Friday, January 26, 2018

On What Is Hidden

I've manifested two things recently. Oddly enough, the things I focused on, one came to me, the other, I chose to pass, but together they expose the same problem in our local community: greed.

And I was just following my heart.

Tim Braun has a wonderful office. It's in a Spanish Colonial office building, there are ocean breezes and fountains and palms. There's isn't a private waiting room, but once inside his office it is filled with sunlight and breezes, and is quiet.

Since I've been having people take an interest in my skills, I've been thinking of his office a lot, I love the building, the location, and it would be wonderful to have something along those lines.

Well, he sent an email, 'Change is Good!' and after nine years, has decided to change offices.

There is a candy store in the area. It was magical to go visit. It had candy of every kind, even from the I was a kid. There were dispensing bins, scooping bins, jars with lids where you take candy out, even gelato. My favorite  was the music that chimed from the cotton candy machine. And then there was the theater seats in the back, where the original Charlie in the Chocolate Factory was always playing. You could just sit and watch for a few minutes...

Inside this candy store was a library card catalog file cabinet, each drawer was filled with 'pills' for ailments like 'stress' which were just cleverly marketed candy.

I have been thinking of this cabinet too, a lot, with my heart, because beads are everywhere in my home. It's been difficult to organize them. Color works best, in bins, but now, I find keeping the original envelopes so I can reorder them is better. They need to be filed by what they are, what stone.

I got an email that it's going out of business. Everything is fifty percent off. Last night we stopped by, just for one last time.

I asked about the file cabinet.

The worker said to ask the owner, but he was right there, the worker pointed.

The owner had a meeting but the person cancelled. He's rarely there in fact. I've never seen him.

I asked.

It was seven hundred dollars.

I had hoped for three hundred.

He said it's worth twelve hundred on ebay but he'd like to just get rid of it. (it's worth fifteen hundred, actually, I just checked).

He didn't want to hassle with the new square to read the credit card. I offered a check but his wife wants money NOW. He was going to enter the credit card manually. I suggested PayPal, and it worked!  (I did the friends and family for him, paying the twenty dollar fee, to help him with his wife).

He delivered it. He has a used truck from a patio supply company, with a tail gate that lowers.

We had a dolly, he knew how to use it, and together all three of us, Anthony, Randy, and I, got the cabinet in the house. It has sixty drawer and three small pull out shelves like cutting boards.

I'm going to use my old electric typewriter to make the labels.

Apparently the candy store was a franchise.

The rent had gone up.

It had always been seven thousand a month. He's been in business for ten years. Then two years ago the rent went up to eleven thousand a month. Now it's going up to fifteen thousand a month.

He can't make ends meet.

You should have seen the children the mom brought in for the cotton candy machine. This was their tradition, they had so much excitement. They were in line by us.

Greed has stolen the childlike joy of thousands of customers who enjoy this shop.

Randy has a 'day job'. He owns an auto shop.

He also owns five properties, and manages them. He manages his mom's properties and his mother-in-law's properties too. They are all out of state.

He works fifteen hour days.

He was interested in my work, and also, in my healing work. He was fascinated.

He said, 'they say anesthesia is the best job out there right now, where there is the pay for the amount of work done'.

I said, 'Obamacare is decimating us. Reimbursements are down. People are delaying surgery. Many don't even pay their co-pay and we have to take the loss.  Then add to it the stress (I described my code blue husband of nurse, and her tears and sobs, how it affected me)...and the lack of sleep...I don't think many would actually take it on those terms if they knew the whole story.'

While we were taking the cabinet out of the back of the truck, something beeped loud. Like an alert.

Ever the anesthesiologist, when he asked, 'what is that beeping sound?' I said, 'I don't know, it's not one of my beeps'...

It was his insulin pump. He shared how it's been hard for him to have a candy store. He's had diabetes twenty five years. At first he didn't take care of it, he just took a shot like the doctor said.

He didn't let his disease slow him--he scuba dives, he flies airplanes, he goes on long adventures in the back country.

I shared that Anthony has elevated hemoglobin A1C. Could Anthony please see the pump?

There were two small plastic devices stuck on him, on his belly. Anthony asked if there is a needle, and he said yes but it's small.

One is a dexiscan (?) which monitors his blood sugar. He showed us on his phone the app with his blood sugar, and how the cheeseburger and fries really made his sugar shoot up. He does this only once a year. He'd had a business meeting someplace where he didn't like the food, it hurts his stomach, so he ordered what he enjoys. Effects of Fast Food on the immune system--reposted here if you missed it

I showed  him the book, the insulin resistance diet. I also told him he is inspirational, and should write a blog.

He told us he asks people in the candy store, who go to the sugar free section, 'why are you here?'

Did you know that the sugar free candies have the same amounts of carbs in them? And cause the same blood sugar spikes as sugar candies? The marketing is 'sugar free' but diabetics have no business eating them and thinking they are safe. Because, as he says, 'if you know the disease it's the CARBS and not the sugar! These people don't know the disease!'

I was sickened to know that people who make sugar free candy deceived all these poor patients who have turned my stomach to know such greed and deception exist...and they prey on innocent, well-meaning patients who want to do something safe and right for them.

By the way, Randy is only fifty-two.

Randy didn't know what he was in for...

He lives in the neighborhood, and used to live in my housing complex. We had an old TV stand on the front porch in the way for the cabinet to come in.

I showed it to him, and asked him if he could please take it? He could sell it. It's his 'tip'. He was excited!

Then I knew pancreas is yellow chakra, he DOES so much--a total mover and shaker--it's no surprise that the imbalance manifested after years, as diabetes.

He was curious about my beads. We had shown him Anthony's bracelets. Then Spirit nudged me. I gave him one, and one for his wife.

Then Spirit nudged me again. I asked if he knew of my auto mechanic's shop?

He did! They are near one another. And my mechanic is the one he brings HIS cars they can't figure out.

My mechanic had a mom who was a white witch. He's always been loving and supportive of me in my healing work. I've made  him bracelets and shields. I asked Randy to give him one too. Randy shared that Bill's wife is having health problems. Cancer. So I brought a pair and gave them to give to the couple. I told him Bill would know me.  I handed him a card with the stones' names, and also, told him it reduces negativity near the wearer. It neutralizes it.

He was amazed.

He asked me if I knew the asian guy who worked with Bill. I said that there was one who had died, long time ago, one who used to call him Wally. And the wife, I did mediumship for her after his death. She always remembered and thanks me every mother's day and Christmas.

He guessed this is a new asian.

But he was impressed. I gave him my information of who I am online. And offered him TDWR services in the event of a health crisis. There is a team of healers from all over the world, and they offer healing for free.

Ever since Christmas, we have had Anthony's old bike he outgrew in the walkway of the garage.

I wasn't sure what to do with it. It's worth one hundred fifty dollars. I wasn't sure to give it to the Goodwill charity. I didn't know what they do with it.

He agreed, he said he fixes their trucks. When there are things that don't need to be repaired, and he recommends to wait, they fix them anyway. He said that as a charity they should be careful with their money. They should care. But they always say, 'get it fixed'. He has his doubts about them, too.

I offered him the bike.

He admired the brand.

I remembered he had mentioned he has a nine-year-old son, who he's afraid is at high risk for diabetes.

He wheeled the bike with wonder back to his truck.

From an ordinary sale, and his kindness to deliver it, at this sad time with the closing of his business, he received so much...

Tales like these are 'right on schedule'

I got challenged yesterday over a FB post by my old chair, at my fellowship (my cardiac anesthesia attending), and my former surgery resident colleague who went to psychiatry (I had treated her to a Coldplay concert with my sister Vanessa, she's an awesome person) 'provide peer-reviewed papers' on an anti-vaccine video I posted, the study of home schooled kids versus classroom ones.

They are listening.

I've thought about how to respond. It's the second challenge from Laura. The first from Gerry. I thought of it on my whole walk.

Between us, WHO would fund such a study? The government? Big Pharma? Come on! Even Patrick Kennedy doesn't have that much sway, and he's lucky he too hasn't been killed like all the other alternative medicine physicians who have been exposing the truth. It's totally obvious, right?

But not to them.

I know what to say and it will be said in love.   I also know that the truth is inevitable, it will be painful for many like them who are deeply invested in the system.

I also know, through Kerth Barker, that everyone involved in SRA has to pay money up to the top.

I know from alternative news and channeled messages such as John Smallman, as well as the book Area 51, that HUGE amounts of money are siphoned off of everything to make this dark system 'go'. system. It falls apart and they fight themselves, trying to be top dog.  Kerth predicted this is how it would go down.

THIS explains the mysterious rent hikes, the cost of living skyrocketing, even healthcare going UP--because someone is taking that money. The books aren't real, they are for show. The real books show the siphoning to where it actually is going and it's hidden.

This is why John Smallman's Jesus says, 'it's the last gasp and the old ways are crumbling'. This is because not only the money, but the ENERGY is not compatible now with the dark ways. In every way, it will crumble.

I sense it is soon.

This is why, I don't mention things for my health--my work experience the other day, or the lesson that got Jarie all mad at me for exposing the church (this was not my intent, it was how to be a teacher and guide those who are discovering these unpleasant truths and coming to you for advice)--YOU ARE ON THE FRONT LINES and NOT LONG FROM NOW WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES AND FAMILIES YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN MY POSITION!!!

It can happen in the blink of an eye, and when it does, you need the skills--everything I have role modeled for you, everything about discernment and being able to work with your heart and brain together as a healthy functioning unit.



How do I know?

Because I have been sent to prepare you, and I have listened to my heart/mind/guides, and done my purpose with everything I have, right to the letter!

Ross and I don't do things halfway.

Ross says, 'measure twice and cut once'.  I can tell he's been measuring. And it's almost time for Spirit to cut us free from the old ways, once and for all, to freedom in the Higher Realms.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple