Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Be The Jacaranda

Today's Lesson, as before, is Extra Credit.

Please feel free to set this lesson down if at any time it makes you uncomfortable.

It is okay, you do not have to do this, and I totally understand.

You are a Starseed.

You come from very good Galactic Stock.  It is in your DNA...

Your heritage and the reason you are here on Gaia right now is because you are the hardiest of the stock, and have been chosen to 'bloom where you are planted' just like this.

This is the before picture of you before the strong Light energies, energy you can 'feel' but cannot 'measure or see' with your eyes, started flooding the planet in the last four weeks...

And this is you now. 

For all of your gifts and your talents that have been dormant, like the bud preparing to blossom, have just come to bloom at the perfect time, at the perfect place, exactly where you are Here and Now.

Spirit is counting on you to do your Mission, your Life Purpose.

So is Source.

And it is not what you might think.

Your task is to be the one in the garden that looks not like the others, but to stand out from the rest, just like this, and to shine in your Radiance.

You have been given Radiance to the eye and even more importantly, to the Heart Center, of all who encounter you.

Now is not the time to sit on the fence about it.

You are in blossom and 'full peacock mode' whether you like it or not, whether you are ready or not, whether it is on your 'list of goals for the month' or not.

You chose this Task before you ever were born on Gaia.

You arrived to assist Her in the Ascension Process...both for Her and for every living creature on her surface.

You have experienced this many times before; you are the Specialist in all the cosmos and have been carefully selected for this, although you may not recollect any of the making of this decision.

Shine. Shine the Light at your place of work...

Shine where you are with all your Might, wherever your Path carries you...

Gather together, shine with all your Strength, guiding others and showing them the Way Home.

Do not be afraid to be a little different from the others!

Soon everyone is going to want to be like you, to have your strength and your gifts of your True Divine Nature...

And soon, everyone will have those very Gifts like you. 

Together we shall find our way Home to our Star Families...who compose the likes of our Angels, Guides, and Deceased Loved Ones...

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc

P.S. This is from Ross <3  

Latch by Disclosure featuring Sam Smith