to prepare you for the time when your Third Eye begins to really open up.

I worked with your Heart Centers to 'connect' you to Source, to Wonder, to Truth, to all that is Divine.

For those who have been asleep, Now is the perfect time to start waking up.

In Love and Light and Humility,
I say 'Have Peace',
'I will not abandon you.'


Reiki Doc