Saturday, November 10, 2018

Dragon Breath

                                         Ultra wide display on shiny grey background

Last night I got off work around five p.m. This is early for me on a weekend, since most of my call duty is when Anthony is with his dad for the coparenting thing.

I decided to watch some videos about Freddie Mercury.  I watched many videos:

This got me thinking.

(Please note, you don't need to watch all of this stuff, I only provide the links just in case someone is curious what I actually watched).

I realized that I couldn't judge Freddie.

I've had my intuition for a long time, and shared my views on his 'insider's look' as shown in the  lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody.

He probably was trained in the occult, dark magic, and by the evidence of his influence on the crowds of fans--a high-ranking sorcerer in TWDNHOBIAH. 

I pick up that his Zanzibar youth may have been not unlike Kerth Barker's, and definitely SRA/MK Ultra was a possibility in both his boarding school in India and his neighborhood in the UK.

I was looking for clues in his performances and interviews--and I found it. The black and white costumes. The lack of really helping anyone. The desire to 'do what thou wilt'. 

I even looked to see if he had a deathbed conversion like the Baron, or as rumored, Anton La Vey. Even Aleister Crowley is rumored to have said, 'I'm perplexed' at the end. 

I couldn't find it.

Was Freddie a victim?

It was clear he accomplished a purpose for the agenda of TWDNHOBIAH. 

What I was grateful to experience, is a sense of Galactic, Higher Consciousness, where I realized I don't know the whole story. And I trust that Divine Justice will be carried out between Freddie and his Creator. 

This opened my heart to permit unconditional love for him. And compassion, for his life lesson of HIV/AIDS.

There are going to be more and more 'truths' coming out. As the Consciousness goes UP, you might be a little disappointed to learn of the hidden secrets coming to light about people you have paid money to go to their concerts, and been a big fan of them for most of your life.

It hurts.

Keep working on your own Vibration. And as it goes up, to the level way way up, you will start to see how everything is a story, and how people write their own stories. And furthermore that people may write their own stories they way they did because they were fed a whole bunch of crap while growing up...or like I suspect Freddie--who's statement 'I'm not adopted!' refers to the pain of many a celebrity child growing up in Monarch systems of cages and torture to indoctrinate them into that system of TWDNHOBIAH.

It is good not to condone lies and tricks of TWDNHOBIAH.  It is good to help awaken others--when they are ready for the information and approach you for it. 

Be careful on the urge to judge them. 

Just be glad the truth is out and they can't hurt anyone or themselves any more. 

Here is a very raw testimony from a survivor from such an upbringing: We ask for Reiki healing to be sent to all children who have had experiences like her, and for all of the many victims of sexual trauma and childhood abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, an spiritual). 

May everyone's truth come out into the open, and may unconditional love and the grace of Divine Mother and Divine Father heal this wound.

Empty sunny stylish minimalist modern living room with red sofa and white cushion, red heart-shaped pillow, red flowers and golden dragon decoration on the wall. 21:9 proportions. 3D rendering

Our countdown is 219. I just learned something about the 21:9 proportions--wide screen--all the photos today have that orientation. 

Dragon Breath is an awareness and an opening of your higher consciousness. It's like the veil having a great big hole in an area, and you see something for the first time.

For me, the other day, I realized how ridiculous the concept is of searching for Mr. or Mrs. 'Right' when you are single. I saw clearly how everyone I ever was in a relationship with was prearranged, as in, 'teacher and student' for my next course of Life Lessons.

If it's in your Life Contract, you meet the person, and it's been decided LONG before you ever were born! 

It certainly isn't romantic however if it's in the stars for you to experience romantic love that lasts, you will. You probably will have health issues, or money issues, or some other 'Major Lesson' and 'Minor Lesson' along the way.

This clarity combined with non-judgement and compassion and unconditional love is the Dragon's Breath.

Another friend wrote to tell me she saw a fairy.  It flew into her kitchen. She is very spiritual, and had just talked to a tree because they were trimming it, and it told her where to trim so it would be okay. Then the fairy showed itself, the wings were blurry but the body was easy to see.

She thought she wasn't sure what to think of it--crazy? normal?

I assured her both my mother and I have seen fairies, and to be sure to show gratitude to them by speaking to them with your mind.

They like that. 

Hong Kong, China - March 25th 2018 : Air New Zealand Boeing 777-219 inflight mid-air after taking off from Hong Kong International Airport on Chek Lap Kok island.

We are on our way. I know a friend was a little apprehensive because what if Ascension is just a big making us look back at ourselves from two years ago and seeing how we have changed?

Super disappointment! Just like the mean swim teacher when I was five, who kept telling me to swim to her and scooting back. I challenged her on that, she lied and said she wasn't. At the other side of the pool, the 'WOW! Look what you just did!' to 'make it better' was completely lost on me. I was disgusted with her for her lies, and resent her to this day. I forgave her. But her techniques were worthy of cavemen and dinosaurs and not kind or from the heart in any way whatsoever.

I had asked my team if perhaps we could have a change like when you play with a magnet dust board, or an Etch-A-Sketch, and just wipe it clean to start over?

It will be something like that.

But This new message from The Council on Priorities spells it out for you on what to anticipate even more.

Ross has been quiet, both with me, and with you here. That always means he's attending to his other responsibilities.

I trust in him.

He asks us to observe the onset of the Dragon Breath in our world. It's unmistakeable and will make things easier for everyone all the way around.

Again, we love ALL PEOPLE.  No matter their sexual orientation, religion, belief system, or what they have done.  We love everyone.

Our presence here on Earth at this time is to establish loving support and healing for anyone who has been traumatized by the experience of being incarnate (which is just about everyone who walks the earth, only some more so than others!) and to permit the nurturing, warmth, love, and compassion of the Higher Realms--along with the expertise of Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael--help us get back on track again as a collective, and to start over with something worthwhile as a Life Experience for EVERYONE.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple