Saturday, July 14, 2018

Compare and Contrast--Post 2 of 3 today

Today's lesson is basic. It contains one article, one video, and a photo diagram.

The Universe conspires to educate us. I happened to notice why these items were streaming into my consciousness.

They are not three separate things, but one and the same tying together--how the Divine Feminine in our culture is treated in our culture.

The questions to ask yourself are:

  • In these two female child survivors--what do they have in common?
  • What happens to their sisters?
  • Are they credible witnesses? Is their story believable to you? (does it resonate in your heart)
  • How do these two women differ?
  • How does it make you feel?
Keep this in the perspective of 3D. We will wait to add another layer after.

Here is the video:

There will be more on the housing aspect for the article in a different blog post, don't worry. Focus on the victim part.

Are you ready for what's next?

Please make sure the kids aren't around when you look at this. It's tantric sex and spirituality.

Let us take in the cosmic divine nature of women everywhere on earth.

What happened to the little girl and her sister when their parents died? They endured hardship. And what did they have that was theirs? Their youth. Their sex. Their innocence.  They had no idea that the promises to never go hungry or without shelter were a lure to take from them the only thing they had. One sister lost her life. The other, endured hardship and struggle of unimaginable--certainly CPTSD-inducing--proportions. 

Was she ever really able to reach her full potential as a woman, in a tantric way? Perhaps with her husband, who appears to have loved her genuinely. 

But with her prison record for prostitution, her broken teeth, her untreated illnesses (STDs?? kind of likely, right?)...she was taken away from her fullest potential.

The tantric philosophy is that the male has a life force which is lost with every orgasm. So in addition for her being taken out from her potential, the men were given, through her being raped by them, free tickets not just to rape but to spiritual depravity, lower consciousness, weaker relationships with the women in their lives, and addiction to sex.   The situation was a total bomb against humanity. 

(again we will talk about the housing another time).

For Eva, there is no mention of Mengele's other 'techniques'. That he was a high ranking SRA 'priest' or whatever. That he applied scientific techniques to mind control from SRA--creating MK Ultra and Monarch.  The fact alone that Eva survived 'Dr. Green', and lived to talk about it, is a miracle! 

And that Eva, who listened to that simple idea she woke up with, created with some effort, both proof of what happened in Auschwitz and the rest of the concentration camps, but also gave people a way to heal. 

This is what the power of the Divine Feminine in alignment with us can do. She is a wonderful example.

If you wish to know another perspective of the energy/darkness in those camps, look up Ilse Koch. She was a guard at those camps, and caused terrible pain and suffering. So much so that the ones who ran the camps arrested her for crossing the line of decency, even in those horrible places.

Eva is a miracle.

And here is one more. This is Ross' surprise to you. As our friend Nicole said, when she shared the article with me, asking for our loving support for this victim...she made a comment that 'she is one of YOUR people'.

This is true.

Ross and I agree that the ones who are suffering need the doctor. That's why we have been sent, back in ancient times, in our past lives together, and once again this time around now.

To give you hope in overcoming the impossible obstacles.

And to reinstall belief in yourself again.

To align with Divine Creator in every way.

And to be empowered by what is nurturing, warmth, love and compassion.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins