Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Spiritual Workout

This is a transcript from a message I had yesterday:

My favorite crystal store
I am post-call
My appointment earlier, with my boy's therapist elsewhere, cancelled because she planned for the wrong day.

Ross:  Hi honey. Hi Honey Bunch. How is your day?

Carla:  Kind of messed up. No appointment with Marc on Skype. No sleep.  No blog. My last patient on OB was SO technically hard...

Ross:  I strongly love and admire you.

Carla:  (I breathe in and out thanks and gratitude to him for his kindness)

Ross:  Where are you?

Carla:  Safe at (my favorite crystal store). By the crystals in the chair.

Ross:  Release. Release all your cares and concerns to us.  Ask Archangel Michael to cut the ties.

Carla:  (I do).  Am I a free spirit now Michael?

Michael:  You are.

Ashtar:  Hi Carla.

Carla:  Hi Ashtar. Why am I so lucky (to hear you?)

Ashtar:  It's been a while--a long time.

Carla:  Since here? (he used to speak to me when I was there, with messages) Or just us?

Ashtar:  Everything.

Carla:  Ashtar, you could say anything you wish -- I am so sleepy!

Ashtar:  How sleepy tired are you?

Carla:  More than I've ever been in my life!

Ashtar:    And your soul?

Carla:  Like I had a good workout!

Ashtar:  I want you to write about this. You won't forget?

Carla:  Marc stood me up!

Ashtar:  Both of us are 'flighty', isn't it what you are trying to say?

Carla:  You both are DIFFERENT! In the same way.

Ashtar:  (guides me to look at a candle, immediately to my right)

Yellow Reiki Pillar called 'Laughter'

Let me see the brighter side of life.
Let the joy of laughter enter my life every day, bringing happiness and healing to my heart.'

I want you to buy it. That is a gift from me.

Ross:  (nods)  Honey? I am with you. Now close your eyes--let go and rest.

I am like a child, and I am on my Father's shoulders. He is my Divine Father. We are looking towards the horizon. In the darkness, like the dawn, is a new sun--or at least, a light I have never experienced that is BRIGHT like the sun.

Through claircognizance I realize it is the Mesime, the largest in the entire fleet of the Universe, coming toward Earth! And nothing can harm it  

I get so happy my feet turn into 'happy feet' while I am up on the shoulders of my father. I do not mean to but I kick him softly in the chest at the axillary lines--in my unbridled JOY at the recognition!

I catch myself, and stop, and apologize to him profusely. He is kind, and doesn't get upset.

I wake up.

Carla:  Thank you my love.

Ross:  <3  Now GO!

I have written this exactly as it took place yesterday afternoon.

Aloha and mahalos,

Reiki Doc
Carla <3