Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Healing Power of The Night

Spirit is always trying to get through to me. Sometimes I 'get it'. Sometimes I don't.
Today's 'lesson' went 'in' to my subconscious about an hour and a half ago. But I did not understand it, or have it make sense, until a few moments ago. On this lesson, Spirit is brilliant!

Shall we begin?

I had so much fun last night I lost my slippers. Both of them. A double Cinderella, am I not? My favorite brown flip-flops, that are from Justice For Girls that 'found me' in the parking lot by the pool where my son takes swimming lessons. I wore them for two years! I loved them because they had little stars cut out on the leather that goes on the foot. Well, they are outside the door in Pahoa; I walked over them without knowing it on my way to the car this a.m. (I wore tennis shoes to drive)

Today I was guided to a pair of Sonuks, not brown. Black with a white part for the foot. I was not 'okay' with the color Spirit guided me to, white shoes? How disco is that? But I obeyed. They felt nice and squooshy as I walked. Since I had been swimming, I took a good look at them as I took them off to go rinse in the shower. Funny, black and white. I bet that's the right combination of yin to yang...

That was my lesson! I was 'kept in' today, guided 'to sleep'. And 'sleep' I did, if you can call it being ramped up with energy downloads so much your entire body buzzes and tingles. Just put in as much as you can but not enough that it would kill me...I thought half-heartedly, annoyed somewhat at the lack of sleep, of not going out and having fun, and this energy buzz which I knew to be ascension-related.

At sunset I went to the shore and watched it from the water. I felt like a total mermaid in there, and something felt 'right' energetically for once! After the shoes, and the shower, I was guided not to eat but to rest. No lights! I was guided. Okay, no lights....and I turned them all off in the room.

When I awoke to a phone call, I got up and answered the phone. I sat on the chaise lounge on the Lanai (in Hawaii, a balcony is called a lanai). When I hung up, I saw it! The beautiful stars and the Milky Way! I heard the waves breaking ashore. And then it hit me: the whole part about Kona Village that refreshed me was not the day but the NIGHTS!

If my Sonuks flip-flop estimate is correct, there is about an eighty:twenty percent ratio of Yin to Yang, NOT the fifty-fifty that you see on the Yin and Yang symbol. By the way my soul was drinking it in, I knew I was on to something big. Where do we get Night? In our homes? Not with our television and electricity. In our communities? Not with our 'Night Life'. All these Five Hour Energy Drinks, Monsters, and Rock Stars underscore the drive in our society to eliminate sleep.

Why? Some of my fondest memories are when camping, as a small girl, my dad taught me not to fear the dark, we would make a game of it, walking from the cabin to the camp bathroom, turning off our flashlights as we walked. Sure enough, in short time, our night vision would kick in, and by the moon and stars I found that I could clearly see! The only place I see the sky like that besides camping, is the desert at my Uncle's, and here on the Kohala Coast, and Pahoa.

Drink in the Sky at night! It is your origin. It is your Heritage. Embrace your connection to the night, not the 'Night of Halloween spooky-spooky', but the beautiful galaxies and comets, planets and nebulae, of which you play an important part! Turn around the thought that you are insignificant when you look up at their vast beauty-- know the stars are watching YOU, with Love and Eternal Light. Not just your deceased Loved Ones are out there...there are angels and your galactic family too. You are important in a very BIG way! Yes, YOU! Go out an look at some stars today. 


Reiki Doc