The 11.11 'gate' or 'portal' is known for deep healing and opening to the Higher Dimensions.
Today was one of the first days where I was clearly 'multidimensional'. Since 'multidimensional' is coming soon to you--I thought I would share.
Today, fortunately for me, I had the day off. There is no school as it is a holiday in the states. I was told by Spirit Guide last night to help support a friend who is making new healing technology. I gave the amount specified, in the manner Spirit described, when I first woke up. It felt 'right' and I understand that Spirit needs willing 'hands and hearts' to accomplish things just yet. So now there are not one but TWO advanced healing technology projects in 'the works' as we speak.
Although I had inwardly hoped for The Event, in a way, I had a clearing of my own that was just as Eventful--it was my Past that was keeping me from 'opening up' my heart to another.
I posted the hearings 'live' and here are the transcripts from Facebook:
13 hours ago: The imbalance between the yin and the yang on this planet has been creating disharmony for everything on Gaia. The time is now to inform yourself, seek balance, and focus within. #Gassho.
Doctors With Reiki: Yang-O-Rexic
13 hours ago:
Will put on my gumption one more time, face the fears, and press on!:
"As we welcome the energies of this Gateway to weave through our chakras and our bodies (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), we are asked to stand in our Power and speak our Truth, and when you are challenged by others who want you to return to being small and back to your old role, stand firm..... You are being asked to take a step further into your dream, rather than wait for some magical moment that may never occur....... You are asked to move through your fear...... Fear is just an illusion created by your ego...... When you recognize it, walk through it anyway.....This way, the fear dissolves (as all illusion does) and you tap into your Power as a Spiritual Being...... As long as you stop at the precipice of your fear, you won't EVOLVE...... The Gateway of 11:11..... offers you the support to walk through the fear.... into a New Life..... When you do this.... You WILL merge with YOUR Soul.... Your true identity..... gain in Strength and make changes that lead you to your next step of evolution/ascension….."
12 hours ago: Reiki Healing has been sent to each of you. Remember, in healing your deepest core 'stuff', know you are Loved and Supported by the Angels and the Divine.
11 hours ago: A male spirit offered me tea. 
Doctors With Reiki: Yang-O-Rexic
13 hours ago:
Will put on my gumption one more time, face the fears, and press on!:
"As we welcome the energies of this Gateway to weave through our chakras and our bodies (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual), we are asked to stand in our Power and speak our Truth, and when you are challenged by others who want you to return to being small and back to your old role, stand firm..... You are being asked to take a step further into your dream, rather than wait for some magical moment that may never occur....... You are asked to move through your fear...... Fear is just an illusion created by your ego...... When you recognize it, walk through it anyway.....This way, the fear dissolves (as all illusion does) and you tap into your Power as a Spiritual Being...... As long as you stop at the precipice of your fear, you won't EVOLVE...... The Gateway of 11:11..... offers you the support to walk through the fear.... into a New Life..... When you do this.... You WILL merge with YOUR Soul.... Your true identity..... gain in Strength and make changes that lead you to your next step of evolution/ascension….."
12 hours ago: Reiki Healing has been sent to each of you. Remember, in healing your deepest core 'stuff', know you are Loved and Supported by the Angels and the Divine.
To you in Spirit who offered me a mug of tea, mahalos. I deeply appreciate this kindness. Aloha and namaste.
11 hours ago: this synchronicity post came up from another page in my news feed
10 hours ago: My Twin Soul and I are Healing Each other on another dimension. This morning he gave me tea. Right now, he asked, calmly, how it felt for me to watch him die (it was violent and I was present in our last time incarnated together). Sometimes pain is visceral--when I tore my ACL I threw up. I shared it was like that, except with my soul. He understood. Several minutes later, my son mentioned this song. I just danced to it. It helped release the pain...dancing is a form of celebrating the Goddess Energies... and grief is a very personal experience....
10 hours ago: My Twin spoke up as I was doing Divine Peace Healing for you. There is a part about releasing Anger. That was it--it was the helplessness I felt as he was dying where I got 'stuck'. He said, 'I can heal you if you let me.' I nodded 'yes'. He scooped me up in his arms, and I was in full fetal position. He sat and rocked me with my head against his chest. He said, 'I am alive. Feel my strength. Feel my Life.' I concentrated and felt his warmth and muscles that completely supported me at that moment. He was Right. 'I never have Left, my Strength was always with You. It was only Illusion, a tough one, but I was never Away from Your Heart.' With that he gently left. Sometimes when we are giving, we receive a miracle, just like this I 'saw' with my heart today.
9 hours ago: After this morning's healing on a deep soul level, I felt the desire to take a nap. I slept, and began to feel the familiar tingling of energy 'adjustments' to my aura/energy system. As I slept, I could 'see' with my mind's eye, from left to right, Twin Flame, Koot Hoomi, and St. Germain. The talked amongst themselves about me and my healing. I did not interact. Then, the last two said/showed something to my Twin Flame about me. He immediately dropped to his knees and began to cry great big sobs. There was some sort of 'damage' I have carried without complaining that is…um, well, not good in a big way. It's something very painful that no soul should have to endure, but I have, for thousands of years. I couldn't 'see' any more, but rested and now I am up. (what you are seeing is real time healing of a soul, just like you would watch an operation on a medical station that is televised. I am sharing as it happens. I don't know where this will take us, but you are likely to have similar 'healing' on your own, and I share to make it easier path for you.)
8 hours ago: The best advice I ever got about Love...(thank you Source for sending this Now . It helps. A lot.)

Let go I did.
This afternoon I went to a Trampoline Park with my son. For me it was terrific. I jumped for ten minutes straight three times! (it was super crowded and there was a line). I love to fly. I've loved it since the teen boy figure skaters used to practice lifts with me when I was seven and weighed like, forty pounds. I have no fear. Death spirals, you name it. I'd go on a Saturday and the guys who practiced in the middle would like, 'would you like to try this?' and I was like, 'sure!'.
When I dance, I enjoy the jumps at the end of class because in ballet I am flying. I love dirt bike motorcycles, jumping English style horseback, roller coasters, and now, trampolines.
Guess what song played when we first took off our shoes and started jumping? You got it! Jump Around! My boy noticed the coincidence and said, 'do you hear what song they are playing right now???' LOL
As I jumped I thought, this is like 5D--I am getting to know my new experience and enjoy my body. And who was the best at it? The little ones in the 2-9 year old area. I watched those little Light worker warriors as I waited in line for my turn in the big area. One, a blonde with black pants and a white top with thin horizontal black stripes, was jumping and flipping and like, only as tall as my waist! My heart went out to her for her talent and her enthusiasm! Later, I heard a child crying. It was her, in her mother's arms. There was a red mark on her face from where she fell. I watched her intently--she cried and complained, was heard, and that was it--she was done with it.
(Kind of like me with my healing today, huh?)
So as I jumped I learned you can land on your knees and get back up easy. You can land on your bottom but it takes a little more balance to jump back up. And even jumping on the bouncy side wall is 'doable'. It was the best exercise I'd had in a while. The kids saw my smile, and I knew in my heart they accepted me as just wanting to have fun.
I was the only mom, and also the only parent, that 'jumped' in the entire facility, which was PACKED!
This brings us to the other point: it was the first time my son ignored me in public.
That hurt.
I understand the peer thing, but we didn't know anybody, we came there together, and he just took off and acted like I wasn't there. Except when he wanted to eat and asked for cash.
I didn't take it personal. I decided 'Love Is The Solution For Everything' and I had fun.
But he had a terrible time. The other kids had friends, and no one played with him. The older kids played rough, too. And there were very long lines to take a turn at the equipment.
So in HIS perception, he had the option to hang out with me, and chose not. If he had, perhaps it would have been 'different' and 'attracted attention', but he would have seemed 'kind' and possibly that 'kindness' would have invited someone to actually play with him. It would have been heart-centered and others would respond accordingly.
Instead, his vibration went lower and lower. His body language said it all. He actually wanted ice cream, the 'Dipping Dots', which was emotional eating, he was that upset. This is where the mind, 3D, and ego will get you; disappointment because the outcome did not meet the expectation. Try making new friends with an aura that gives a signal like that...
I held my Vibration. And I saw the license plate in the parking lot on a window cleaning truck--2C CLEAR as we walked to the car.
He wanted to talk about things after. I was like, 'okay'. He was disappointed. He'd only been there for birthday parties before hours when it was not crowded. He never wanted to go back.
I asked him how he felt about how he treated me? I smiled but shared it caught me by surprise and it hurt. I understood the motive, and let him know next time he has to 'ignore me socially' to at least warn me before he actually does it first so I could be cool about it.
But you know what? I like my new 5D body! It hasn't aged and I think it might be going younger--just a little. It's hard to tell because I can totally 'let go' and 'be in the moment' no matter what. Attitude is everything. I'm a little sore but nothing very major and I had a blast--it was so worth it!
I think next time I want a workout, I'll go during a weekend when the kid is away for his weekend with his father!
So the take-home message on the 11.11 'Gateway' is:
- God will heal you.
- You will be healed in the Right Time and the Right Way.
- It will be 'just enough' and then Spirit will 'back off'
- Love IS the Solution For Everything
- It's kind of nice to get a chance to apply 'Love Is The Solution For Everything'
- Attitude is all you have, really, at any given moment.
- Attitude can change.
- Strongest Vibration Wins--my 'Positive' one overcame my boy's 'Less Positive' one
- It feels really nice to open up and heal.
Reiki Doc
P.S. today's three tarot cards were--from three decks:
Child of Wands ( Inner Child Cards; Isha Lerner and Mark Lerner)
Love (Magical Unicorns; Doreen Virtue)
Treasure Chest (Magical Mermaids and Dolphins; Doreen Virtue)
I drew them when I first woke up this morning! Isn't Tarot the best?