Friday, April 24, 2020

Unburden Your Heart

A reader reached out to us, completely aghast, over Magenta Pixie.  Carla was at work, with all her protective gear, and thought it would be best to not fight the phone and it's little keyboard, and to wait until she could answer with me from her house.

Here we are.

First we are going to address limited thinking. 

For this we will give you an example.  See that glass at the top? This is something common and every day in appearance to most people. Some take it for granted, and aside from it being sweet or unsweetened, that is enough for them to know.  It's iced tea. 

You drink it on a hot day.

You drink it at a restaurant to avoid the sugar in soft drinks.


Well, not exactly.  To a chemical engineering graduate student, this is one of the toughest questions there is on the graduate student entrance examination.

If the ice is simplified to a cylinder  the height of the glass and all in the center of the glass, so that the axis of the glass and the cylinder align, discuss mathematically the gradients of heat transfer and mass transfer at the surface of the ice as it melts inside the glass, and with the condensation which forms outside the glass.

Yes, in a simple glass of ice tea, the energies are MOVING!  The ice melts. It dilutes the tea. And the latent heat of condensation is involved with the drops of water that form on the outside of the glass. 

There are equations to describe all of this phenomenon. Old equations. From like, back two centuries ago, the math was there. And they describe things that are moving...curving lines of physical laws with advanced calculations to predict how it is going to go all at the same time, the melting, the condensation, the at any point in the glass you could know at what time the value of temperature or energy or concentration was going to be.

We know this is a roundabout way--boba taro tea milk tea anyone? -- but we are still answering the reader's question.

If a glass of iced tea can be viewed from different perspectives, one with third dimensional constructs (tea, glass empty, glass full, sweet, unsweet, hot, iced), or one with higher dimensional constructs (the gradients of temperature, the changing of phase of water from solid, liquid and vapor, over time...) why not other things too?

For example the Roman Catholic church?

In third dimensional view, it helps people to find God and to exercise their connection to Spirit, in an easy to follow, organized and structured way.  This is taking it on the surface. People want good. In it there is good. And while they are okay with this, it's all good. You kind of have to look the other way with the lawsuits against the priests for abusing little boys a little, but for the most part, there's the stability--it's been there a long time, it started with Peter the Rock...right?

In a higher dimensional view, that which is hidden (darkness) comes to the light, metaphysically and with serious ramifications. After taking the Red Pill, Carla learned about what goes on in the Catholic Church, and decided it would be best to take her time and money away so it would not be seen as supporting the Church.  

After listening to Sister Charlotte, she knew even though it was painful for her to leave the church and communion as part of her everyday routine (in a world of worlds, Carla would adore going to matins, rosaries, adoration of the eucharist, daily mass, and vespers--she would love it)...her awareness had grown enough to realize she had in fact done the right thing.

Although Magenta Pixie is an example, you could say Cob-rah, or others who Carla and I have promoted here in the blog, can be viewed in two different ways. With third dimensional view, they are right, or wrong, good or bad, perhaps at best, real-time tests of our reader's Discern-O-Meters. And Carla's.

We prefer to discuss that it is very much like Carla's perception of the Catholic Church:  when your consciousness is within a certain bandwidth, it's good and it makes you feel good and know these people in most cases are trying to be of service to our team. For the most part, they have a good heart.

But we are in battle, in a Spiritual war, and the enemy is led by the best liar in the Universe!

Certainly there are bound to be sleepers--people who are controlled opposition who look good and act authentic for our Team until they are activated and then lead others astray...wouldn't you agree?

The nature of the non-physical beings of The Other Team will promise you they will serve you and give you anything, only to turn the table completely the other way and you are a servant to them. 

This is their playbook.  The CIA sent people to Bob Marley to give him the prostate cancer (a nail in a shoe that was inoculated, and given as a gift) and then the same friend who gave the shoes was an undercover agent who gave the fatal advice not to see medical care...this was a deathbed confession I saw long time ago on YouTube. These people are sick. 

They will do anything to win. 

So the answer to your question has two parts--never turn your Discern-O-Meter off, and do the best you can to find your way that's right for you in any given situation, including people to follow, while working to raise your Consciousness and find your way. Don't sit back on autopilot like we are trained to do when we watch our favorite TV show, and assume because it's available to you it's 'safe'.  Always be a detached observer for everything.

Carla recommends also watching for things that give you that feeling like you're right/correct. That can be a set up for a sucker punch when you're not anticipating it. For most people, hearing the words 'you're right' brings more joy than hearing the words, 'I love you'.  Be constantly on the watch for this entry point for deception. It's okay to be wrong. It's okay to make a mistake. Just make sure the same one doesn't keep happening again and again.

Now we are going to switch gears. There's work today, and we are going to give you the straight up about what's going on in the hospital.

Carla has been reading the charts on all of the intubated Covid-19 patients since last Friday. She also reads the ones who are on the floor in the medical ward because those are the ones who she will have to save if they get into trouble and the Code-19 is called on the overhead paging system.

Long story short, the sickest patients go on the ventilators and don't go off them for a long, long, way longer than normal time. ICU's typically have cardiac patients, trauma patients (there's a separate ICU for burn patients, by the way), people who have had big surgeries like a liver transplant. Sometimes people with lots of comorbidities end up in ICU after moderate to big surgeries too, for their safety. Someone with really bad COPD or sleep apnea might not be ready yet for the breathing tube to come out at the end of surgery.

If someone is on a ventilator about twenty one days, we start to think of the need to put in a tracheostomy to spare the vocal cords. After that long with a plastic tube sitting between them, they can have damage. The tracheostomy hole is below them in the neck, and also, it helps for suctioning out the mucus secretions when patients have a pneumonia. This is not an everyday thing. It's once in a while. 

Our first patients came to the hospital at the end of March, beginning of April. Some had positive tests, others didn't, but they all turned out to have the Covid. All were intubated the day of admission, some in the ER. One had gone to primary care first, or another to urgent care, and had been sent home, gotten worse, and came to ER. They are still very sick and in ICU on a vent. That's like a month.

Most ICU patients turn around in a week with full medical treatment. The ones who don't, and are long-term ventilator dependent, get transferred to a special kind of nursing home where they take care of the medically complex patients. This is the kind of place that is most vulnerable for Covid infection, same as a regular nursing home.

So there you are.

Our ICU has a few extra beds, our overflow ICU areas are empty, and our medical floor is full for the Covid section. It overflowed on Friday last week, emptied the overflow, and now it's looking to overflow again.

Everyone who is intubated has to be sedated and paralyzed with medicine given continuously in the i.v.  The nurses need to be able to give these medicines, track the blood pressure and send labs. So they need invasive monitoring lines and i.v. access. My friend the surgeon who works too much, I've seen his name on the chart taking care of a floor patient as the attending (where was the internist? I don't know), and also like he did in residency and fellowship--as the 'line boy' putting in an IJ triple lumen catheter and a femoral arterial line. 

My workplace is a battlefield.

I walk in and I'm asked questions, about my health, and my temperature is taken. It is expected of me to wear a mask, but no mask is given when I enter the hospital. They are in short supply. I bring mine from the day before.

Then I say hello to people who I can barely recognize and with my goggles and street clothes they mostly don't recognize me without my voice. Again, I wouldn't be caught dead in scrubs outside the hospital people would mob me in anger. I walk to the OR front desk and ask for my daily N-95 mask.

I go change my clothes. Yesterday the keyboard on the scrub machine broke--I've used it for ten years--but if I used the screen keyboard instead I was able to get them. 

I gear up.

I went to my call room. The cleaning lady Socorro is changing the sheets. She finds spots on both the top sheet and the blanket, and throws them aside, making sure my bed is fresh and clean. 

She puts the pillows--plastic encased ones--on the chair, then sets them on the bed and then realizes she needs to wipe them to disinfect them, picks them up and cleans them and puts the pillow cases on. 

It's totally contaminated on my bedsheets from the dirty pillows laying on them and the chair, but I understand who was on call the night before me, it's no big deal, it's like we are family. They hadn't intubated anyone, they said. 

Then they bring Violet in the room. Someone won the contest to name the robot with the UV light, and got one hundred dollars! So Violet goes into my call room and flashes bright pulses of light for four minutes. Then we wait one more minute. The door opens, Violet is taken out by the cleaning supervisor, and I enter to a huge whiff of ozone. You know, that smell lightning makes? Yup, that. 

I feel better and do my best to stay clean and safe. I've wiped my keyboard and surfaces and door handles, and the cleaning lady Socorro did too. 

Then I count down the hours. Like a fireman, I am on the alert and ready to run to do my work any time the alarm goes off in the hospital. 

I caught up on social media. I watched a little YouTube. I don't like the hospital TV. And I caught up on emails. I deleted over six thousand of them. It was freeing to just sit with my finger on the delete button and GO. Only perhaps ten things I needed to keep. There's a story with this which will follow.

Then I decided to eat.

The lunch room for the doctors is a war zone too.

They serve you like a cafeteria. You can't help yourself to the food. 

You can't eat out on the patio because the hospital is locked down and there's only two entrances and exits, where you get the temperature checked. 

You have to social distance so there's one person per table. They disinfect it between guests.

There's only disposable serveware--I ate out of a styrofoam takeout box. 

The other doctors and I talked a little about opening up the hospital for surgery--the big news! We all think it will be a while before patients want to risk the hospital even when we are open. My friend the OB Gyn has had people cancel because they just don't want to take the risk.

I hate email.

I really do.

I like being able to communicate by private message on a platform where most people can't find me.

Then it's normal.

I'd been putting off my emails for my main account for four months. I had over six thousand unread emails in that account, and two thousand in my junk account when I buy things and they send me all those offers.

I feel attacked and violated by email.  Everyone I ever do business with feels they have a right to assault me with offers every day of the week. They pile up. Even a reputable Reiki site, when I asked to download a free ebook to help others with the Covid by sharing their meditation--totally exploded with over fifty messages in my email.

Even my safe space in my FB private message is getting filled up with random inspirational things from people I hardly know. I have to fish through and I think I might be missing some daily correspondences I have. I thank everyone for their kindness, of course, they mean well. It's just my emotional connection and security and way of things is off kilter because of the Covid.

So here I am feeling violated and hating life that I even have to do all this deleting and erasing...I spent perhaps four hours. And as my vibration was sinking fast, I got a text invitation to participate live with KD Krishna Das satsang.

I joined!

It empowered me to finish the rest after it was done.

Ross stepped in, and Aaron listened, and I got back on track.

So don't worry if you're doing the best you can and it gets bumpy. Spirit and your star family are going to help you out.

I felt inspired at the end of my shift that I had finished it. It felt good to set that boundary between fear and what I really need to keep in my email. Next shift I will do the same.

The last thing to mention, Ross reminds me, is I miss my healing jewelry and crystals. With the PPE, I'm to a minimum. One ring. One bracelet that won't break if it gets caught in the sleeves of the gowns. Two necklaces, one working and the other is my favorite from Ross, a gorgeous mermaid who is holding white topaz tiny 'diamonds'--a reminder of my Sirius roots and happier times. The chain for it is adjustable, and on the very end of it is a little heart. I have on earrings, nothing special, silver leaves with European clasps which are my favorite. My friend lost a one carat diamond earring taking off her mask in a parking lot. So anything on my ears, if I lose it, no big deal. I really enjoyed the healing energy in the workplace...from my crystals. But it's okay, I'm stronger than that, and it's a chance for me to grow.

I think the others in the suite of call rooms didn't appreciate the satsang. I didn't sing but I wanted to. But the music went on and on. But I needed it.

The hospital is trying. They had a minute to pause and meditate (take a deep breath they called it) and center ourselves in the morning. There was an inspirational quote. They also have similar tacked up to the dispensers for soap and hand sanitizer in ICU. They provide food to all the workers most days. One day it was bags of tangerines for all. I didn't take any, I have a tree with fresh ones, so others could enjoy the ones for me.


I want you to take the differences between looking at something in 3D and higher D with a grain of salt. Make it light.

Here is a video highlighting the differences between Germans and Americans.

It's hilarious.

We are one.  One heart. One Creator made us. And our Divine Creators made us with lots of different 'flavors', just like the tea. And the one Vietnamese coffee! We want you to enjoy everything.

With our love, here is a quick video for you:

Here is the satsang too if you're interested. No pressure. It's two hours!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple who love everyone with their open hearts...