Today was a day of empowerment. Although I have a sore throat, Anthony was better, and his pain is gone. He did however, wake up with conjunctivitis--pink eye, which is highly contagious--and I had to work.
My call assignment was call eleven. I had given my day off to a colleague who needed an upper GI endoscopy and nobody would give him a day off to get the study done. I had traded this weeks ago.
Little did I know my own boy would need me at home.
Ross guided me.
I had breakfast like normal, and then, with the help of a neighbor who would check in on him, went to work. I was call eleven and the first to go home in all of the assignments. I hoped to be home by noon.
I asked both my boss who gets two percent of everything I make, and the number two man in the 'partnership' (I'm not in it, only five of the group are), to please allow me to go home early because my son is sick. He needed me. They both said that one or the other would help. The problem was, each one pointed to the other to help, and neither one said that THEY would be helping me.
I asked another mom. She wouldn't help because there was a three hour gap in the schedule. It's too long (with no money).
It looked like perhaps I could have one cover for me? Like his cases would finish and then he would take over my room? Well his surgeon was one hour behind schedule...then two it wasn't looking good.
My cases finished before ten, so I drove home. I did! I had lunch and we had a two hour visit. Anthony was very happy I came home. He was glad I trusted him but also enjoyed the company.
Sure enough, I tucked him in for a nap (and put some erythromycin ointment in his pink eye), and left again.
That's right, I drove to work twice in one day.
But I didn't care. My priorities are straight now. The fear is out of the picture. He needs to stay home until he is well. And I need the rest. I do whatever it takes, and I don't look back.
When their cases were done, both the boss and the number two sneaked out the door.
I had to recover my patient. And because of nursing, more pain medicine needed to be given, so it added an extra thirty minutes. That's right, ninety minutes in recovery, with me 'supervising', I'm not allowed to leave, and it was unpaid.
Boss and number two KNEW.
Boss and number two LEFT without saying a word to me.
I know where I stand now.
And it's written in the book of Life EXACTLY what they did, and when, and I'm not going to cover for them. I forgive them.
That means, I accept what is, I don't judge, and I put it in God's hands, and I let it go.
I am GRATEFUL for the chance to be home tonight.
Well, guess what? I traded with the mom who didn't like the three hour gap, so I could get the day off tomorrow. She took my call nine and I took her call eleven. She said I should get the day off.
Guess what? The assignment just came in. And I have to work.!Same call. Same place. Same Boss 1 and Boss 2. Everything the same as today!
Good thing I forgave them huh?
The mom, felt bad, and offered me names of who to call to see if they would work for me so I could care for my sick son. Another mom, will work for me until noon. Then the sitter will be here.
I trust Anthony but I don't want to leave him home alone again.
He's too young.
Truth is Truth is Truth.
No matter how you slice it.
Or 'spin' it.
The pediatrician is about to be fired. Anthony doesn't like him. He's as good as useless to me. He goes by the book, vaccine schedules (we refuse), protocols for antibiotics (it's not on the books at his computer that Anthony had antibiotic for three years, so he thinks amoxicillin is fine. He also didn't catch the otitis media that started to hurt two hours after we were in the office. And is that where Anthony picked up the pink eye? I think so.) The only useful thing is the growth chart and weight chart. But it's not good, because he's always wanting Anthony to lose weight, and it's not good how he goes about it. Anthony feels terrible every time and doesn't want to go. The doctor communicates only by the electronic messaging system online. And I can't recall our password or user name. I thought there's just one file for a family and a mom can manage it. Nope! One for every family member. And I can't remember a thing.
So why go?
I gave Anthony my pill--my amoxicillin-clavanulate--for tonight's dose and I'm taking his amoxicillin for the next doses until he gets better.
I'm treating his pink eye with tiny tubes given to me by a very kind newborn nursery nurse several years ago.
So I went to call Dr. Thermos. Yes, I swear that's his real name. He used to work at a doc in the box near us, but the owner didn't pay him, so he's doing his own thing. He's a DO, and open to Reiki and holistic things. I thought he'd make a great primary care. He listened and he cared every time Anthony or I went to him.
Guess what?
They don't take insurance.
It's cash only. And it's bioidentical hormone replacement and stuff like that.
I'll keep looking.
I haven't had primary care in many years. I just haven't found someone I could trust. The doc in the box had nice people, and we didn't have to make appointments.
But they were shady.
Something will turn up.
The difference I am experiencing is I look at a situation, I think, 'It sure says more about THEM then it does about me' and I let it go.
Besides, I met a nurse's daughter, as I stayed late at work. She's twenty and a nanny. I met her and she has five friends who also work like her. She even suggested too. There's a way OUT from this challenge where Anthony's grandparents paternal move to Arizona, where my sitter has a day job for another family, and his dad is working all the time.
I wanted to stay at home, and instead, I got a European Workday and I was content for that and the lead to a sitter.
I am always working to expose the Truth when it comes to Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart.
I try to keep this page here neutral--not really into the nitty gritty--but there's two important things I need to share, because it makes the truth shine brighter on its own than ever.
- (I don't know if it's the best 'source'--but it resonates strongly with me and my concern is that other pedophiles have used the argument that it is 'consensual' because the child doesn't fight it.)
- A German publication spoke of a woman, an author and a scientist, who wants to erase the word 'victims' and instead wants to name it 'experience', especially for abuse. (we figure she will be the first to use that word 'victim' when something bad happens to her)
It's sinister. And from what I've learned, people who do things for 'me first' tend to have this lifestyle catch up with them. I've always said, when it's evil, you don't have to do a thing except stand around and watch and wait, because it's unsustainable, and it always implodes upon itself.
I'm also realizing, that fear is what keeps me in my current job. I can do better perhaps, and there's no harm in looking.
I also know that there's a perfect 'life situation' out there for me, and I will find it. It might be here and a little different, or it might be far with a huge change, but whatever it takes, whatever I need to do, I understand the reason.
I think it's the 'Life is a Story' philosophy of Anthony helping me to be strong.
Tonight we watched a movie, Night At The Museum, the original. It's one of our favorites.
I'm not worried about the homework, and the fear.
He might have to work most of the weekend to catch up.
But it's first things first.
Ross has been a quiet presence through my lessons. I appreciate it. Ross do you have anything to say?
He shakes his head no. I need my rest.
We love you very much.
We thank you for accompanying us on this Journey we too are writing without words...Ascension doesn't quiet seem to capture the phenomenon as one word alone! Our Journey into the Higher Realms!!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple