Welcome home.
Doctors With Reiki is a site where you are loved and appreciated for who you are, right Now, right Here.
Everything is Perfect, Just The Way It IS...
Aloha and Mahalo with an open heart, that is my wish from me to you today. <3
We are waking up from a very deep sleep in Spirit.
The Veil is broken now for all of you that read this page.
That numbing of amnesia for Who You Once Were before you came to Gaia to be born, is going away.
You are Awakening.
We are Awakening together...
Although it might have seemed impossible, our Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, and Deceased Loved Ones have been watching us while we slept...just like this:
It is their gift to us to welcome us Home.
They left the light on for us, while we slept. And now it is Day, and the sun is filling our 'eyes that see' and our 'hearts that feel'...
Funny thing about being alive on Earth at this time...it seems that all important bonding and healing occurs when our skin is exposed to the air and to one another...
So if you wish to accept the Healing Energies of Nurturing, Warmth, Love and Compassion which are FLOODING the planet at this time...
You know what to do...
And you will be to Spirit, as the flowers bloom in Spring, opening to the sunshine and warmth of the Stars...and our Galactic Family...who love us as their Own...
those who have had a hard time of it shall make the most beautiful flowers of all...
Go ahead. It's all waiting for you...
Blessed Be.
Aloha and Mahalos,
Reiki Doc
P.S. The dates are January 11, 2014 to January 18, 2014 as the window of opportunity for this moonlight 'portal' that is available to us.