Thursday, September 20, 2012

Miraculous Reiki and the Sacred Heart

Here are some images and information for you to piece together. Do you come to the same conclusion as I?

Image 1: Miraculous Medal:
Note the light beams coming out of the palms of both of Mother Mary's hands.

 Story behind the Micaculous Medal--source Wiki:

Here is a stained glass image of Jesus with his healing energy from his heart:

Here is a link if you would like to know more about the tradition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

But for you Reiki practitioners, here is something to connect the dots:

This one spells it out. 'Remember YOU are an Ascended Master. Keep these images where you can look at them for a reminder. Happy Ascension!' Scroll through this link. The energy is really up there:

Namaste in Love and Light,

Reiki Doc