The Awakener:
Here is some personal communication between myself, and the parents of Baby Micah, who passed last week. He had severe neurological injuries from low oxygen after meconium aspiration at birth.
Hi Monica,
I am sorry about your son.
I read Anne's email.
When I sent Reiki, I saw this:
Ross came from Heaven with Micah in his arms. He let you hold your boy one last time. Ross and I were there together to bless you both.
Ross said this was a lesson and you did very very well.
He also looked you in the eye and promised you this would never, ever happen again.
We all cried, together .
Micah could talk, and your spirit and his spoke together rapidly . The only thing I could make out was yo te quiero.
Then Micah turned big, like fourteen, with his voice changing and peach fuzz. He said I will always watch over you mom.
And then it went away.
Ross is my twin flame, my twin soul, he is in Heaven.
With so very much love, Carla
A Message From My Son To Me:
You should only write to those who are awake mom. They are the ones you should give your time.
What Happened:
I connected the dots.
I wrote all morning.
I am working to raise the Light and awaken others.
I had another song.
I had a picture of me and my nana.
I had a conversation about why people close to Lightworkers won't wake up--have no interest--because they are mind controlled and it's not their fault (my son says if he hadn't gone to his dad, his grandparents--including my mother who is TV on 24/7, and the sitters--he would CARE and be like me. He is a Reiki Master, attuned at age seven, who doesn't even practice Reiki. I asked him why I even bother--why not play the ukelele rather than awaken others, because it's just as effective at waking them up?)
There was a message from ROSS!
And it was all erased and lost forever due to the movie my kid decided to watch on the wi-fi.
(My son says--people think they live in a great, happy world that is full of lies. So out there are the Illuminati, the Mind-Controlled, the Lightworkers, and the Galactics. And the two first ones, the Illuminati don't want anybody to wake up so they can rule the world as all the kings did. The mind-controlled people think they are just in a happy great world that should never end, and it's full of happiness, sorrow and grief. Whereas the Lightworkers try to help the people wake up. And the Galactics fight the Dark Forces so that everyone can wake up. But then since there's a greater number of mind-controlled people, that's why this world is as it was ever since the early 1800's. )
Anyhow, I am okay. I accept. Perhaps it wasn't supposed to be written?
Perhaps the blog post was too long?
Perhaps someone there censored it.
Like the old saying, 'you can take a horse to water, but you can't make them drink'.
Ross? I'm sorry it got erased. Your message. I hope you will be able to come do it another time? I'm sorry.
Ross: I accept and I allow and I permit all that is happening to unfold for the greater good. That includes me (he taps his chest). Much as I love and adore you, and want you in my arms, and you want for me, this is what is, and that is what is sent, and that is how it shall be from here on out.
Carla, I love you.
There is nothing more that can be said at this moment in time.
Go out and have some breakfast. Go someplace happy. And have lots of syrup on your pancakes. I know you like the coconut one, the haupia. Go and take your boy and get some breakfast. You have had a hard morning. (he smiles--have lots of eggs to give you your protein and make the rest of your day be 'light' in the calories department. I know you are trying with the Insulin Resistance Technique, it is good, and it will help you. But sometimes you just need a breather. A bientot.
This is all that was left from the original message from Ross:
Aloha and Mahalos,
Carla and Ross
Reiki Doc and her honey <3