Monday, September 2, 2019

AreYou Ready For A Little Happiness?

Right before I woke up, Ross invited me to write and gave us today’s title. I am listening to his guidance and letting you know what he has to say.

First of all, yesterday I was working at the hospital on call.  It was an awesome day. Only a few cases, and I got to sleep all through the night. I heard my alarm ring at the usual time, four twenty a.m., and turned it off to catch up on a little sleep. Today I have off.

I didn’t wake up until nine a.m.!!

So for me, being able to get the sleep I require and to remedy my sleep debt is a ‘little happiness’.

Good things are coming, Ross says. And he asks us to visualize them. He says for every worry, drop it into the huge garbage bag of St. Germain and ‘replace it with a greater joy that will comfort you from the heart’.

Another thing he wants me to share—which I suspect is due to the triple earth energies with the planetary alignments—is that he had me start clearing out the boxes in the living room with all of my treasures I had packed for the move. You can’t imagine my joy and happiness and delight! I had no idea unpacking could be such fun. It was like finding my old friends. Some things to keep, some things I no longer needed. But instead of a chore I had been dreading, once I got around to it, and believe me I had been putting it off even through the morning with dread—it wasn’t as bad as I thought.

Ross encourages us to take advantage of the special energies for the next two weeks and to ‘lighten up’ and get rid of that which is not serving your highest good.

He says good things will happen quickly and like magic and will surprise you in a nice way. It will be pleasant. So open your arms and accept what is to come with a smile. You will be smiling big.

Today is Labor Day in the states. We celebrate the workers, and there is a Monday off. A three-day weekend. Many people celebrate with family and friends, perhaps a barbecue, to enjoy the last weekend of Summer. Perhaps to take a little trip out of town as well. We wish you a happy holiday whatever you do.

Clap! Clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins