Sunday, August 11, 2019


I am to write every day, as much as possible, Spirit says.

The only thing I can see which rises up to the top of the list, is to trust in the Divine Plan. My feelings, my energy, my emotions, even my jet lag, are making me feel a little unsure of myself at the moment. I've completely given up on trying to follow the headlines and make sense of the alternative news. Everything is so manipulated for content that absolutely nothing 'out there' rings true in my heart. It is seven p.m. here back at home, which, in Europe time, would be four in the morning! I've taken naps through the day, and done small chores such as paying the bills, running errands, and unpacking.

I feel good to have been away. It's not easy to go, traveling takes effort and a little luck for everything to work out all right, you know?

Now I am focusing on catching up.

When I have discomfort, or doubt, I ask my teams to help me. I ask for comfort. I ask for hugs. I ask to be consoled and directed in my path. I have been doing this all day, off and on!

The one thing is which keeps coming up, again and again, is TRUST.

Everyone on my support team, and in the whole project--on the ground as ground crew, and in the skies--knows what they are doing. Ross knows what he is doing. My Higher Self knows what she is doing. And even me, before I was born and when I made the plan for my could say even at night while I am with my Council  when I am asleep--everything is unfolding for the highest good of all in every way, at the most appropriate Divine Timing.

This helps me to relax. Several times today I have deeply relaxed and let go. In the bath. On the swing. In the hammock. On the couch. I'm working with my body as it adjusts back to our routine and time zone here on the Pacific Coast.

I've been reading but not today. I've read Dolores Cannon's book on the afterlife and between lives almost completely. Perhaps this is contributing to my sense of feeling 'jumbled'.  If Divine Creation is always one form of school after another, this is a little daunting! I appreciate Dolores' work, and her compiling it for the reader. I have seen the transfer between walk-ins and the original soul happen in surgery. I am the last one to wish the incoming soul good luck with their assignment right before it begins! It's always so exciting! So some of the data in the book matches my own personal experience.

As one who has conscious memories of many past lives, I would say that any spontaneous information that arises for you to work with, I would give a little more 'weight' to your experience as a data point. And for her work, she was asking the questions of the entities! So, perhaps with the hypnosis the clarity of the data will be more one way or the other.  Is the client supposed to know? Are we? I guess I need to read more of the books then? (big smile). I do know it is solid research and her heart was in the right place. I'm just still a scientist by training. This is how I think.

Anthony wishes to learn of his past lives.

So I will share with you the advice I shared with him:

  • pay attention to people, places, and things that you are drawn to or repelled away from. Especially things you haven't experienced or met in this life. The first time I had Indian food was a joyful celebration for my soul when I was twenty-one. My roommate in college took me. I'd never experienced anything like it. It felt like a coming home! Even now, Ross has me go out for Indian food when I need some healing or am going through a rough period. Our happiest times together were in India. (I had a vision today, this is a mental note for me not to forget to share it). 
  • pay attention to repetitive dreams. Note the time period and the emotions you felt. You might wish to write them down to look for a pattern.
  • remember that anything that 'comes through' is meant to help you with your goals to live in this life. For example, I've had them so I can understand and guide others through the process.
  • take heart that sometimes such memories can be intrusive and painful to re-experience. You have the right to decide what to remember long-term or not. Once you feel the situation again, you let it flow through your consciousness, and can request to not have to go over it ever again if you prefer it.
  • do like I do, and talk with your guides or your journal, to help understand what and why this experience is happening. Although there are humans/guides incarnate who are trustworthy, there are enough who are in the field for material gain that I would caution against it. Their interpretation may or may not be what you are supposed to be learning--and could very well take you off your soul's path of self-discovery and learning. So, go within and trust your inner guidance, your Soul, a little more, and others, a little less, by comparison.
One day you will know your past lives. All at once! You'll see all of the experiences from this one too. When you are on the other side. So have patience. It's not a contest, it's a journey. And when it really IS a past life, it will be like an onion with many layers. Do not be surprised if after a long time of seeming resolved, sometimes another facet will come up again.

Ross doesn't have anything to say, he is working, and he is pointing at the watch/the time. Anthony just slept through his timer, he is calling it a night. I suppose I may as well too after feeding the pets. 

I have said many a time, along the advice and teachings of Masaru Emoto, that the combination of Love and Gratitude is perhaps one of the most powerful in the Universe. It is like a safe foundation or starting point to go back to when things are disorienting and unpredictable. I would like to add to this is the concept of Trust. Trust in your Soul, and in its wisdom, as well as in the souls of Others. 

Everything happens for the best.

And as Ross says, so many times even Anthony now can say the quote too--'everything happens for a reason.'

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins

P.S. The vision.  I was at the store, and suddenly in a flash I was transported and I saw all of the old gurus who used to teach Ross and refused to teach me. As you can imagine, I'm not really close with them. There's about seven or eight or nine men. I saw them and they told me they were sorry, that the rules were changed, and I could be taught now. I politely and simply said I would prefer it if Ross were the one to teach me, if they didn't mind? Then what happened next was completely odd. They reached for me and started painting henna on my hands and arms in patterns and I was being dressed into some sort of costume. It was very fast and only a quick flash of a vision. Then I was back to here and now. I don't know if they didn't listen, or I was the one who wasn't listening. I wasn't afraid. I was looking for Ross and wondering where he was? I sensed he was getting ready somewhere too perhaps?

I did have a heart to heart with Ashtar, and he did say that I am being prepared for Ross. It makes me a little sad that I've been close to Ross this whole time, and that there still is need for preparation. What I pick up/feel/sense is that his energy is still a lot stronger than mine, and I need to get mine able to handle it. To be honest, I was exhausted just at the thought of having to raise my vibration even more, after all these years of helping others and taking steps to raise it! Ashtar had to talk me calm from my freaking out a little on that one. And again, I trust, and I keep walking forward in my Spiritual Growth. Even if it is a little more like work than freedom/joy/nurturing/warmth/love and compassion at times.