Oxford Street, Sydney, Australia, January 25 201, rustic sign
Yesterday was a good day. I brought in a little dancing Santa toy (with a shirt that reads Wrappers got to Wrap!) to the PACU as a gift. When we had gone to the hardware store the other day, I saw it and knew and felt it and it resonated as this is to go there because it is one of the highest traffic areas in the O.R. and will bring lots of joy.
I knew Spirit was with me because traffic was light, I bumped into the head of all the O.R. nurse Carol, and gave it to her to give to PACU for me. I didn't want to leave it out in the open with no workers there because it might disappear.
I came back later and the nurses were happy and everyone had been dancing and there was a moment of total joy and delight.
To be honest even the security guard at the entrance to the hospital had thought it was cute and pressed the button on it when I came to work!
This is how we roll!
Yesterday at work, I went into some souls and have things to report to you because there is a change 'out there'. Typically, and by 'typically' I mean for seven years, I find attachments that are very dark entities, I remove them, and the Guides of Compassionate Healing take them UP. Many of those have chosen to merge with the Galactic Central Sun.
The ones I am seeing now are not the top. They are the attachments who are interested in self-preservation and to support their family. Yes, I actually had one leave and take an entire family of attachments with it--wife and kids and grandma too, much to my surprise! These attachment souls are wanting the healing. I am working with them and they are much more responsive and receptive to change. One reminded me of the Japanese soldier who had hidden in the jungle for thirty years and needed to be told the war was over.
I also saw something which disturbed me. During 'twilight sleep' I saw some different personalities switch. It was subtle. But under the drugs I could see definite personalities come out. The patient was high-functioning, big career type.
It's not easy to love something difficult. It's not easy to love someone who does things that are against your belief system as 'right and wrong'. It's easier to withhold judgement and to let God judge--that I can do! (And God doesn't really 'judge' judge, there's karma yes but somehow it's 'fair' in ways I don't totally understand--apparently it's 'mutual' and the 'soul decides'? I don't know for sure in this situation.)
The rest of the blog is going to cover some important 'background information' for those of you who are wondering how an alter can happen? How a person can flip back and forth between personalities like a switch has been flipped?
If you are interested in a basic overview, and also our standpoint on them, we invite you to read further.
Some people have MPD (multiple personality disorder--old term from when I trained in medicine)/ DID (dissociative identity disorder--the newer term for the same diagnosis).
Some people with DID got it from their family--by surviving traumatic experiences which their mind protected them and walled off a whole new personality in order to cope with the trauma. Almost everyone who has DID experienced intense repeated episodes of traumatic abuse.
Some were raised in families who use this organized abuse as part of their upbringing to 'make them stronger' and 'instill family values'. Svali, who was one such individual, and went on to become a trainer (an abuser within the system)--had a change of heart and in 2009 wrote a lot about her experiences. There is question is Svali is alive today. She is a brave soul and has done much to help our cause for our team by exposing hidden secrets to the world.
Here is an example of 'Jewel Programming': http://www.takecare4.eu/illuminati-insider-chapter-five-colors-metals-and-jewel-programming/?fbclid=IwAR3hFxoCxRo_7_9GlL4AIzEpGRufHqOnkmx7TKYCOyXkFEZcc5clM8GkgHE
Here is a large portion of her work for completeness, if at a later time you are interested: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/illuminati/svali.htm. It's not for everyone to learn this stuff, but for some who are just waking up, it's important to have access to such sites.
If you want to study the whole thing, this is a PDF of a government manual on how to identify SRA by the symbols and time of year rituals discovered at a crime scene: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Photocopy/140554NCJRS.pdf. The way censorship is going, you might want to print it or download it into a file and keep it because it might not always be available.
Again this is only if you are interested.
I am going to prepare you for what's next--it's a 'Dervish'--https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dervish. I saw these photos and it made my heart sink with dread.
I saw the last one in a series first--and I'll share it last and explain why I did.
UZYNGASH, KAZAKHSTAN - JANUARY 2: Pilgrims carry two sheeps to holy place called 'Ungurtas' where local wise woman ('apashka') Bifatima Dauletova lives. These sheeps will be used for the ritual of pilgrims' purification and recovery. Taken January 2, 2011
This wise woman who has taken a vow of poverty and 'can do miracles' is conducting a 'cleansing ritual' on the three 'seekers'. It is cold. They have gone to some effort to be naked in a hole in the snow and dirt.That is blood on the naked people.
You're not imagining it.
This is the family butchering the meat of the offering after the ceremony.
I know many 'folk healers' including Kahunas in Hawaii--request some animals and a feast--in order to heal. So many fish, so many pigs, so many birds, etc, etc.
We understand that in some cold parts of the world, there's not much to eat in winter from the garden, so people have to eat.
What we don't understand is the need to kill something and use the blood to achieve ANYTHING...spiritual.
Here is another photo of those 'seekers' and I'm making it small so as to lessen how disturbing it is.
It's sad, isn't it?
Know that the people who are in power in our society often believe in a form of ritual abuse which involves ceremonies like this, and more. There's sex in it--all kinds of things our society says is 'wrong' to do--but those who are in power are above the law, in their minds, above all kinds of laws.
And when Svali speaks of 'traumatic episodes' in training, it's stuff like what is shown here in the snow and dirt hole. And worse. Kerth Barker endured this stuff too, and writes about it.
This is the photo that broke my heart. The willful taking of the sheep to slaughter, and this sheep clearly being aware something is wrong--perhaps having no clue soon it will die by beheading.
It's suffering.
It's time for all suffering of these crazy belief systems to use blood in rituals to accomplish anything--to end.
It's over.
The icky nasty souls--archons or dark attachments or whatever it is they are called--have been cleared from the planet--more or less. (the topic of attachments is a whole separate topic...it's been covered in the blog if you use the search function to the top right on a computer version of the blog--not a phone one--you may find old blogs which cover it if you're interested).
Now the mid-level ones, the souls I have been encountering lately--when being offered the same choice as the darker ones--'heal or merge?'--are taking a new path and choosing to HEAL. Most of the old ones in the past few years always chose 'merge' and I've seen the angels weeping as I witnessed with them the soul standing resolutely on like a conveyor belt and heading into the Galactic 'incinerator' where their soul is rearranged and scattered into soul 'bits' into the 'soup' where new souls are created. It happens, it's a big deal, and it's sad.
So good things are really happening, behind the scenes, in a spiritual sense and you are only asked to have a basic working knowledge of SRA/MK Ultra/Monarch programming...enough to see that in some way, perhaps, the societal pressures and the shocks of large wildfires and other tragedies are perhaps the SRA/MK Ultra/Monarch techniques being applied on a large scale to the masses?
Jesus Christ Savior on the portal of Holy Cross, parish Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in Lepoglava on September 21, 201
There has already been bloodshed to account for all bloodshed.
Even that one broke my heart into a million pieces when it took place. There's still healing taking place to this day from the trauma I remember clearly from witnessing it. Many people were alive then and are alive now and remember. It's not just me.
Artwork by Raphael in the Vatican
So the official stance on the whole concept of 'spiritual bloodshed and drama' is we would like it to stop.
And it will.
It definitely will.
We apologize for traumatizing you with the photos, with the Dervish-sheep it is perhaps the kindest way to share it compared to other victims used in SRA--and again we encourage you to LOVE, for love is the only weapon that is useful against this kind of abuse.
Any kindness you do--for example the dancing Santa gifted to the nurses--will cause a direct HIT against the old ways of SRA/bloodshed.
Ross says it's like taking the stick and aiming without a blindfold at a piñata. That sucker is going to break--he says--and when it does lots of 'spiritual candy and something better' is going to fall 'EVERYWHERE ON THE PLANET' and people are going to be amazed.
So, 'be nice' as Ross puts it. Open your heart and smile and try to refrain from judgement. Know that the victims and perpetrators of SRA are our brothers and sisters who are 'lost on a long hike' and are accepting 'guidance to be welcome back home' at this moment. The very worst are gone Ross says.
So open your heart to them.
He cautions--not necessarily to open your home or your wallet!--he laughs--but your heart and unconditional love for them. Just like in his heart.
The Goddess of Turquoise.Nepal, Himalayas, Sagarmatha National Park, view on Cho Oyu (8,201 m) from the Gokyo Village (4,970 m)
Today brings us to countdown day two hundred one!Let the countdown continue and the wonder of 'one-derland' (counting numbers below two hundred) begin! In a day!
We thank you for all your patience with us on this very difficult lesson.
And if you didn't look or read or follow the links, that's okay. It's not your calling. And for those of you who it does happen to be your calling to read, we have provided you with some of the finest, most objective sources available as links. If you wish to read more we direct you to the written works of Kerth Barker available on amazon or a bookstore near you.
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Twins
P.S. here's a little advice from Saul: https://johnsmallman.wordpress.com/2018/11/27/when-you-feel-at-one-with-another-fear-conflict-and-distrust-dissolve/