Monday, January 5, 2015

Double Dragon Reiki

There are three known Dragon Reiki symbols to my knowledge. The first arrived in June, and is restricted for use. Dragon Reiki Healing has been sent to you using it since that time--so this frequency or 'bandwidth' of energy has been growing on the planet.

This week, a new Dragon Reiki symbol was given to us from Archangel Lauren, who is the incarnation of Archangel Ariel.  Here is it, and it is for ALL to use!

Archangel Haniel--who is also incarnate--gave us this simpler one and her guides request it to be presented like this:

So how about this? TWO wonderful Reiki symbols for all to use.

Have fun working with the energy of the Dragons!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Carla--Reiki Doc

Ross and Carla say--'Dragonfruit, just like life with your twin flame, is sweet!...and so are dragons <3'

P.S. My dragon is Aria, and Ross' dragon is Ario. <3  I also know dragons, Marvin, Doremus, Candice, personally, and also the king of the dragons, Bireto. They are very gentle and kind, and very wise, and great healers. Many are coming forward to share of their encounters with dragons in their meditation. A Reiki Master in San Diego has one she named Miguel (I think?)...she didn't dare tell a soul but she told me...LOL...I hear EVERYTHING <3 and I keep it in my heart.