Monday, July 2, 2018

Beyond Blessed!

The countdown continues.

Today was very good, I was surprised at the coincidences, how things worked out. It was a day where I prayed for my patients and colleagues the night before. I like how it worked. I will make this a practice.

The home I had wanted sold. Ross had told me not to worry about it, there was a big earthquake fault running through the back yard. I kept looking at it, thinking, 'new life?' and 'can I afford it?'

The answer is no.

I couldn't. 

I'm lucky to stay put. The housing market has taken off since the last time Ross encouraged me to look at new homes. 

It's odd because our association got their act together--finally!  And a neighbor I've know fifteen years, is deciding to move. Her husband said they want to rent. Wherever they will let them take their big dog. 

My mother says people are not wanting to invest in housing. It's a big investment, and they don't want to fix anything. They would rather call the manager and let them fix it.

I was astounded and asked my mom if they know how fast rents go up?

She said some people don't think about that part of it. They do what they read, or what they have heard, or what their friends are doing. 

I trust in all things in the Divine Plan, and I'm grateful I held back on that one home. There were less bedrooms and bathrooms, and the cost was triple my home. The spare bathroom was very awkward. And the kitchen was in the worst possible Feng Shui corner of the home. It was in the accident corner.  Yes, the names of the streets on that corner were special.  

But that's not enough to throw caution to the wind.

As we mature (please note the model number on this Transistor ; )   )--as we mature in Spirit we develop a quality and eternal life skill which is called Discernment.

It takes practice.

What I am going to share with you is a movie, which is a good way to boost the Discernment. The person who made the video does all the work for you, to help you learn.

There's going to be a point to grow on at the end from both of us.  So even if the video leaves you in a 'state', don't worry, everything is going to be okay.

Here it is:

I know many people don't like this gentleman's voice. I'm sorry. I try not to post his work because of it. But this one is very good.

He shows us again and again to make his point.

Here is the something extra...are you ready?

There are Christian secret societies too, who have psychic gifts and work hard to RAISE the vibration.

If you read the Kerth Barker series you will learn about them.

And how they saved him.

They are the ones who told him not to marry the Beast. There is a ceremony. He was on the calendar for it. He had a terrible nightmare.

So what did he do?

He stuck his right foot in an electric lawnmower, and severed his big toe. It got him in the hospital on the weekend of the ceremony. He never went through with it.

He sort of drifted after that. It's not easy to sort out who you are and what you believe in after trauma-based mind control programming where they call you Kathy and make you dress like a girl and do child porn. 

But as he was drifting, when he was at his worst, James, the one who was with the secret society, would contact him.  It was always very secretive, and involved blindfolds and being driven to meeting places he didn't know. 

James was able to 'read' Kerth, psychically. James was not only a psychic Christian, in a secret society, he was working with the angels, and able to reach out to Kerth in the nick of time.

This happened on several occasions. 

Then James died.

His successor is described in the series. 

Secret societies--for the most part--stay secret. Mysticism is a tool. It is used by both sides. Unfortunately, the one most in the news, and the one warned about in the Bible like call to an uprising says, is the ones who work to lower the vibration. 

How is Call For An Uprising going to know about anything like the Positive Military, and the psychic people who basically were trained to be psychic spies, and were able to get a read on the corruption inside the ranks, and take steps to contain/manage/defeat it?

So...take everything with a grain of salt.

Listen to how things affect your center, how they feel in your heart. 

Don't beat yourself up for sometimes being fooled. It's a skill. It takes practice. And it's totally worth the effort once you have it accessible to you, up and running, this Discernment.

That is enough for today.

Good night.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Founders of Doctors With Reiki