Sunday, June 15, 2014

Why I Take Galactic Essences

There is so much more to life than meets the eye!

But the heart knows what the eye misses.

This is a photograph of Steven and Alexandra Meadors.

Can you feel their energy?

They are a set of reunited Illuminated Twin Flames!

And more than that, her Galactic Essences and Implant Removal--after twenty years of every kind of healing that she tried unsuccessfully--got Steven to end a bitter history of addiction to alcohol that almost destroyed their relationship.

This happened last fall, and he hasn't taken a drink since!

The craving is gone.

He is healed.

They are both Galactics and were alive at the time of Atlantis.

Imagine all of that healing energy coming to you!

We are at the dawning of a new age in Medicine. It is quantum--energy imbalance as the underlying factor in how we succumb to the disease process. And as Alexandra says, 'It is the frequency. Everything has to do with the frequency.'

Through Reiki, we adjust the energy frequency of the energy body which is superimposed on the physical (your 'aura' if you will).  We also have the new Healing Codes from Divine Mother and Archangel Raphael to adjust the frequency of the patient or client towards more healing. Masaru Emoto has done exactly this with his water remedies--only a capful taken in a glass of water twice a day--with adjustments made every four to six weeks as the changes rebalance--for a course of treatment over time while continuing standard medical care. Emoto cured a one-year old with a cardiomyopathy who was not expected to live. His results are substantial.

I love my Galactic Essence treatments. I have been on them for nine months, off and on, but steady.

I sense the energy in the remedy as I take it. It is gentle, and goes deep into my accumulated debris from all of my many incarnations as a soul. Alexandra gives support and guidance, and is available to assist as 'things arise' in the treatment. I am told 'what we are working on' and I also see her guides while she is talking with me. I communicate with them too, as a medium, telepathically.

My goal is to reach the highest Vibration possible because I feel much better when my Vibration is UP. It's like riding a bicycle. The faster you pedal, the more easy it is to stay in balance and enjoy the ride!

There are very few who have ever lived who have the soul experience as a Healer as Alexandra does. It is her innate wisdom, her open heart, and her desire to heal that sets her apart from all other Healers I have known.

So if you want to experience the work of the same healer who I go to myself, try Alexandra.

It can help you move past your challenges faster and with ease in your soul contract.

You might not feel anything while you are taking them--but if you take notes on yourself about two weeks after you finish the bottle, and compare it to what you were before--your growth as a soul and healer is going to astound you.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc

P.S. Our Beloved Steven Meadors is a powerful healer in his own right. He works with technology instead of essences. We expect great things to come from his work--he is actively designing and building apparatus for healing at this time.  I get to be one of the first to try it out!