Sunday, August 18, 2019

Our Policy Update

Spirit and Ross have been incredibly generous and kind in that from this day forward, I am to be given Sunday off from all of my spiritual publishing and work on behalf of Doctors With Reiki.

Rest is important. I've been at the helm together with Ross now about ten years. I must be getting a promotion, yes?

On Sundays, Ross will take the initiative with the daily healings, together with me, and they will both be sent but not published. They are implied and if you rest quietly you are open to receive them.

Yesterday and today I spent much time laying still and soaking in the energy of the Divine Masculine. I need it. For some stage of my healing, very deep work is being done. I've had Michael, Ross, Ashtar and Raphael with me at various times.

There was a healing with Gaia that was facilitated by this. Another layer of things which had been stuck on her, like a thick white rope cord web attached with pins, was slipped off her this morning. To accomplish this, Ross and Ashtar work together in tandem. No one alone can get this massive work done.

Another layer that has come up again for healing is the incredible trauma I experienced witnessing Ross at his death and preparing his body.  I am in his arms, and I ask him again and again, 'it's over? it can't happen again?' and I cry. The wounds are deep, deep as my core. I asked him why he didn't just kill everybody at the time? I certainly wanted to. He assures me that the ones who stole our Benjamin are taken care of (merged with Source) long time ago. For the rest, to just relax and watch as he gets the upper hand and balances things. He says to be patient and it is going to be worth it. And our children, will be blessed and healed, Sarah, Benjamin, and Anthony. Today was also the first time he thanked me for my helping him in his incarnation, and he said, 'I couldn't have done it without you.' (he was a successful incarnation in that he achieved all of his Life Goals decided in his pre-birth contract).

In honor of him, and his wonderful kindness to me, I'm sharing this video. I make a point to practice these things with Ross every day. It's nice to see them in a short video. Enjoy. (P.S. Ross is playing IZ right now, Somewhere Over The Rainbow....I'm so grateful for his appreciation of me too.)

Ross is smiling, very pleased, and teasing me by saying, 'I am NOT a slave driver!' in reference to my ten years with days off for illness or assignment and that's it. 

clap! clap! 

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Happiness Twins