Sunday, July 29, 2018


The countdown continues. We still haven't broken below three hundred yet. Every day we are a little closer to our goal the Council promised us of things being 'much better'...

Rainbow is a monument in commemoration of 325 anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav, Kiev, Ukraine

I was on call Friday night. Instead of the hotel after the work was complete I drove to my mother's house. She prayed hard that I would be allowed to rest the remainder of the night. And fortunately I was not called in. 

Anthony had a small performance on Saturday, so I promised to take her to see him. 

She had her best nightgown for me to borrow, ready, and she said I could keep it. 

I couldn't sleep in the guest bed. The caregivers had rearranged, and put all her medications on that one. So since she says she sleeps sitting up in the living room, I could have her and dad's bed.

I slept in the same bed, on the same side of the bed, that dad passed in 2009.  I didn't sleep well. Not because of that, although it was a part. The bed hurt my back, and also, mom is a little hard of hearing and she keeps the news on 24/7. 

Since I don't watch the news, and since I study a lot, I was able to easily interpret the color codes and the narrative across all the different 'news broadcasts'. It's totally obvious when you don't participate in it. 

Mom gets sucked in. She was worried about the fires. I told her that some fires--especially ones like this which are hotter than normal--are geoengineered to some extent.  She was like, really? I was like, yes, in some past fires certain homes were fine and others looked like a bomb hit. Right next to one another.

HIROSHIMA, JAPAN - NOVEMBER 15 Peace Memorial Museun in Hiroshima, Japan on November 15, 2013 Student uniform of Toshiaki Asahi, exposed to the bomb at building demolition with 325 other students and teachers

I also have been reading the story of the Wild Swans, a story about China as told through a grandmother, mother, and author. 

It's fascinating. 

So far I've made it to the Japanese invasion (not so nice, they were cruel), and to the Soviet 'liberation' (equally cruel), and the Communist takeover (at least there was no raping and looting that time). 

It makes you stop and think when you learn how easy famine can strike. How tides can turn. How you might have to move to save your life. How political power can switch overnight. 

Apparently the atomic bomb in Japan is what caused the freedom for Manchuria. 

What a horrible time in history that was, in so many ways!

I will be working more, as we have not one but two anesthesiologists leaving our group. 

I do what I have to do. There's a big deal about showing up on time. As if all airplanes took off from the same runway at the same time at the airport! Management just wants to have their 'metrics' so they can get their bonuses, I know. 

I do what I can to create my new life more as Reiki Doc and less as anesthesiologist. Someone sent me a link that said anesthesia is either 6th or 9th unhealthy occupation (CRNA is 6, MD anesthesia is 9). I sit and do my own cases so I'm like a CRNA. Exposure to health hazards, radiation, too much time sedentary. It's not good. Including lack of sleep.

Rest is super important. So is a clean environment. I cleaned something I hadn't cleaned in the hallway in like four years. Ross and my teams were overjoyed! 

I also watched some chapters of my Master Class with Alice Waters. That made me happy. Inspired, I made a ratatouille without zucchini but with peppers and tomatoes from my yard to go with our dinner. 

I find I am allowing myself to enjoy the passage of time a little more, and to stress a little less. 

Ross woke me up with this information. It was just too difficult to write. So I made a video. I will make more from time to time. We hope you enjoy it.

Clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple