Monday, March 5, 2018

All Hands On Deck!

Things are moving along at a tremendous pace!

Ross and his teams are cleaning up. This has been taking place for about two days now. 

Changes are inevitable, and changes are good.

Remember, what changes within us will bring visible changes in the world that we live. The higher the vibration of the soul with its Consciousness...the more what is hidden shall come to the light.

Many souls on Earth, especially those of you who read these messages, are master craftsmen at working with the Consciousness. You have been especially selected for this assignment. And what brings you joy is precisely what is in your skill set and assignment. Your heart will guide you, your guides will nudge you, and things that make you feel alive and well and contributing are signs you are 'on the right track'.

Yesterday I noticed this recipe on the package of sesame seeds. I made tahini for the first time. I roasted the sesame seeds. I put them in the food processor. Ross was funny, he had me look up how much new food processors cost. He was making a point. Mine is thirty years old, a junior size, I love it but I am missing a part. It's the plastic disc that doesn't cut but helps the slices fly out the chute for slicing. This tiny Cuisinart is a joy because our next door neighbor's kids bought it for my wedding with their own money, eighty dollars back then, and it has brought me more joy than anything!

Ross's request was a reality check. Mine can only hold two cups. Barely. Seven cup ones are under one hundred dollars.

I didn't buy, but I know that some things need to be replaced, and an old appliance no matter how much loved, is still an old appliance.

I made the cookie recipe in three small batches on baking sheets. The first was a sticky mess. The second I managed to roll into balls. But the third one I remembered to press the ball with my thumb like the recipe said.

These are honey-sweetened, flourless cookies. They are completely dairy-free.

When they were done, Ross told me they were his favorite.

I tasted one and it was a little lacking...but he said try it with milk and it was very good with milk.

It made me smile.

Anthony didn't like them. But Jared, who had just dropped Anthony off, enjoyed them and was glad it was a healthier option.

These days of coercion are coming to an end. 

I just finished reading It Sounds True yesterday too.

From what I understand, our Consciousness is like having the remote in our hand, and there is an endless selection of states of being and experiencing we can select. Our body might be here in the physical, but there are no limits to what you can experience in DreamTime. And DreamTime is REAL.

The whole 'row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream' is going to take on new meaning in a big way.

And this is out assurance to you that everything is under control, we are in good hands, and your happiness matters both to us and to Divine Creator.


I have nothing up my sleeve! Good sailing is ahead! ALL HANDS ON DECK! (he does the sailor whistle thingy--ed)

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins