Friday, July 27, 2012

Reiki and Romance

Everyone needs a little romance!

Reiki practitioners have the advantage in forming new relationships. That is because their heart center is working more efficiently, and Spirit works in partnerships with them to find new paths to take to find somebody who is right for them.

The online personalities, YouTube's Polonia Cymchak has been expounding the increase in energies ramping up towards ascension as Making The Twin Flame Connection for Lightworkers as more possible. Her website, Ascension Pioneers and her videos are in English and very uplifting. You might want to try them. Here is a link to her latest YouTube

Polonia is full of light and encouragement. I couldn't watch her for about six months because I was in a 'I don't believe in partnership' (I call it the 'why should I wash your underwear?!?') phase. But she is a good one.

Another good uplifting eternal romantic is Doreen Virtue. She has weekly card readings that she posts for free on YouTube. Here is her flower therapy video, her latest. She also is fun to follow on Twitter and Facebook. 

My favorite to follow is Jeff Brown, writer of Apology to the Divine Feminine and Apology to the Divine Masculine. He reminds us that Soul Mates are sometimes people we connect with deeply for a purpose, but that interaction can be anywhere from a short relationship to a bumping into someone (like 'you're beautiful' song so popular several years back by James Blunt), to a lifetime of love and happy endings. Here is a link to his latest radio interview, 'Bringing Yang to the Mix' on blogtalk radio, and I recommend following him on Facebook too.:

I know for myself, there have been signs indicating 'go for it!' in my life. Yesterday I saw a hummingbird and two dolphins when I was in Laguna Beach having dinner. These animals are very strong totems for happiness in love. The Universe is telling me, 'This time it is different', 'don't worry about him being a player', and most importantly, 'take you time because with your intuition and heart center open, we've got your back--you can protect yourself and get out of a bad situation.'

And I quote: Another main structure is a special Archon technology on the etheric plane. They areprojection chambers that project certain images / emotional states that are not ours on our outer auric membrane. So other people feel this projected image and not our true state. This is the source of most conflicts / projections in human relationships. When this technology is removed, people will suddenly find much more harmony in their relationships.

Things are looking UP!

Reiki Doc