Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Says Who?

Mankind is at a critical juncture. 

The most recent Gaia Portal points to this. They always make crystal clear sense to me--I feel it in my core, and often times I have a sense for when they are about to come out.

Pretenses have exposed and released. (there is an energetic connection, external ideas/concepts were initially there, they have settled off and now only the pure energy between the two ends of this connection exist in both 3D and 5D. It just is what it is and nothing more can be added to it.)

Hangers are hung. (everything is set and organized for what is to come. In 3D and in 5D.)

Ferrous motivators are released. (Iron shackles, things which are holding humans back, and also, perhaps, the iron which is in heme. Adrenochrome. This information is out to the masses*.)

Energetic impulses are felt and accepted. (people who are in various assignments are actually doing them.)

Followers of the Hue-man path expand. (for example, someone I know is waking up. A very important someone at work. And is doing work, spiritual work, just starting up. )

The cryptic nature of the Gaia Portal energetically allows for a 'need to know' level of galactic security which is hidden in plain sight. It is much like the Bible in that Spirit will open to you what you need to understand, even though the words are the same and the print is the same for everyone. 

It's special.

Yesterday I couldn't write. 

I'm sorry.

It's wasn't a compensatory day off or anything on purpose.

It was a long day. The minute I got home my niece and nephew were with Anthony at a local taco stand. We like Mexican food very much here in California. I had eaten my leftovers at work while waiting and waiting for a case that was not to be. (my psychic nature tells me what is to come, but of course nurses don't understand it, they want to be SURE there is coverage, so I have to wait until permitted to go home.)...

They wanted me to pay. 

Anthony wants me to pay.

So I drove there just in time to pay. 

Money is tight for everyone. In our family people look to me to pay. And I do. It just is. And to be honest, twenty four dollars was cheap for their driving all the way to pick Anthony up, to take him to a movie (he paid) and for all the advice on surviving high school they gave him.  I was happy to see them vibrant and free. Both have had major health issues for several years. Now they are in stride. 

Family is family. Earth family. Star family. Whatever you can do to keep your connections strong, do it. 

It's priceless.

A certain snake-named influencer in the Spiritual community put out an update yesterday.

I read it with interest. Sometimes, when things seem to be very smooth and telling me what I take in really easily, I stop myself and ask, 'Says who?'

How would it be known that Epp-steen would have a look-alike exchanged for him, and then have the real him sacrificed?

I'm sorry, it just doesn't ring true with what I've studied and learned from Kerth.

Either the dude was the head of a branch, and they wanted to do the official ceremony to transfer the entity making him go into another member of the sect  (the head is removed at the last breath and it's breath goes into the next in line to lead, in ritual. I know, it's disturbing.)

Or they let him live.

I've seen photos of David Bowie, and interview even, of someone that looked just like him and sounded just like him, only with a different name after his death. Many deaths are faked. Why I don't really know. There are some who say River Phoenix is Mark Dice. Even the mole is the same.

What we are dealing with is a religious/antireligious? organization which is militarized, and many children are not raised by their actual biological parents in the sect. They are above the law. They are masters of Illusion. They don't follow any rules.

For example, one doc who is in 'the club' promised his workers for years that the reason that he wasn't paying them that month was that he was just going to give them the practice when he retired. 

Yeah, right.

That dude isn't going to give anything away for free. There has to be a buyout. And there's infighting right now. 

It is what it is.

But when you see things that are just all nicely wrapped up, easy to understand and say, 'oh, okay?'--STOP.

Think for yourself.

Ask yourself, Says Who?

Really inspect it and match it against what you know about life, and Spirit, and then decide.

The second layer of test is to detect and compare levels of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion in it. Is this high vibration energy present? Can you feel it in your heart? Or is it in your mind? You'll feel energy warm in your chest if it's present.

And I will let you know in all three times I've had physical presence with the snake-dude, there was not one speck of the above. Just fear, and a need to sell things to make money. The charm could be turned on and off, the warmth.

Angels don't ever turn it off. Not for one second. Most advanced souls here I 've met, the same thing.

This morning, my assignment was to read the very last chapter of the Bible. It was Revelation 22. I read the Living Bible, it's a translation from around when I was fourteen.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+22&version=TLB  I found it! Yes!

Take a look. 

Let it soak in.

Compare it to what you know and are seeing around you.

THIS is what is exciting about living in these times. You are actually witnessing it from the inside of the events...

Ask yourself, Says Who?

Reflect on it.

For me, it was the tree of life part.

This thing.

I looked everywhere on my photo service. It's not there. I had to take this one from google images.

Why isn't it in my photo service?

Truth be told, some Spiritual tools are neutral in and of themselves. It's how they are used.

How I've seen this one used, raises concern.

The ability to create what you wants isn't exactly of the vibe of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion. It can be, in an advanced spiritual setting. Especially if what you want is something good for someone else! And for the Highest Good!  But to wear a little red string bracelet? I  don't think that's it.

When I am taking in information, I am constantly testing it. My heart center. My mind. My scholarship (worldly and spiritual education across lifetimes).

Does it ring true?  Does it ring true for me in my mind and my heart? It this going to help me help others down the road if I understand it?

Be careful who you follow, and how blindly you are following them.

Ross reminded me of an episode of the Office Anthony just watched. The guy drove the car into a lake because he was following his GPS on his car. Thanks honey, that's a good example!

Ross says, 'don't drive into the lake, even if it tells you!'  He brushes off his hands. End of story.

Also, end of blog post.

Time to get ready for work.

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

*  =  (words from a meme)  you see a rack of test tubes that are filled at the phlebotomist. Underneath it, are these words, by shinichiizumii

Please help.

Someone close to me may be connected to the disappearance and murder of countless children; most of them refugees or otherwise disadvantaged - all untraceable. All forgettable. And now, all dead.

He told me about a drug called adrenochrome that could produce a high beyond any other. And unlike those other drugs, there are no ill effects. Quite the contrary; there are substantial benefits from consuming it:  greater health, increased vivacity, and a host of other, smaller effects. Combine those with an intense sense of euphoria and you have a substantial demand.

The issue is this:  it is a derivative of the chemicals produced by the human body when it is under intense, immeasurable fear.

My former friend, who confessed his involvement during a fleeting crisis of conscience, insisted this was true and cited a number of dubious looking studied and fake news sites. But then there were the photos.