The Joyful Reunion
One of my classmates from surgery internship (I completed two years as categorical general surgery) operates at a nearby hospital. I saw him walking down the hall today at that hospital. It was the first time in twelve years I had seen him. I saw him from behind and instantly knew--it was Cam!
But spirit told me not to talk to him. So he went his way, and I went mine to the O.R. There is a new computerized anesthesia record system coming to my hospital, and I wanted to shadow someone to make sure it went smoothly when mine came 'live'--since I will help people learn.
Later, after some time, my colleague ran into Cam in the hall, and Cam was with Wen--someone I know and is like my FB friend. So I talked with him, and the esteemed colleague spoke with Cam, who couldn't see ANYTHING except my colleague.
So I tapped him on the arm. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Finally he looked, and recognized me, and screamed CARLA! and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.
We had to go after a while, to the next case, but later at lunch he sat by us in the doctor's dining room...and he had news of two people we had trained with. One, a Chief Resident of ours, had a peculiar speech pattern and was the sweetest guy...
Well Cam does impressions.
He NAILED Peter's speech perfectly, and I totally, totally, cracked up.
Cam and I were very close as interns. He and another intern Mike commented once how I was cute but I felt somehow like a sister to them...and I was...another surgeon...a 'sister in arms'.
How joyous and wondrous it was to recognize old friends! We shared pictures of our children, and were delighted to see one another again. I saw one of my FAVORITE FAVORITE chief residents there too, Dr. Patel. And HE was the surgery 'champion' for the new electronic record keeping system too.
One of his two sons has type one diabetes. It was diagnosed at age two. What better parents to have than a surgeon and a former ICU RN? I was still sad for the family, and the boy, and was glad to see everyone smiling in the pictures, real smiles....I felt the energy signature.
On The Board --A Champion!
My esteemed colleague IS my esteemed colleague for a reason--lol. On the medical governance, the hospital board of directors, and the CHAMPION overall for the rollout of this new record-keeping system.
He asked my advice on an issue that was of concern to him. I could see it was bothering him. And I helped him write an email response. It is something highly political, and has to do with money, and a policy change that would result in cancellation of cases as a fallout from Obamacare.
I won't say more, but it was no accident I was there in that O.R. today.
I gave of my expertise, my knowledge, of how to deal with some people. And also, how they can act that way.
I was very humbled and honored in my heart that my colleague and friend would share this high-level information with me, and seek my advice. I am happy with our combined result. It is fair.
The Blogger-Moon
Today I had one case, at seven fifteen. My surgeon was late which was wonderful because I was late and he made me seem on time. I had one of the best mornings with my son I have ever had. It was memorable.
On the way home, I realized my colleagues were freaking out at my hospital over the new anesthesia electronic record. So since I type up the minutes from our departmental meeting anyway, why not get some pictures of the way the new computer screen adds to our workstation?
Why not even get some practice?
The day was spent in the O.R. at our 'sister' hospital with my esteemed colleague--working together, learning their ways both with the patient and the computer.
I never thought once about my blog. My Facebook. My Twitter. Or my mission.
It was deeply comforting to do that which I am trained to do...and to enjoy it. I haven't had a normal day like that in AGES.
And you know what? Right now I feel REFRESHED and RENEWED because I took a 'breather'. I'm ready for more.
And guess what? I understand now why some 'resist' the higher vibrations. It IS kind of comfortable in 3D in a way.
But 5D is so so so so so so so much better!!!
There were times I felt I would never be loved. Those of you who follow my blog, would be certain of this. And now? With Ross? I never imagined love could be so incredible and it is.
It still boggles my mind.
I am so grateful.
From Anthony
How awesome is it?
TOTALLY!!! (he giggles)
I hope I sound like a California native when I speak like this (he's joking).
DUDE!!!! (super big smile)
Everything IS AWESOME!!!
Soon you will get the gist of what I am trying to say.
I love you all so much. You are my home and family. Not just Carla and Anthony--you.
It is your love in your hearts that resonates so much with my heart center.
Thank you for answering our call, and reading the pages, Doctors With Reiki, in whatever opportunity or chance or preference (FB or Twitter, etc) that you enjoy.
I am going to let Carla get her rest...(smiles)
I really love her.
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla the Reiki Doc Twins and family