Friday, September 27, 2019

Enjoy The Show

Thank you rat.

Thank you to the literal ones, around the house.

Thank you to the figurative ones who helped set us free.

Thank you for growth and lessons, which is the way of eternal life and life which is incarnate.

Thank you.

Ross and I had our concerns about a certain platform. We felt torn. We have our connections, our star family, our relationships which arose and flourished on this platform.  But many a wise one has left the platform altogether. What can we do? What action will serve the highest good?

Every rat has symbolized someone who was taking advantage, the message ever since the first one at my old house is, 'you are free from someone who was taking advantage of you'. That's what rats do, they are opportunistic.  Usually it's been like a boyfriend I needed to break up with, something like that. There's a lesson with each one. And perhaps the latest one is that people just can't read what really happens. There's repercussions. Now we are free from fear of that kind of SEN-sore-ship. What's done is done. There was no warning, no letter, no anything. One fell swoop every link to this blog vanished on every connection including instagram. Just like that.

Does it ever make you wonder why in this day and age nothing goes viral. Not like it used to. The only thing that did was a Popeye Chicken Sandwich. That's how much the flow of information is controlled in every way.

California has a rat problem. Angel stadium was once infested with them, and they had to change to clean up every night immediately after the game. It couldn't wait until morning. Because it made the front page of the news. Rats were even running free inside the kitchens!

For us, I've known for a while I wasn't escaping the rat problem of the old house about a mile and a half away. And I know dad taught me the skills to take care of it. Unpleasant as it is, I've accepted my role as a trapper. And I call myself a Shrute because sometimes in life you need to tap into that part of your soul to protect your family. I had bought some time ago many traps. Now instead of just two or three, I've set them all around the perimeter of the house. Every morning I go check them. Our attic when we moved in was full of their old poop and nests and skeletons. It cost over four thousand dollars, three men working all day for two days--to clean up their mess. Even though the workers say it's sealed off for rats up there, I don't want them to look for other places around here to set up house.

It was 'aggressive' I think, the word that was used to describe this blog link--to any of them. On Instagram I couldn't post until I removed the link. How odd.  Now we can't post to where we used to post. But it's okay. We are here. And everything happens for a reason. Ross always says that...

Gaia unleashed the energy of change. It's the chaos that comes with a new era. She was tired of the slow and steady progress. Once she found it, she acted upon it, after very deep and close reflection. It's working and it can't be taken back. Gaia's way is one of surprise and natural power, in the earth plane. She is capable of much more than rat and she has been chomping at the bit for a long time. Like a dog with fleas she is longing to shake them off of her. Although it has been contained and constrained she has given a clear signal of GO. Proceed. Wrap this up. Get the show on the road. Don't look back. And in Spirit, well, everything has a reason. Gaia wants to be free. Like, really free, the BIG free, as in, her original blueprints and design unfettered by 'interference' from TWDNHOBIAH.

This or something better.

We want you to keep saying this to yourselves. About everything.

There will be more ways to share and keep close without that old platform. : )))

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins