Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Snake In A Box: The Intel

This secondary confirmation was released about one hour after the work/intel was made available to our teams:  New Gaia Portal

Above is the name of the actual intel--Snake In A Box.   I looked it up. There's string theory--the image above is called Snake In A Box, where mathematically you see what is the longest continuous line you can draw around the edges in a cube.

You can also see many stories online about people sending snakes in boxes, snake 'springs' that jump out of boxes, and snakes that are found stuck inside of electrical  transmission equipment boxes.

This isn't the kind of snake that is the intel.  I'd like to call your attention to the ourobos, the snake that eats its tail, and it's occult significance. Kobe Bryant was VERY into this symbol, and had logos made with it for his teams and business. That symbol in itself -- which is NOT the snake in the box-- has far-reaching implications on both sides of the veil. 

The occultists believe in the unconscious, the un-manifested, and their ability to influence it through magick, old intergenerational ritual abuse, and the like.  These traditions go back six thousand years and they are heavily guarded secrets.

Here is a leak of such secrets--Occultist Book I bought in Barcelona's Museum of Catalunya.  I found it again online, I didn't scan it. You can see by the images inside and the snakes that there is something going on. I don't understand how to read any of it. I can only look at the pictures. Except on page seventy-two, there is a list. Ross and I are Seraphim. Anthony is a Throne. This is the hierarchy in Heaven, FYI. And the ranking is by vibrational frequency of the Consciousness. Anything higher than a Seraphim is Source, Prime Creator, Mother/Father God, Divine Mother, Divine Father... remember this is the top of the list, and there is all of humanity, the animal kingdoms, the earth spirits and more off planet of Creation to follow further along in the list and are not present on it.

This is a disclaimer.

What you are about to read next, might be disturbing and upset you. If you are easily upset or a survivor of sexual abuse,  read it with caution as it might be triggering to survivors of SRA/MK Ultra/Monarch.

I had to put stuff in the first part so the previews wouldn't contain any of this information.

My soul assignment/expertise is in sex magic.

I don't know who or where or how, but it just is, and always has been.

Sex magic isn't only 'dark' sex magic.

I was telling someone the other day, how I don't understand it but everyone I've ever slept with -- for a one night stand-- has talked about me and sought me out after. There is something about that HIT of the energy exchange that men remember. I've had the golf course designer from Spain I met at a bar in San Diego reach out to me two years later, I've had the anesthesia resident from a conference in New Orleans have a fantasy about what I wore for years let me know--he finally stopped contacting me once he was married again. Tyrone--yes isn't it cool I've been with a Tyrone!--used to call out to our mutual friend who introduced us about 'Carla! Carla! Carla!' and try to get together with me again...It's stuff like that.

Even people who I've visited in the realm of Spirit, incarnate people now, remember the visit and how they were deeply moved by the experience.

They just don't realize I was the one, and have full consciousness of the interaction. Even when talking to me face to face. No one would ever realize or guess it.

By any other name, it doesn't matter. The work was done, the soul was set back on track for this incarnation and whatever it took to get the job done I did. I did it willingly and with an open heart in Divine Service to the plan.

So here is the intel I was able to recover for our Teams this morning. It is a memory from my immediate past incarnation when I was a participant in a dark occult ritual called Snake In A Box.

It's graphic.

I was child, perhaps three or four, on a table. My handler entered me. He also bent over me, and put his very long tongue in my mouth. I could barely breathe. This was unusual because in all of my child sex work, that part never happened with any client or my handler (I only had one handler). From behind, at the same time, a vibrator was inserted into the man/handler.  There is something about the direction of the energy flow as the man comes to climax in this position that is important in this ritual, what it is, I just don't know.

I do know that it is something done this time of year, and only at two year intervals. It skips a year. I know because I did the Snake In A Box with my handler five times, and I lived to be ten.

While this memory was playing back, our teams--Ashtar, Ross, and people I don't know, were taking notes and said something to each other like, 'we've got them' or 'we've got it!'

I don't understand what was to be accomplished for the other team by the ritual of the Snake In A Box.

All I know is today is a very good day, for our teams, because this Intel was made available to them and it had not been made available to them before.

From what I understand, according to @EsotericExposal on Twitter, 'From March 22nd to May 1st is the "season of sacrifice" in the occult, which is a period of time when many false flag events have previously occurred.'  So perhaps something is being interrupted for them. And for those who find these kinds of discussions to be unlike this page, we will share this from @PacificBrujo:  I am a victim of static ritual abuse. I was raped as a child, raped as an adult. I am nothing more than a product to entitled sick individuals. They have complete control over my life thanks to fucked up law enforcement support. (this posted on 3/22/2020)

Ross and I would like to emphasize that these abusers are hidden in plain sight. There is no way for someone who is not in their system to recognize them for what they are. At night, they gather to practice such rituals. It is time for their organization to be taken apart, and for Heavenly ways to thoroughly obliterate them.  Perhaps the Coronavirus and the COVID 19 are a way for some of this separation to take place in a manner which is socially understandable to the unawakened from all walks of life. They got sick, they got very sick, and they died. It is possible that there are innocent people dying from the virus too, it is collateral damage, perhaps? So no one can put the finger on any one person who is ill without further proof of their being a participant in Satanic Ritual Abuse.

After this photo--we apologize because it is so large but we didn't want it to be pixellated if we did it any smaller---we will have our usual sign off and a song of Ross' choosing.

clap! clap!

Here is the song--

Ross says that good things are on the horizon, and to look up! Be your best selves, to everything and to everyone, and to enjoy imagining what life is going to be like when the changes are complete.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Lovers who are Family and the Wayshowers to Everyone who wishes to follow the way.