Friday, February 22, 2013


Aimez-vou les uns et les autres de facon inconditionnelle. Regardez-vous profondement dans le yeux et voyez le divin, voyez votre miroir. Reconnaissez la sagesse, la beaute et la saintete dans l'autre. L'amour adoucit, nourrit, et guerit celui qui le recoit comme celui qui le donne.

Love each other with unconditional Love. Look deeply into their eyes and see the divine, see your mirror. Acknowledge the wisdom, beauty and holiness in the other. Love softens, nourishes and heals whoever gives love as much as the one who receives it.


This is the card I pulled today from my deck, 'La Douce Sagesse': les messages d'amour du royaume de Fees.  by Sasha St. John, AGM, Urania. They are made in Belgium and the artwork is exquisite.

This deck has a story. I bought it at my local metaphysical store. The cards 'found me' about two years ago. I was sitting in the chair pondering the next pendulum to purchase (this one was 'Porphy'--my friend who committed suicide helped me pick it from the Other Side) and the deck caught my eye.

When I went to ring up my purchase, the owner, said, 'You know these are in French, right?'
I said, 'Of course. I speak French. They were meant for me.' He smiled and said that they were the only one in French, all the rest he had bought were in English. He wasn't sure if he should return it or not. It had just arrived. And now he understood.


Reiki Doc