Oh you guys!
I couldn't keep a secret for long!!!
Remember this? http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-chalice.html
It's the Quantum Resonator, with a complete photo of it in use in my first 'healing chamber' I ever had access to, a pyramid. (http://tachyonis.org/Resonator.html)
I also have a full set of tachyonized chakra healing stones that was used in that pyramid structure, that I bought from Cobra. I carry them in my pocket at work every day.
Tachyon chakra set is an indispensable tool for all healers and people on spiritual path. It is a set of seven tachyon energy cells for each of the seven main chakras. It harmonizes chakras and aura of all higher energy bodies: etheric, astral, mental and causal body. Tachyon energy cells are permanent, are not susceptible to negative energies and do not need to be cleansed.
(What are Tachyons 'tack-eeeee-ons'? They are like photons, little particles of energy that come from the sun and the galactic central sun. They are essential to our well-being and our health, and the Veil basically filters them out. One of the first new technologies will be to create Tachyons to permit us to 'charge up' rapidly our depleted energy 'reserve' for this 'source' of energy.http://tachyonis.org/Tachyon.html)
I bought a 'gizmo'. It is a little box called a Light Mandala http://tachyonis.org/Laser.html.
You see, this device has over 120 'settings' of energy on it. The laser and the proprietary encoding sequence will administer the energy balance of one 'setting' to a patient.
Yesterday I read that one energy imbalance on a subatomic level can lead to disease two to five years later if it is not caught early and changed. This was in Masaru Emoto's book, about his work with HADO. ( The True Power of Water: Healing And Discovering Ourselves). He can show how words and emotions can affect the ability of water to make a crystal, as well as how contamination, such as is found in city water supplies, will not make a crystal at all. The most BEAUTIFUL crystal, or 'energy state', is the crystal of the water that is given the command/energy Love and Gratitude…
I am treating myself with this box, the human 'guinea pig' or 'lab rat'. Right now I am treating a cold.
Yesterday morning, I did 'Inflammation' and 'Infection' and the cough went away. After about four or five hours, I needed another 'dose', and the symptoms recurred while I was at work.
This morning, I did 'Inflammation', 'Infection', 'Flu', 'Enhanced communication' and there was one more, I forget the setting name, ah, yes! It was 'Self-Assertiveness'.
And you know what? I responded with my cough MORE to the last two, in fact I am not coughing at all! I am breathing easily.
This is not 'Reiki In A Box'. It is an advanced Spiritual Positive Technology that is very much like the equipment and technology of 'Doctor Mc Coy' on Star Trek.
These technologies have been suppressed for decades! There are cures for cancer (http://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2013/06/cancer-wake-up-call.html )
I just want you to know that all of these are on the Horizon. The healers are working their way 'rediscovering' the new Technologies that are released or about to be released.
This is a very exciting time in Medicine in general, and for Humanity with respect to Healing and ending Suffering from Disease overall.
Aloha and Mahalos,
Reiki Doc
P.S. This is one of MANY healing projects using advanced Spiritual Technology I am actively involved in! This is the only one I am sharing today…
P. P.S. Here is the Sheldan Nidle article for reference, and a relevant quote from it; http://galacticchannelings.com/english/sheldan10-12-13.html
Included in these agreements is a path to disclosure and the release of a plethora of new technologies currently suppressed. These technologies are a means to aid…