Saturday, August 31, 2019

Thank You For Freeing Gaia!

I said this one from my heart to my guides just as I was falling asleep last night.

Ross and I would encourage you to repeat this phrase, and to repeat it often. The Law of Attraction works by intention, and acting as if something has already happened, and giving thanks for it, is a powerful way to 'prime the pump of manifestation' for such things to take place.

The original Gaia is a place of phenomenal beings from higher vibration, many who are of myth and legend in our times but actually once roamed the earth and were seen by humans. Faeries. Sprites. Undines. Unicorns. Pegasus. Gnomes (nice ones!). Earth Spirits. 

This brings us to the point of Virtue.

We are not talking about Doreen.

We are talking about a culture where taking the higher road, being on the up and up, being kind, generous, caring, along with nurturing, warmth, love and compassion to everyone 24/7, 365 days a the norm.

How does this make you feel?

Are you comfortable with the prospect of being on the up and up, 24/7, 365?

In other words, are you ready to pull your weight with this energy, and to be a source of this kind of vibration as a habit, as a lifestyle, as a status quo?

We start by taking baby steps.

When someone miscounts the change at the register in your favor, correct them. Don't think of it as a windfall of good fortune. It isn't. It's capitalizing on someone else's mistake.

When you have someone forget to ring up an item, remind them. 

When someone is waiting in line behind you and they have less items, invite them to go ahead of you. You don't know what kind of hurry they may be in. It's no skin off your back. Be courteous! Be kind.

There are many opportunities to encourage virtue in yourself and in those around you.

Begin with you. 

This challenge might take some time--keep at it.

And watch the effects, the ripple effects, as you master this quality.

Let us fast forward to when the changes--the truly big ones we have been anticipating in the world around us!--hit. 

There may be some chaos. There may be some corruption. Do you want to make it like a zombie apocalypse and reach for your guns? Who are you going to help in that situation? Y-O-U. And your family. Just like you have been taught to do by the movies, right?

Or, will you be a pillar, solid, anchored into the frequency of the original Gaia? Will you be kind, and generous, and always keeping your word?

People are going to flock to you, if you are the latter. They will have fear and you will be unafraid. You will usher them into the Higher Realms as an Official Greeter!

Explore Virtue. Explore what that means to you. Explore what it means to Gaia.

To Gaia it means a trusted Caretaker of Her, one who meets her needs and helps her to recapture her Original Blueprint and Design, in everything you do. 

Oh Fudge! You might be saying to yourself. The party's over?

Gaia begs to differ with you.

Oh Smudge! The party is about to begin.

You can cleanse and transmute just about anything with the gift of smudging.

We want to clarify that smudging isn't like a Spiritual version of disinfectant house cleaning spray to get rid of unwanted things.  No, no, no, no, no. What people in the Spiritual community delegate it to is far, far beneath the actual cleansing that is taking place.

Smudging invites the Sacred to enter the space.

Dark things don't like anything Sacred.

And they leave.

Old vibrations, old negative imprints, things from 3D just habitual beliefs and thinking...all of them go.

And when they come back, sometimes they do, smudge again.

The Sacred vibrations like to feel welcome and invited to enter your world, your immediate environment, and help to create a sanctuary for you both--you and the Sacred. A new roommate of sorts. A welcome one!

In the Original Blue Print, design, of Gaia, EVERYTHING is Sacred. Everything is blessed.

Ross says everything is going to be okay. He doesn't want you to go out and buy some smudge because it is on sale or the thing to do. He welcomes you to begin a regular smudging practice mindfully and with intention! He encourages you to think about what is expected of one who is an ambassador from the Higher Realms to the New Earth, and to act accordingly, 24/7, 365...whenever possible. And to remind yourselves to anticipate this New Earth with great delight!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple