Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Message From Our Lady, Thursday, November 27, 2014

My Beloved Children,

I am with you. I am with you today in love, and gratitude for your helpfulness to my son and all of my family in our task to awaken those who have been quite deeply is a joy together with my heart and those of my own here in the Higher Realms to announce to you that all is well!

We have succeeded in our efforts.

It will take some time for the mention of what IS to 'trickle down' into the conscious awareness of 'everyday'...but it happened and all is for the best! (she smiles and claps her hands with delight)

I had strongest faith in you, and in all of your abilities. And as you awaken further you shall grow in confidence in spirit by leaps and bounds! There is no limit to what is possible when you are both grounded/anchored to Source both in Creator and in our beloved Gaia. You are like lightning rods of possibility! (shows a flash of inspiration going through a human and deep through roots down into the earth)

How are you?

How have you fared throughout the journey to get here where most of us are today?

For all your aches and pains, you will be healed. I want you to follow the 'nudges' and ideas you get 'out of the blue', for this is how angels interact with us when we are incarnate. And follow it through. If it works and you find relief, great! If not, why not accept that this is tried and not helping, and have confidence that perhaps the next is going to work for you? For example, we have all of Reiki, both the old and the Holy Fire and the Karuna, which are 'the classics'...we have the newer Reiki healing symbols. We have the Divine Healing Codes from a team of incredible healers--Archangel Raphael, Merlin, Koothoomi, Divine Mother herself...and me...Mother Mary...just a tiny little bit! Then there are the Archangel Healing Keys and Attunements!

I want you to find what you are most comfortable with, what suits you, and try to work with it. For example, there is art, as a powerful means of expression.

In the future, all healing will be accomplished with codes (as frequencies) of combinations of sound and light. It is powerful and painless to say the least! (she shows our current medicine healing as barbaric).

I like the flower essences myself, and that is what I used when I was incarnate to heal my son and Joseph--plants, lots and lots of plants, and ancient knowledge of how they work to heal the sick. I was hardly ever sick, and filled with vitality! That was my way, in my time, when I was on Gaia.

Now I will direct you every so gently, if you will allow me, to what kind of healing works with you. (she offers her hand for you to hold it and walk with her). But only if you permit it...there are crystals, and chanting, and sound healing, Native American tradition, 'conventional medicine' like Carla does--which is getting a much-needed upgrade mind you and SOMEBODY is going to have to help with this! (laughs gently) get the idea.

(Puts her hands on her knees and bends to look us in the eye, and speaks quietly) I am VERY proud of you and all your accomplishments. It was no small task together for us to get where we are today. (opens her arms WIDE and stands up)  My LOVE is brimming to overflowing in my cup! I am that happy, and that pleased--in no way surprised for I expected this from every one of you!--and filled to the absolute maximum with love and gratitude to each of you in my heart.

Thank you for listening to me.

You didn't have to, but you listened. (she gestures how there are lots of distractions out there trying to get our attention).

Thank you ever so much.

I look forward to working with you. (rings unseen chimes and smiles mysteriously--I love her energy and her sense of humor and encouragement--ed)


And Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it. Enjoy your home and family, even if your heart is the only one you have--I am in there, too--so for those of you who are 'alone' today in body, in spirit you have the best companion that Joseph ever had, me! And know that there are angels watching over you, and my son who loves you with everything he has...and also I thank Carla for her writing this today for me. She loves me deeply, and I can count on her when I need anything done like this. Thank you for your prayer, Carla, (I prayed for her to be loud and for me to 'get it right'--ed), for your love, and for your enthusiasm not just with me but what you share with everyone! I love you.

(c:  I have tears. She showed me how much it meant to her the other day, when I shared at the table with some doctors in the dining room at lunch, how I was in an abusive marriage, I didn't know what to do, I trusted Her, and she saved my life. Someone asked, 'where did you go? How did you leave?' and I said, 'I went to medical school and became a doctor.' and the person smiled and said, 'THAT works!'  That's how close I am to Her. She saved my life, literally, and she did it so gently and with so much Love that I never looked back or realized just what danger I had been in until Love for Her saved me. And that is why I am here to talk with your today, and give hope--to you from Her.)

Goodbye, for just a while,

Mother Mary
Mother of Jesus
Wife of Joseph

Who loves YOU like my own family...

Aloha and Mahalos,

Reiki Doc

This message may be shared as long as it is in its entirety with all credit given to me who transcribed it for Her.