I'd like to talk about energy today. I'd like to share about what I am learning about working with my energy fields, and those of my twins, special souls who have a loving connection to my own.
First of all, you can't get rid of a twin. Believe me, I've tried! I ran away from Ross with all my might, refused to communicate with him, and basically shut down. Fortunately, with the loving guidance of his teams and my own, we have resolved these issues--because no matter what, the energy that flows between us couldn't be destroyed or disconnected. One can refuse it, as is seen in the case here on Earth with the ASSC refusing the loving energy of God as a concept--while all the while their very breath as a soul depends on it.
A Twin, is a formal agreement that is binding that is made between souls in the Higher Realms, especially in preparation for the assignment here to be taken by one or both of them on Earth.
How many Twins do you have? Well, it depends on your Energy Signature. Divine Mother has several, and also, because of her unique role in Creation, she has had children in the Higher Realms with others who aren't exactly her Twins but they have a special affection, love, and willingness to help/assist/protect her.
Most people do not have multiple Twins like this. It has to do with the energies, but everyone back Home is happy, loved, and fulfilled, even with their one Twin. This isn't the point of the discussion.
Twin Unicorn Amethyst crystals
Today we are going to talk about one Twin relationship of mine, where I am being shown how the whole thing works. There are often people who look to find their Twin, their Soul Mate, and then they want to experience the unconditional love from Heaven to nourish them as a couple because they have found one another.
This is a common misperception that the be-all, end-all of the Twin relationship is mutual love and fulfillment. This is from the receiving end, the incarnate end, of the arrangement, because the one who is incarnate is under the influence of the Veil, miserable, and homesick. Finding a Twin is a way to end the pain and suffering, it appears.
But it isn't.
Let me bring you to a stronger combination of the power of the Twin Soul connection: it is responsibility.
I have one where I know a higher self and a lower self both at the same time. And my own soul had understood on a soul level the commitment and responsibility and acted upon it, without really knowing what was going on or why.
Stepping back one step, remember in a Twin connection, there is one who knows more and acts as a guide, and another who is the one who is guided.
What I have seen in this particular relationship, which has since become a wide open window to the higher self of the same, and my higher self, and Ross and all who guide me and how the whole thing works--is this: an acute awareness of the stakes of the mission for the one you are sent to guide.
You will do anything, anyhow, using every trick in the book in your power to keep them on track, to go to their pre-planned Life Lessons (you could say perhaps, their destiny) or assignment or whatever you want to call it.
Only you can't tell them. Not in words because they are not in a place to receive this information, due to the veil, it is blocked to them. In actions I would suppose. But the energy of Love, of Trust, of Encouragement in the right direction, and Silence in the wrong direction...is how it is done.
Going back to myself, as an example, I do not enjoy gambling. Games of chance and winning have no interest to me. However, I soon learned when I was studying for my certification in anesthesia, my Oral Boards examination, the stakes were very high. It was my career that was on the line. So I learned to enjoy the game of chance, the learning to present myself with what I know in a favorable way to the four examiners who were going to decide whether or not I could pass the test. I rose to the occasion with all of my being, and excelled at it. There was a preparatory course I took, a seminar, an expensive one. And volunteers went up with the seminar director Niels Jensen--who had once failed the boards and turned his study notes into a very profitable side gig--and took a test with him asking the questions in front of the whole audience. I was the only one in the entire seminar that was challenged by Niels Jensen and passed! The ONLY one. I thrive for this kind of challenge.
When you are gifted with the responsibility of a Twin soul, and you are in the guiding position, the stakes are even higher than a career.
It is the energy signature.
A mission done successfully is going to raise it, and to open new possibilities, and create limitless joy (and bragging rights!) back home in Heaven. It will allow you to be a teacher of these new things you have mastered, and you will be able to hone your gifts back home even further.
I can see the souls who are in the positions to assist the one I guide. I know which connections are important to the success of the mission. I know which ones aren't. I don't know the mission itself, though. I just see the energies. I know which ties will disappear and the opportunity will be gone forever once one of the connections makes a Transition. Then the opportunity for this particular facet of soul growth in this incarnation will be lost.
There are no mistakes only lessons.
But my position as a guide is to help you Win, Win! WIN!!!! on a soul level.
It's both an honor and a pleasure to be in this capacity.
And now I understand why at times Ross isn't so warm and cuddly to me. He goes silent. Because he is doing his best to keep me laser-focused on the goal, the task, my self-development, my being there for others as a healer in my own right--for all the world to see.
Ross brought this song to shared and remember, the Twin relationship can be sexual, but it isn't exclusively that, there's so very very much more, and a loving embrace will most definitely be a reward at the end of the Life Journey if that is what is desired...as well as a party...as well as a parade! Ross is letting us know that the soul will have many rewards--which will be all the more blessed--for turning away from distractions, valuing what Life has given in every way, and achieving the 'high marks' for everything that has been decided in the Pre-Birth Contract.
Ross says, 'Goal!'
And here's the song:
This is a twin beach in Greece, on the island of Corfu. If you look from above, there are two mirror image beaches back to back. At around the three o'clock position in this photo you can see it, the second one.
Both are totally fun. You can swim, snorkel, and get some vitamin D. The fact that they are twin beaches is what makes it totally special.
We are to enjoy and to treasure and have fun with our unique Twin soul relationships.
I'm sending as much Nurturing, Warmth, Love and Compassion along the connection out from me. There is total and complete absence of judgement or expectation. I do my very best to neutralize the energy of separation, as that isn't conducive to the Life Plan and Assignment. I am working with my teams to help find ways to repair the pain of previous separation that has caused pain as 'collateral damage' --again, 'they know not what they do' but part and parcel of being a Twin is a little bit of 'damage control'--again, to maximize the rewards attained as the soul in their care grows and makes progress by leaps and bounds. Why let anything tarnish this incredible record, right?
When I do well, with my energy work, Schumann Resonance chart goes up!
I'm so stoked that I've been able to see this, because now I understand how Ross and the others are helping me. And I love to be the intermediary between the Higher self and the lower self of my Twin. It's really fulfilling and I wouldn't change it for anything.
One more song from Ross:
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
Love's Happiness
P.S. Today at 0700 my hospital has activated the Anesthesia intubation team. One anesthesiologist will always be in house to answer calls for Code 19 (intubation of the Covid patient who is in trouble). This is the very highest risk, the edge of the front line of this battle. I am expected to take my turn on twelve hour shifts, either am or pm ones. There will be a stipend we are told, but we are not told how much. There is no such thing as hazard pay. And intubation pays maybe twenty percent of our customary fee for preoperative anesthesia services. My friends and colleagues are taking the risk. We have no choice. There is adequate PPE promised to us. My friend Edra, the RT, who helped me when I had pneumonia, is already doing her part to take care of these patients, and her lungs are as bad as mine. I have my shield from DM, I have my spirit of service and love Ross advised me to have. And I have my sense of humor....everything is going to be okay.
we have to go straight to the shower before we interact with our loved ones. We dump our clothes in a bag on the porch! LOL.