Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Be A Friend

Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower and the Shanghai Center New Year's Eve light show

Last night I ate dinner at the home of a friend. She is another single mom, and our sons have been in school together since preschool. She loves Anthony like her own son, and I feel the same about her son.

Today is his birthday.

Her parents (they live with them), are very strict Sikh.  Her father has been battling pancreatic cancer, and her mother shared that in December she is going to have knee replacement surgery. I could tell she could barely walk with much pain, as she held on to furniture and limped around the house.

They know me. From a party in the summer when the classmates were invited to swim in the pool. 

I was so grateful for the help. My other friends I'd been with last night, their son needed to study, and even though I've asked them before to help when my work was detaining me past the closure of the school--by the time dinner was finished and we'd enjoyed ourselves so much their son was upset that he hadn't done his homework yet. 

I'd wondered why this was, why I am always needing help?  

I see it'a a good win win from Spirit side--today is their son's birthday. So our presence was like a little party almost. He was in good spirits. And Anthony is not a latch-key kid. He doesn't like to study alone even at his own desk upstairs, he wants to be where I am. So Anthony was delighted to have study time with his school friend.

It was a win because the family deeply respects doctors. 

It was a win because the father devoted his life to a career in Big Pharma, as a researcher (if you use a puffer for your asthma he helped to invent that). 

As we ate frozen lasagna (Anthony and I had to take a hit for the team, and ate the 'meat' one served. Anthony was worried and said, 'it tasted like beef'--I reassured him it was textured vegetable protein, or doctored up like Taco that really meat? Right?) and garlic bread, and talked about crazy people who don't believe vaccines work...the grandmother quoted something she had heard on the news just today as a cure for peanut allergy--expose the babies to licking it on the mom's finger very early on--to stop the epidemic...As we ate I felt like I was in 1982. 

Anthony was very magnanimous, and smiled broadly and said, as they spoke about disagreeing with the mom who thinks that vaccines hurt her children and gave them autism-'well, some people don't believe in them' and changed the subject.

The grandmother is very bright, and said, 'well, it is likely a genetic thing, but everyone is looking for someone or something to blame' about the autism.

I had just read today. It's not scientifically 'sound' as in peer-reviewed literature. But it was an eye-opener! So apparently I held my tongue but according to Anthony had a 'sour look on my face' the whole time. 

I knew how to 'crack the facade and run'--and I said, 'well...if it was true what the anti-vaccine people said, then it would be a tragedy that would be hard to accept' and I dropped it.

I raised the possibility. That's all you can do. What's more important is to be a friend.

What was my win?

The mother and son had been on the China trip with us. And she was talking about how 'everyone was close and got along'--and I didn't have that old pain come up from Anthony's dad and the teacher's romance. Amy--the mom--had been on their side--not mine, even when I had confided in her. It had almost ruined the friendship. But I've since healed, and can let people believe what they believe.

As daddy taught me, 'a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still'.

He taught me it's okay to let people disagree with you. 

He also taught me in chess, it's okay to be next to a powerful opponent piece, if you know the rules and move so it can't get you. It can't hurt you if you are out of it's reach. Even if you're right next to it.

Yours sincerely pavilion overlooking

I bring up the story with the many different viewpoints, and the kindness which smooths over the differences in conscious awareness to help you prepare for this,

Surprisingly, this Council didn't make me upset.

I can do a little better on it. 

So I will in a moment.

What the article describes is a situation we here in Southern California would call a 'Mexican Standoff':  I'm not going to budge until YOU give  in first, and the other person isn't going to budge on the issue until YOU make the first move. 

So you're both STUCK. 

The situation is getting nowhere and certainly there is no resolution in sight. 

That is a Mexican Standoff.  As it pertains tot he article, the Lightworker Community and Ground Crew say to the dark ones, 'I'm not going to forgive you for the things you have done which are against all decency'...and according to the Council, who openly challenges the Ground Crew and Lightworkers--and says--'in your other lifetimes YOU were the bloodthirsty evil ones too. Until you forgive you have no right to be on your claim of perfection'...

Dear Council, I think many of you may not have walked the earth in any incarnations like we have.

I think the sticking point is to both increase the awareness of the lies and tricks of our leaders of society, and to stop it from happening again...and THEN the forgiveness can take place. It's not good what is being done to the children here and now. It must stop. 

I'm not sure if you get that point,, Dear Council, and having mentioned it, let's move on to the something better.

Pikk Hermann or Tall Hermann is a tower of the Toompea Castle, on Toompea hill in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. The first part was built 1360-70. It was rebuilt (height brought to 45,6 m) in the 16th century. A staircase with 215 steps leads to the top

Here on earth after a conflict, the parents or teachers always force the two children to apologize. They must kiss and hug, even when angry. Or they have to 'say something nice about the other person'--even if they don't mean it. 

There's only so much for a parent to enforce. They can't change the heart of a the children go through the motions. 

So this is sort of a lie, a lie we are conditioned to accept as forgiveness, when clearly, it's not.

And in the situation with the team TWDNHOBIAH and the Light Worker Ground Crew--the situation is imbalanced due to the tendency of the first mentioned to distort the truth and deceive the others. This is even more of a deterrent to actual 'forgiveness' and makes what the council encourages us to do feel a lot like the forced apology we all experiences as children.

This describes the move forward. It takes courage and reassurance against self-destruction to move in the direction the Council asks.

TORRE DEL MAR, MALAGA, SPAIN-JUL 30: Seaplane Canadair CL-215 taking part in a exhibition on the 2nd airshow of Torre del Mar on July 30, 2017

Please note that this is a fire-plane that picks up water and can dump it on a fire far away...because what I am saying might be a little upsetting...Divine Mother incarnate herself has full memory of such lives the Council describes--lives in battle like a video game but in real life, and remembering killing a pregnant princess or queen.  She calls this her 'dark times' and has been working diligently to heal from them in this incarnation and possibly many others. 

I have known Twin Souls here who remember pushing their other twin off a cliff in a past life.

I've described at length the things I have done in my immediate past life--as a 'kitten'--doing what I was trained to do and being rewarded for it.

What I am saying is, what the Council is saying is REAL.  We did bad things, perhaps not in this incarnation, but certainly, in some of our thousands of other incarnations. 

So here is what I propose to help make the Councils admonition 'to forgive' a little easier to do, from the perspective of one who is incarnate like you:  be a friend to all. 

That's it. Starting with yourself, be a friend. And as you grow in this ability to overcome the self-hatred and self-loathing this society inflicts upon its members (ever try to look like Barbie? Hmmm? The woman who is physically impossible in proportions in real life but is a common girl's toy?) will be able to replenish your own 'cup' of self-worth and be able to help others, going back to 'filling the cup' as needed to maintain your energy balance and emotional reserve throughout the process.

Be a friend. 

The family last night responded well to my smiles, my hugs, my interest and engagement in what they were sharing in conversation.

Everyone is doing the best they can.

Even Kerth was doing the best he could when the Luciferian cult would kidnap him and indoctrinate  him and make him dress like a girl and call him Kathy. He needed to survive. 

The Baron and Bob and even Kerth's Luciferian Grandfather--were doing the best they could, to indoctrinate him into a 'good Luciferian' so Kerth would be prepared to take his place in their cult they had prepared for him. 

Kerth, fortunately, met with the Fabians, and through their therapy, was able to break the hold on him with the trauma-based mind control he had suffered. 

Depending on their circumstances, a person you meet is generally trying to be the best at what they have been conditioned to be. 

And everyone needs to feel like they are competent and of value.

So the forgiveness perhaps is a second step, dear Council.

What makes sense to those of us who are incarnate, is to be a solid friend, a source of positivity, unconditional love and acceptance--as well as to maintain healthy boundaries! of course!--in the lives of everyone who is around us. 

And by extending this friendship who all we meet--taking care not to become enmeshed, entangled or sucked into any belief system which is 'service to self' in the process--by being constant sources of YOU--your frequency, energy, mannerisms, witticisms, and the love--Earth will take on giant baby step in the direction towards the ultimate goal of Forgiveness, which will in turn tip the imbalance towards alignment with the natural flow of energy from Divine Creator. 

I hope this makes sense.

How about an example?

Sunburst Falls North Carolina. Beautiful cascading waterfall right along NC 215 just a few miles north of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Seen here with autumn colors on a misty day in October.

By the way, I felt a rush of love and joy when I saw this photo above. I'd had a poster with an inspirational saying on it when I was in junior high. I remember the forest one said, 'Give to the world the best you have and the best will come back to you.'  This one I forget the saying but I was delighted to know WHERE the image had come from. North Carolina. Cool. I feel the same soothing from the image as before, only now I know.

Back to the example, Dr. JV was a little irked when she sat at the table in the break room. She's overworked, a resident, in a program. I won't say what specialty.  She was distant and distracted. It's her third year, the final one. I asked her, 'is life any better now that you are a third year?'

Apparently the politics was getting her down. There's lots in her department. And there was some inspection by an accrediting committee. She felt like she had to present a distortion of the truth--and was encouraged to do this by her higher-ups--in order for the program to pass the inspection. 

I understood. 

I also understood the greater implication that when you start making allowances here and there, then in time, the conscience doesn't work any more, and one feels cheap and used. 

She also shared her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer on Mother's Day this year. It was caught early and she had a mastectomy.

But she didn't get time to be with her family due to her work schedule. And when she had a kidney stone in the summer, her first one, she was reprimanded for taking time off work. 'If you aren't admitted to a hospital and on your death bed;...the higher up threatened her, and she shared this dismissively like, 'this is what I signed up for, I guess'...she went on to explain how she asked for 'no surgery on Monday' (the ER was Friday night) and she worked the whole next week with a painful kidney stone that didn't yet pass. 

It was wrong.

Both of us knew it.

couldn't make it better but I got her story OUT.

And the other thing was that the elderly nurse at the other end of the break room table--apparently--was 'slipping'. The doctor had to remind her three times to prep the part of the foot the surgeon was going to operate on. The surgeon has noticed the high turnover in all of the positions, and rightly so noted that the quality of the patient care had dropped from its previous level. 

It was good for her to get that out, too. These things kept inside tend to fester. But with a supportive caring person, more often than not once shared the natural life tendency in the person will rally back towards balance and healthy mental outlook again. 

Group Harmony Concept Photo - Teamwork and Friendship Togetherness Happiness Concept. 215

Ross picked this photo.

He says, 'it's not singing Kumbaya' (his perception of the forced team-building, like the forced apologies, which are not always sincere)...'it's more fun, like a party, where everyone will want to join in'  on the incoming energies.

I have one thing to add, too. It's a tool I paid a lot of money to learn to use--from Anthony's therapy he had several years ago. It's worth every penny.  To validate people. Just to say something to help them feel like they are noticed, appreciated, and loved. There is a need for validation in almost everyone you meet.

And when your cup is full, it's easy to give.

Early morning view of new neighborhoods and Route 215 from the top of Lone Mountain in Northwest Las Vegas.

When I woke up I was told I would get a gift from Heaven. I just woke at two or three in the morning, to go to the bathroom.

I went to check on my phone for the time. And I could see the connection had been loose, and it wasn't charging.

I would have missed my alarm.

By the time I figured out the connection was really good and really charging, I was awake awake.

So I wrote.

Today is an early start and I've had some trouble getting to work on time.

Now the writing is done at the time I normal would wake up.

And I can take a shower.  Without haste.

That IS a gift, a gift of self-care.

How's the weight loss? It's going well. Not so much in 'dropping pounds for results' but in 'improvement in lifestyle and self-esteem'.  It's helped me to see the trigger of using food as a reward, or as a coping mechanism with my work stress.

I'm happier.

Remember that when you are engaged with self-improvement, self-awakening and self-awareness, as well as pursuing your own joy and dreams--you are detaching yourself from 'the matrix' for lack of a better word.

This weakens its hold on you, and strengthens your own sense of self mastery.

So be a friend! Fill your cup! And seek your JOY.

Gaia's a really pretty place to live, and your incarnation here has a short expiration date!

Why not make the most of it?

clap! clap!  (Ross says he endorses this blog statement!)

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple