Today was the day Ross had the big surprise planned for me. I can feel his warmth and pride as he is absolutely glowing as I write about it.
The first thought I had today was perhaps to go to Disneyland.
Somehow the day didn't work out that way.
Ross requested I make Swedish Pancakes for us, and Anthony requested the little organic chicken link sausages to go with it. We just talked and laughed over breakfast.
Somehow time seemed to move faster this morning. There was much calling family about my niece, who is now transferred to the hospital where the kidney transplant was done. She is feeling better. Her needs are so specialized, and very few hospitals understand the medicines she takes because of her kidney transplant.
I decided--not sure how--today was the day for Anthony and I to assemble the new desk and bookshelf I had bought on super discount clearance at the local office supply store. I am talking desk for thirty-five dollars and bookshelf for forty dollars that were both originally almost two hundred dollars each. They had been sitting in the garage in their boxes for about four weeks.
I'm not sure how we did it. It was really fun working together. Anthony enjoyed every bit of it. During our building the desk, the thought occurred to me this was Anthony's first project like this with me at home where he really got to enjoy it as he helped...and Ross was like--shhh! don't spoil it!--he was enjoying watching us work to create something useful too.
Tonight as he went to sleep, Anthony said, 'when I woke up this morning I had no idea my room could ever look this nice by nighttime!'.
It's not a baby's room any more, or a kid's room. It's one that's just right for his age--a 'tween', and now with the shelf all of his treasures look really nice.
We were so into the work we skipped lunch, having only water and energy bars.
My favorite part was when out in the street Anthony played with the boxes. He stood them up tall and took a baseball bat to it like a piƱata. He worked up a sweat and laughed. He even let me take a few swings too. I also filmed it for him on slow motion, and it really looks good as the boxes go flying.
I checked with Ross about getting rid of a chair and an ottoman. The chair has been in our garage since the new carpet was installed. I've been parking out on the street. Now I know, and I am sure that it is for the best to give it away. As Ross explained, the open space in the house is better than the chair, plus someone else perhaps will have better use of it.
So with sheer brilliance, in a day, Anthony's room is a place of serenity, order, and fresh energy--while the garage is inching closer to me being able to park inside again <3.
Ross I love you.
I adore how both of us were caught by total surprise--Anthony and me--by this day.
And I am thankful for the chance to use our muscles together, and our minds and our was just what we needed here.
We are both going to sleep good tonight!
I resemble all of these sentiments! (huge brilliant smile--I sense to me it is like the sun when he smiles, he is my light of my everything!--I love it when he is happy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3--ed)
Everything is blessed!
And if I can do this (he snaps both his fingers--holding them up elbows out near his head--ed) today, you can only imagine what I can accomplish tomorrow!
(he folds his arms, he is wearing his off white uniform, and he looks so extremely handsome and charming and kind and intelligent...ahh!...--ed)
(clap! clap!) It's time our Carla got some rest. Carla burned a lot of calories without realizing it, and tomorrow she just might have a little ache in her muscles... <3
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple