Growing isn't easy. Life in spirit, authentically lived, will have it's 'ups and downs'.
This is normal, and healthy to experience the setbacks and losses. It is not one steady climb up to the summit, and if it were like a hike, most certainly the hikers would take breaks in order to catch up with their body needs of food and drink and relieving themselves and rest!
A great asset to this process has been the incorporation of this healing symbol into my daily healing work. It has helped Sophia, my Higher Self, and I to reacquaint...and this is important for all of us to gather together what 'makes sense' as best as we know it, and to 'explore the rest'.
Here is a symbol that isn't presented in the easiest way--just for you to know that living a life in spirit has some work involved.
If you are not living your life in such a way that your growth does not make you uncomfortable, you are definitely NOT 'outside your comfort zone' where the fastest and often the most effective learning about the self happens!
So here is a symbol to help you combine all of the assistance and support from those who are here to guide you along your Earth Walk, your Journey, your Task, your Mission, your Assignment, and to bring all that guidance most effectively to you.
Aloha and Mahalos,
Reiki Doc and Anthony
P.S. Ross is so very excited--today Anthony drew his first Reiki symbol he saw with his third eye. Anthony became a Reiki Master by his own request at age seven. Ross is delighted he is taking an interest in our work at this time.