Thursday, August 29, 2019

Indistinguishable Energy

This is a short blog post. There's no big stories. Nothing fancy. And yet, the information we will cover is essential to the development of all.

I have had several days to digest the information received from my last reading with Dolores Cannon's Keeper of the Garden or Caretakers--something along those lines of UFO stuff. It's been percolating in. And now I notice it has changed the way I see things in a big way.

We are energy beings.

We each have our own individual energy 'signature'--I can sense it, hear it, feel it. That's how when someone has passed over, I know who they are when they are talking to me. It's not what I see, although sometimes I see. It's the energy signature that is unique and unmistakable. It can't be faked.

We are masters of many different incarnations in different realms. All of us. Truly, we are. Otherwise we wouldn't be here. Especially now.

We 'rent' our human bodies, which I have described before, as 'recyclable earth-friendly compostable containers'.

The vessel is a wonderful gift in that it limits our perception from our baseline as Spiritual Beings--kind of like the way blinders are put on a horse so they can only see what it ahead of them.  We are given pre-birth contracts and gifted our bodies with all of their nuances, imperfections, and strengths.

Remember we are Spiritual Beings, Creator Beings who are being put into these vessels.

And the Life Experience is exactly as the photo above--what is YOUR Creator Being going to create when put into a human body and experiencing the 'veil' (the blinders on a horse effect to perception). What vibrations are you going to create? How is your limited portion of YOU going to do on your Life Lessons?

In a way it is not unlike the soldier who in training is required to do one-handed push ups. It strengthens in ways that otherwise would not.

Does your True Essence shine through all of this?

So, in a way, Earth is a giant experiment, where the blind are leading the blind, as what other word can describe the Spiritual Master who is in a human body? What gets built? Who wins? (The answer should be, everybody, right?).

It's fascinating once you think of it.

And what about the Helpers?

Well, they are Spiritual beings too.

And depending on where they are heading they can manifest what it needed to be present in the realm. A human body. A space ship. Angel wings. Anything. It is as if on Earth you were going to climb a mountain. You would bring much different clothing and supplies and equipment than if perhaps you were going on holiday in summer to the beach.

Enjoy your experience.

Enjoy the scent of the rain, the feeling of sunshine on your skin, the voices of your loved ones, the color of a flower, the culture of your region, the trends and the fashions which are going on around you--even the politics as you are witnessing history in the making every day, with a ringside seat.

You are ALIVE.

This moment now.

There is never a promise for what comes next, although, you can be certain most if not all of it will have been written into your pre-birth contract/life plan/life lessons, with your full agreement to experience it.

If you are at the end of the life, there are certain 'exit points' written into your life story. Everyone gets them. Your soul gets to decide to stay or go when your life story reaches them. And at the last one, there's not much negotiation left. You can extend perhaps to a wedding or family event or birthday. At most three to six months. But then everything needs to go according to plan, because everything is connected to everyone else's stories. Once you are out of the Earth realm, you can see all time, you can see all people, and visit your loved ones as well as reach any point in time. It's only the loved ones can't always recognize you or notice you during their waking hours. Dreams are a blessing and most loved ones left behind can experience you in dream time. They might think it was 'only a dream' but it's real. Actually, dreaming is more real than waking if you think about yourself being an energy creator being.

Open your heart as wide as possible.

Even if you are consumed with so much fear and anger at being incarnate and living your life lessons you have made other people, innocent bystanders, cry due to your interaction with them.

Everything is forgiven if your heart is open, and you share love with everyone who you meet...pure, unconditional love. This is the energy of Home, the Higher Realms, a place of Nurturing, Warmth, Love and Compassion.

All the rest is donkey poop. Literally.

Open your heart.

Try unconditional love on for size in your interactions with people.

Everything can heal, and it will.

Don't be afraid.

Be loving.

Accept the love which surrounds you 24/7, 365. It's there. Even if you don't recognize it at first. You will be able to look and see it with your own eyes if you practice it.

Everything is going to be okay. It really is.

Ross nods in agreement. And smiles. And waves.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twinkling and Smiling eyes and hearts.